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View Full Version : We Just Had An Earthquake !!!

06-18-2002, 01:20 PM
Hey, Guess what, Indy just an earthquake.My office chair
moved like I was on a boat. Pretty scarey...It is being reported
as anywhere from a 4.4 to 5.0 magnitude. The radio station
in honor of the occasion played Carol King's "I feel the earth
move under my feet".:D :D :D Liz.

Former User
06-18-2002, 01:25 PM
That must have been scary! I hope everything is okay there? Good choice of song though, LOL!

06-18-2002, 01:26 PM
oh my , I would be soooooo scared .....!
Does this happen often where you live ???

06-18-2002, 01:27 PM
How scary! Now I have that song stuck in my head....

Did it cause much damage? Is your family OK?

06-18-2002, 01:28 PM
lol to the radio station

Glad it wasn't any worse than it was!!

When I was little, I slept through one--I remember Mom comin' in and wakin' me up--did you feel the earthquake? Luckily, it was a little one and did little to no damage to the town.

06-18-2002, 01:38 PM
Indianapolis has had a lot of smaller ones, but not quite this
strong. We were sitting in our cubes at work, when the floor
just undulated. Lasted only 20-30 seconds. The epicenter
was near Evansville, Ind. in the souther part of the state.Just
thought I'd better document my last hours on earth.LOL. :D :D

Well everyone's still working away, no evacuations or anything.
No reports of any damages yet on the tv websites, or radio.:eek:

06-18-2002, 02:04 PM
You made the news! It was a 5.O quake with minor damage. CNN and Fox both had updates. Don't you feel special? Seriously, I'm so glad you all are safe and sound. Be safe!

Dixieland Dancer
06-18-2002, 02:09 PM
Glad you are safe! :D Give Buddy a extra hug for me when you get home. He was probably scared too. :(

06-18-2002, 02:42 PM
LOL. You guys... :) Candy, Yes I'll ask Buddy about it if he's
awake when I get home. Nothing scares that boy except the
dreaded "rug sucker". LOL. :D

06-18-2002, 03:51 PM
WOW Lizbud - how scary that must be!!! Your sooooo brave.


06-18-2002, 03:56 PM
Lizbud, I'm glad you're safe! We've never experienced an earthquake in Denmark, luckily - but a storm is on the way! They said on the news just now that roofs had blown off in western Denmark and that we can expect it here by midnight. I see lightening now and hear a distant rumble - uhhh, spooky! :D No, I'm not scared!
Anyway, I've secured the backyard cat's house with an extra wooden beam and put a heavy brick on, so he'll be safe and dry! :) One time, years ago the cats houses in the yard had flown away. :( That won't happen again!!
Fister was sitting in the window with a strange look in his eyes but have now fled into bed with John, he may think New Years Eve are coming early. :eek:
Well, let's see - it may be heading north and we won't even notice.

06-18-2002, 04:05 PM

Please be safe !!! Storms are what really scare me.Thunder
and wild lightning & high winds.:eek: Hold on to Fister.:D Liz.

06-18-2002, 04:18 PM
Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!:eek: Just relieved to hear you are alright!:) Liz, ask Connie (momoffuzzyfaces) about storms! She's in tornado land and has had a few close calls lately! I live on Cape Cod....it's almost hurricaine season; let you know!:D

06-18-2002, 04:43 PM
We didn't feel it here in Fort Wayne. Must be the New Madrid working up to that big one that they keep predicting. I wonder how many people realize that the strongest earthquake in U.S. history was along the New Madrid in the 1880s. It was so strong that the Mississippi ran backwards for a week, and the orginal town is now under the Mississippi since it changed course.

Liz, I hope you're not too stressed, as far away as you are a 4.5 or 5 isn't going to do any damage to you.

06-18-2002, 04:53 PM
Wow! That is pretty unusual for Indy isn't it? I remember we had a small one here when I was in 8th grade...we had no idea what it was at first cause who in Ohio had ever felt one? I think there was one in Chile today today too. i think that was a little stronger...6. something.

