View Full Version : Painkillers for cats?

12-31-2006, 01:54 PM
Hi, My first post in the kitty section! Last night our Triskit (13 years old, ginger cat) could not put any weight on his back right leg, would flinch or cry if it was touched. He had been for his evening walk with us and the dogs at 5:00 and then he was mostly sleeping on the bed.

This morning he is still in pain, although moving around. Will not let the leg touch the floor. I can't feel anything wrong, but thinking perhaps it's something in the hips (he once had a few days of no strength in the back legs). Of course, it's a long weekend and my vet is closed until Tuesday, and I'm trying to avoid ER at $$$$$

Is there anything that we can give them as a painkiller/anti-inflammatory? Petsmart doesn't sell anything and google says human painkillers are deadly to cats.

12-31-2006, 03:23 PM
I don't know of any over the counter pain killers that are OK for cats. Definitely do NOT give aspirin to a cat!!!

All I can think to say is that you will have to decide about the emergency vet.

01-02-2007, 08:37 PM
You need to get the cat to the vet. Do NOT under any circumstances give human medicine to a cat without the direction from a vet. It could be fatal.

01-02-2007, 09:25 PM
I know that this situation for deciding on the ER or not is past (being it's already Tues.) however for future info...

Asprin/Tylenol/ibuprofin etc. are DEADLY to cats!

At 13 it's possible the cat has the beginnings of arthritis (Dusty was started on glucosamine at around 13 yrs old)

However being the cat is holding a leg up following excercize with the dogs, I'd be concerned about having pulled a muscle or injured the leg.

01-02-2007, 10:26 PM
Almost sounds like a torn cruciate (ACL), which would possible require surgery or at the very least total confinement until it healed. but like catlady711 said you cant rule out arthritis. but the non-weight bearing makes me think cruciate. being 13 years old surgery could be tricky. I am interested to hear what your vet says.

01-02-2007, 10:57 PM
Almost sounds like a torn cruciate (ACL), which would possible require surgery or at the very least total confinement until it healed. but like catlady711 said you cant rule out arthritis. but the non-weight bearing makes me think cruciate. being 13 years old surgery could be tricky. I am interested to hear what your vet says.

I thought about ACL, however we mostly see that in dogs, I don't know how common it is in cats, but if this were a dog it would be one of my guesses. I'd like to find out what the vet says too. ;)