View Full Version : Training idea's?!?

12-30-2006, 07:59 PM
Sorry so many questions and postings today...i've just been working alot and cleaning the house and such, so i havent had much time to get on here and post them!
Where would i go to get any of my pups into guide dog training?

12-30-2006, 08:06 PM
Are you blind?

I mean, no offense -- but why would you want to put them into guide dog training? Do you want to donate them to an organization?

12-30-2006, 08:11 PM
no no no...haha! im just tossing idea's around in my head on things i can do to help cainan! in one of my other post about cainan's little scared epidemic i got alot of good tips and suggestions for him! and im just thinking of different things he could be doing and learning to help build his confidence and to get him around more people! if things go well with him i'd probably want to get corona in something like that! Coco knows her commands very well so she doesnt necessarily need much of that sorta stuff! corona is young and i want to get her started on a good track to learning and building confidence! She loves people now but i just want to help get her use to commands and things like that! I could always do something through a petco or petsmart, but i just thought something different would be a neat thing to try instead of those! sorry...i should probably change the name...here ill go do that!

12-30-2006, 08:14 PM
With *MANY* guide dog organizations they don't start truly training the puppies until they are at least a year old, and that is normally one on one with a handler.

I'd suggest obedience classes -- maybe agility? I'm sure you have a kennel club in your area that holds many different classes that you can bring your kids to and build their self confidence.

12-30-2006, 08:21 PM
I don't think you can put your own dog into guide dog training. Most guide dog trainers are actually organizations that breed dogs for guide work -- the pups go into foster homes that take them out into public and give them basic obedience until they are older and come back and spend months in training, and are sold for thousands of dollars to their new homes. It takes alot of time and money for them to do this and most dogs will not make it if they don't have the right temperament. I don't think they will just accept an adult and train it for someone (especially when guide dogs can run for $20,000 +).

If you are looking at building confidence I'd look into agility training and try out some herbal remedies. Check out your health food store and see what sort of flower essences and herbs they have to combat whatever problem he's having.

12-30-2006, 08:26 PM
are those things okay for him though? i guess i've never tried any of the herbal stuff so im not very knowledgable about it but dogs can have that stuff?

12-30-2006, 08:37 PM
Tho I don't know your exact problem, rescue remedy pretty much helps everything and is specifically marketed towards animals.

12-30-2006, 08:38 PM
yeah, I don't think you can make your own dog a guide dog. What about looking into one of your dogs being a therapy dog? :)

12-30-2006, 09:28 PM
that would be neat too! i guess cainan is always at my side, even when im mad at him and he knows he's in trouble, im his "human" i guess and he never leaves me, i think something like that would be perfect for him because i think it would make him gain alot of confidence to finally be able to "help" me instead of walk beside me! anyone have any information on that?