Glad you are okay!

06-18-2002, 06:40 PM
Cincy's Mom,

It's unusual to feel a quake in Indy, but not at all rare.
I think small ones happen all the time, we don't realize
it till it gets a little stronger. We do have that major fault
that Molly spoke of along the southern end of Indiana.
The last one I remember feeling was years ago. I was at
home, in the bathroom.(perfect place to enperience a quake).

The pictures on the wall fell off onto the floor. I exited the
bathroom and went outside to look around. Other neighbors
came outside with that same puzzling look on their faces.
" DID YOU FEEL THAT ? " Sure let's you know who's really
"IN CHARGE" in this world and it's sure not humans.:D

p.s. Momofuzzyfaces, Sandra says to ask you about Storms?

06-18-2002, 07:01 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
p.s. Momofuzzyfaces, Sandra says to ask you about Storms? Yea, it's been a wild and woolly spring here in Kansas. Of course being in the middle of Tornado Alley accounts for some of it. We've had tons of rain and lots of storms the last two months. Our town has been lucky and except for some flooding and some of us being with out power for a while, we've done ok. I have an aunt though who lives two counties over and their whole town had massive wind damage. Every house in town was damaged somewhat. There were at least 7 tornados spotted in that storm. Strangley enough now they say the fires in Colorado are making storms in Kansas. ??? I keep God's angels on full alert in case they are needed. The few people who have died in the storms have been because of floods. Trying to drive through a flooded road is a big no no. We've actually had TWO days in a row with no rain. Yipeee!!:D

4 feline house
06-18-2002, 09:28 PM
We were just discussing that on another newsgroup. The person in Indiana said all her cats got fat tails!

06-18-2002, 10:03 PM

Yes , Indiana has had a very wet spring also. The farmers
lost most of the early plantings due to floods. Have had trees
blown down & some power outages. We've had a lot of
flooding in the state in rural areas near the rivers. City folks
are still plugging along. :D Liz & Buddy.

06-18-2002, 10:48 PM
Yow! Glad you weathered the quake with no damage. They do jangle nerves, don't they? I missed this on the news, so when I saw the title of your post I thought, "Does LizBud live in California??" :o :o Sorry to be so provencial.

{{{hugs to you and your critters!}}}

06-19-2002, 01:19 AM
http://pages.prodigy.net/rogerlori1/emoticons/eek8.gif I'm glad that everything is okay Liz. Since I've been living in California, I've experienced quite a few earthquakes. They're always a bit scary no matter what size they are.

06-19-2002, 02:53 AM
I'll have to check the US geo page (they track the shakers and post data) for the New Madrid you mention - Love the "fat tails" reference!! We mostly get the aftershocks down here, but my Mr. insists we're going to move before California reorganizes itself.

Shakers can definitely make you feel insecure - I remember when that Carole King song first came out (oops, dated!) - we used to laugh at the concept of that being, like, pleasant -?!

Grasshopper usually doubles in size when "the earth moves under her feet . . ."

06-19-2002, 08:07 AM
OOOOOOOOOH a MOVER HUH!!! :eek: :eek: pretty unusual for Indy - there was one here a long time ago and yeah, they're really freaky. Guess you Northern Californians are used to that, but nevertheless they're nerve wracking!!!!!

06-19-2002, 08:27 AM
Kohala, tell hubby he doesn't have much to worry about since the reorganization isn't expected to occur for another million years or so! lol THEN, you better consider moving because Southern California will be subducted under Alaska! hehehe

And that New Madrid has been a nasty little cuss over the course of history...odd that it's that powerful since it's not on a plate boundary or anything! Can you give me the web address for the USGS site so I can check it out?? Thanks!! Tell hubby thanks for continuing to keep our country safe.

Cinder & Smoke
06-19-2002, 11:16 AM
Here's a link to the U.S. Geological Survey Earthquake web site...

