View Full Version : For Dixieland Dancer

06-18-2002, 07:08 PM
I was thinking about what you told me in the previous post. When hand feeding the dog, do I go a little by hand then just give it to her? She doesn't seem to like eatting out of my hand, and she won't at 1st, then she does. As for barking, shes been at it ALL day, I'm trying to study, so It's hard to correct her for it everytime someone walks by (which is a lot, its getting nice out) How is saying come here girl! Teaching her?? I don't mean that as it doesn't, but I'm just trying to learn why so I can make sure I'm doing it right. Thanks a lot. :D

Dixieland Dancer
06-18-2002, 09:49 PM
I think we have a major misunderstanding of my previous posts. You are not just to feed her the food from your hand, she is to be earning it from your hand. Use that time to teach her to speak and to not speak. It's the nothing if free theory. She has to work for her food. I do the rounds with sits, downs, speaks, shake, heel, back up, stand, etc... If I have one problem area then that is where I concentrate my efforts. If the dog does good for the first few bites then I set the bowl down and they can have the rest. They deserved it. If I get mediocre work out of them then I do one of two things. 1. I put the food up and try again in a little while or 2. I give them the basic of work just so they can have success and eat.

"Come here girl" is not teaching her anything. The command is a one word phrase such as QUIET or STOP! These are the commands you are teaching in your training sessions. She does not understand come here girl. She may understand COME if you teach her that but that is not what will get her to stop barking.

I hope this clears things up. If not then let me know. I think your effort to figure this out is wonderful. You and Jo will benefit once it clicks.

06-19-2002, 07:41 AM
Thanks, and sorry, I didn't say everything, I was asking her to sit and stuff, but then I'd give her the food. I just wasn't sure :X

About the one word phrase, my moms friends dog listens to that? You can talk to her like a human and she hangs off every word and does it. Like "What have you done? you know what you have to do now" or something and it will go lay down or do whatever..I duno exactly, but something like that.

Dixieland Dancer
06-19-2002, 07:49 AM
I use phrases with Dixie and Dusty like "Do you have to go Potty?" and "Are you guys hungry", "Who wants to go out?" or "Want to go for a car ride". These are phrases that they understand but I never use them to shape a desired behavior such as speak or quiet. These commands need to crystal clear and not open for interpretation. A lot is how you say it to and your body language.

If I'm standing at the door and asking them if they want to go out, then it is not hard for them to see I am standing at the door and that is how they go out. Plus the word out is a clue word. Almost all phrases have clue words associated with them.

If you want to use phrases to get Jo to stop barking then it still needs to be a consistent phrase and it needs to be taught. I think it just confuses the issue more.

06-19-2002, 08:45 AM
Ohh, ok. I get ya now ;) lol. As for barking in general, I try to get her attention away from the ppl outside, like asking her to come, or saying "quiet". She totally ignores me though. I try playing to get her attention and she just wants to bark. It can be really annoying when your studying and you hear a "rrrrr....rrrrrrrrr...oof....WOOF!! ROOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOWO!!!!!!" Only doggy sounding ;) And this is when everyone/anyone walks by.