View Full Version : What's your New Year's Resolution?

12-30-2006, 09:58 PM
Mine? The typical lose weight. I lost all of my pregnancy weight when I was breastfeeding, but after I stopped, my appetite didn't so I gained most of it back.

My other one is to pursue my dream of becoming a pastry chef.


12-30-2006, 11:05 PM
Mine is also losing weight. I don't have to lose a whole bunch... maybe 15 pounds.
I've been off and on dieting and using crash diets for the past year and I'm sick of it. I'm doing it the right way this year and I'll keep it off.

12-30-2006, 11:13 PM
MY New Year's Resolution? :rolleyes:

Oh, It's the Same one I had , last Year~ :D


If you REST , you RUST!! :o

12-30-2006, 11:18 PM
For the last few years, mine has been to lose weight...never do though...

12-30-2006, 11:48 PM
My New Years resolution is finding a church that I can get involved with.

12-31-2006, 07:34 AM
The same resolution I make every day and that is to find a way to eat and control my appetite so I will lose weight.

12-31-2006, 08:01 AM
To take more walks with the dogs. It seems that I always vow I will do this and then the weather is either too hot or too cold. I say to myself "I will begin in the fall, or I will begin in the spring." I really need to begin NOW as it is the warmest winter so far that I can remember. This would be good for me and the dogs would be so happy if I would follow through. :)

12-31-2006, 09:22 AM
To lose some weight,to get organized(I can never find anything :o ),to be happy,and to brush the cats more(I do it once or twice a week)

12-31-2006, 09:26 AM
I gained about 15 pounds last winter so I'd like to get that off. My SIL and I are doing it together, which should motivate me a bit. :)

12-31-2006, 09:50 AM
To get our small animal rescue in full throttle. =]
My parents finally agreed to allow us to take in smaller animals that are in need of finding a forever home. I have loads of money saved up, but I still need to get it advertised and get the details set. Since there are absolutely no small animal rescues in our area, we'll also take in smaller birds & reptiles, too.

I also want to learn how to crochet.. or knit.

& to get my dad to teach me morse code! :D I've wanted to learn ever since I was a wee kid listening to stories about my grandad in the war(he was one of those people who translated morse code & such).

I also really want to go back to being vegan(I'm just a vegetarian now)... but we'll see how that goes.

12-31-2006, 01:25 PM
To do more

In general I just don't d enough and want to do more.

there's lots but a few specifics

to do more to get my new and old busness going strong or to get the new one going strong enough I can close the old one and not be hounded by creditors because aside from raising prices not sure there's much more I can do for the old one. for the new one I am sending emails out to potential clients and hopefly if a few bite I can afford to hard mail fliers out and do calls too. Well calls don't cost anything for local so that would be the next step really.

To do more in daily life, take the time to be neater, tidier and more organized and things along those lines.

A little more me tie that isn't just computer time

12-31-2006, 01:39 PM
Keep working on paying off my debts, reorganize the outdated parts of my website, and get more fresh air.

12-31-2006, 04:36 PM
To take more walks with the dogs. It seems that I always vow I will do this and then the weather is either too hot or too cold. I say to myself "I will begin in the fall, or I will begin in the spring." I really need to begin NOW as it is the warmest winter so far that I can remember. This would be good for me and the dogs would be so happy if I would follow through. :)

I've always vowed that too. I usually can find excuses in the winter time
but with this mild weather we've had, I've taken the poochies for a walk
a couple times a week. They love it & I do feel so much better afterwards. :)