USGS Earthquake Web Site (http://earthquake.usgs.gov/)

The front page has a link to coverage of the Magnitude 5.0 Quake in "Darmstadt, IN", which happened Tuesday, June 18, 2002.

And :eek: there was anudder one: Magnitude 5.3 Shake in "Bayview, CA" on Monday, June 17, 2002.

Been a while since we had one in NE Ohio...

06-19-2002, 04:41 PM
Thanks Phred...I'll have to add it to my favorites.

06-19-2002, 07:00 PM
Thanks for the link to USGS - I'll add it to my favorites, as it really interests me - and I think we get more movers down here in SoCal than they do in the North - anyone know?

still lol over the fat tails!!!!!!!

06-19-2002, 07:31 PM
4feline house,

Sorry I did not understand the " fat tails " comment. I never
hear that expression before.:o

Cinder & Smokey's dad, Thanks for the link.I like that kind
of stuff also.

06-19-2002, 08:07 PM
You would get more shakers in SoCal than up north because of the San Andreas fault line.

06-19-2002, 08:27 PM
wow hope you all are ok

06-19-2002, 09:59 PM
Originally posted by 4 feline house
We were just discussing that on another newsgroup. The person in Indiana said all her cats got fat tails!
Y'know, when they get scared? lol again!

09-20-2002, 03:02 PM
WOW..... This time it's Tornadoes !!!:eek:

Indianapolis and all the surrounding towns are under
Tornado watchs and warnings for 1 1/2 hours now. Reports
we are getting is of trees down, street lights out,cars blown
and lifted into yards, roofs blown off houses. All of the offices
were evacuated and we were instructed to gather in the
center of the building, away from any windows. The heaviest
storms seem to have passed through Indy and are heading
towards the Muncie area. I sure hope I have a house in one
piece when I get home. Electrical power would be nice also.
Hope the pup & kitties aren't too scared. Liz.

09-20-2002, 03:15 PM
Wow, that must be scary, anybody know what kind of natural disasters occur in Alaska? I mean besides snowstorms, duh. Cause that is my favorite state and I am going there when I grow up. :cool:

09-20-2002, 03:19 PM
In my opinion, it would be cool to get tornados and hurricanes and stuff. It would be fun!! I have no idea why, but I looove action and escaping from things and stuff. Anyway, hope you're okay, and the pets too. By the way, since you live in Indiana, do you know anybody named Andrew Scheef? He was my old orchestra teacher and then he moved to Indianapolis (like I know how to spell that). :)

09-20-2002, 03:32 PM
Gosh Liz, I hope all is well at your home and that everythings fine. Please keep us posted.

FloppsyLadySally if you decide not to become a vet, you may want a career with the weather channel. I think you would make a good hurricane hunter or tornado chaser. I dislike tornados with a passion myself but lots of people are intrigued by them and enjoy filming them. (This is not meant to be rude in anyway. You just seem to have the spirit for adventure that storm filmers seem to have too.):)

09-20-2002, 03:45 PM
Liz, I also hope all is ok for you. I have relatives in Greenwood.

09-20-2002, 04:00 PM

Not to alarm you to much, but Greenwood was hit pretty
hard by these storms.Don't know of any loss of life or
anything, but some major businesses were hard hit.A lot
of property damage .

09-20-2002, 04:45 PM
Gosh! Lots of weather happening right now! I hope everyone is safe and sound. Especially those furries that have no idea what's going on.

Aren't eq's fun?:eek: I've lived in Southern CA my whole life and have experienced quite a few...but you never get used to them. They are scary. Especially when my hubby hides with the cats! :rolleyes:

Glad you are OK. I was surprised to see where you lived, I had no idea you had active faults over there...and I just took a Geology class...hmm. ;)

09-20-2002, 06:54 PM

I just heard The storms made the evening news on ABC.
Yes the furbabies were all o.k. & house was still standing
when I got home. Smokey Joe & the kitties were acting
normal. The tornadoes touched down at the southern edge
of Indy, also struck towns south & neighborhoods on the
east side of Indy. I just looked out my window as I logged
on just now and I saw the most beautiful rainbow I've seen
in years. Absolutely gorgeous !!!! I like to think it was Buddy's
way of saying "It's o. k. now Mom." I've alway's been uneasy
in violent t-storms, or tornado weather watches, but He was
always calm as a cucumber. Bless his heart. Liz.

09-20-2002, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
... saw the most beautiful rainbow ... "It's o. k. now Mom." ...

Oh, such a sweet, comforting thought. {{{Liz}}}

09-20-2002, 08:20 PM
I always thank God when I see a rainbow...they come at such wonderful times. :)

Glad everyone is OK. :)

09-20-2002, 08:33 PM
We really just DID have an earthquake.. 16 miles below the surface so it's shallow and we can expect aftershocks. Apprently some people have some cracked plaster and broken dishes but no injuries reported. It was a 4.0 magnitute. It happened at 5:59pm my time and it's 6:28pm right now. I was sitting at my desk and I saw Bassett come slinking into my room, and I heard what I thought was a door slamming and the floor kinda vibrated, and then it sounded like LOTS of doors slamming and it really started to shake. Bassett went tearing under the bed, Tilly jumped up and eventually went under the bed, and I grabbed the kitten and got under the desk.

I'm just so scared right now. I've never been in an earthquake before and I realised that I have no way of protecting my cats :(

09-20-2002, 08:41 PM

You did the right thing to get under your desk. I know its really scary and especially when you worry about where your animals are...they have no idea what's happening.

I'm sorry you are scared....I'll be thinking about you.

Take care,
Kelly :)

Cinder & Smoke
09-20-2002, 08:49 PM
Originally posted by Nomilynn
We really just DID have an earthquake...

Yepperz! You had a :eek: quake...
"20 September 5:55 p.m.: M=4.1 earthquake 16 km east of Victoria. Felt across southern Vancouver Island and surrounding region.

Not much info in on it yet - but here's a page to check on:

Natural Resources Canada page. (http://www.pgc.nrcan.gc.ca/seismo/table.htm)

Hang Onto the FurKids!!

09-20-2002, 09:13 PM
Thanks for the replys. I'm slowly calming down as more time passes, and Bassett just came and sat with me for a while :)

09-20-2002, 09:15 PM
I wondered who got hit by the weather today. I heard about it, but didn't find out where. Thanks for telling us Liz. We just got hammered with rain. We had tornado watches, but no warnings and I was just on the weather channel and they cancelled all the watches for here. I hope all is well. I wonder if Rosie was affected at all. Maybe I should call her. I'm glad all was in one piece when you got home. I'll bet Buddy was watching over the furkids at your house just for you.

09-20-2002, 09:57 PM

I'm glad you had no damage from the storms. After I got
home and found everyone o. k. & called my sister & her
husband in Martinsville (lost power & will not have electric
for at least 24-48 more hours), but no damage to their house.
Dining on take out by candle light tonight.:)

I thought about Rosie too. The SS shelter is right smack
in the middle of a hard hit area of the southside. I will
call tomorrow also to see if they need any help. I pray
that the Shelter & furkids there are alright. Liz.

09-20-2002, 10:54 PM
Where I live there are no earthquakes and I have never been in one and hope to never be! It sounds too scary. I have however been in a tornado. I was camping with my parents in Sherwood Park (just outside of Edmonton, AB) and it went right over our heads in the campground! It was neat too see but scary at the same time. It didn't touch down where we were, it hit the trailerpark quite a few miles away from us.

I hope everyone was ok after the earthquake! Is that considered a big earthquake?

09-21-2002, 07:52 AM
No turner a 4.1 isn't THAT bad, just enough to do a little damage, but not much if any loss of life. Just FYI...the Richter Scale is a logrithmic scale so the intensity goes up 10 times with each number. So a 4 is 10,000 times more intense than a 1...but then a 1 is barely felt right over the epicenter!

Liz, if there was a lot of damage to her place, I may drive down to help too. I'll call and find out. Maybe Max and Sammy can come too and help! lol So, you didn't lose power, but your sister did, is that right? 24-48 hours with no power is a bummer, but at least there wasn't any damage. It sounds like the BAD storms were all well south of us. It just rained cats and dogs (pardon the medieval response) here. Again, I'm glad that all is well at your house.

09-21-2002, 09:18 AM
Originally posted by lizbud

The tornadoes touched down at the southern edge
of Indy, also struck towns south & neighborhoods on the
east side of Indy. I just looked out my window as I logged
on just now and I saw the most beautiful rainbow I've seen
in years. Absolutely gorgeous !!!! I like to think it was Buddy's
way of saying "It's o. k. now Mom." I've alway's been uneasy
in violent t-storms, or tornado weather watches, but He was
always calm as a cucumber. Bless his heart. Liz.

Liz, I thought about you when I heard the news about tornadoes in mid Indiana. Thanks for reporting in. The Rainbow just had to be from Buddy. I truly believe it.

09-21-2002, 09:46 AM

I called Rosie and she just called me back. They were extremely lucky and had no damage at all. She thanked me profusely for caring enough to call! lol One more bullet dodged. She does such good work for so little, I wish we had more money to donate, because she would get it.

Btw...if anyone reading this thread is interested in Rosie's shelter it's the Southside Animal Shelter on the (conveniently enough) south side of Indianapolis. Her web address is www.ssasi.org . She runs totally on donations and is the only no kill shelter in all of Marion County (Indianapolis takes up the entire county). She has a very small staff, but they all care so much for the animals.

09-21-2002, 01:41 PM

I too called Rosie before I left to take Smokey to the vet
for his 2nd shots & check up. She thanked me as well. She
said she was happy that we cared enough to think of them.
Like, how could we not? That lady is an angel & really makes
a difference for soooo many little furkids.:)

btw, there's a great picture of a kitty being re-united
with it's very grateful human companion in this morning's
paper. http://www.indystar.com

just click on photo gallery. The picture is priceless!!!


About the Rainbow, I so agree. it was from my Buddy.
I honestly felt his spirit all around me. It's hard to describe
the feeling I had when I saw it, but I knew instantly who
guided me to look out the window at that particular moment.
Hugs to Hannah & Tucker. Liz.

09-21-2002, 02:11 PM
Originally posted by lizbud
... btw, there's a great picture of a kitty being re-united
with it's very grateful human companion in this morning's
paper. ...

WONDERFUL photo! That was a pretty miraculous story about the mother and her 4-year-old son in the mini-van being flung so many blocks (4? 6?) and walking away from the trashed van without a scratch, too! WOW!!! :cool: :eek: :D

09-21-2002, 02:35 PM
Glad to hear everyone is doing ok:)

09-21-2002, 05:18 PM
Originally posted by momoffuzzyfaces
FlopsyLadySally if you decide not to become a vet, you may want a career with the weather channel. I think you would make a good hurricane hunter or tornado chaser. I dislike tornados with a passion myself but lots of people are intrigued by them and enjoy filming them. (This is not meant to be rude in anyway. You just seem to have the spirit for adventure that storm filmers seem to have too.):)

Wow, tornado chasers! I would love to do that!! I didn't know they had such a thing!! Oh my god that would be really fun! Anyway, I'll think about it when I am deciding what to do in college. Thanks for that idea! Weather is a cool field to go into!:D

09-21-2002, 05:34 PM
oh no, I have felt those in Ca, they are scary! I would hate to see what my cats would do in one of those!

09-21-2002, 06:11 PM
I'm so glad that everyone is fine. :) Earthquakes and tornados can be very scary. :eek: