View Full Version : Pearl's Not Feeling Well

12-22-2006, 10:47 AM
Hi, as some you may remember Pearl was very sick not too long ago. She has some kind of rodent ulcer thing going on and it's an immune deficiency disorder. Her bottom lip is swollen again and she was doing well until this morning. She's now lethargic, won't eat, and may also have a fever.:( I have a vet appointment at 4:20pm today and I hope that they'll be able to help her and that she's not as sick as I think she is. I'll update you as soon as I know anything. Please send some positive thoughts her way. Thanks.

12-22-2006, 10:49 AM
Poor Precious Pearl! I hope with some antibiotics and a bit of prednisone, you will be back to your beautiful self in no time!

Get well soon!

Killearn Kitties
12-22-2006, 10:50 AM
Oh no! We will be keeping everything crossed that little Pearly feels better for Christmas.

12-22-2006, 10:51 AM
:( Oh my my Poor Pearl.. We will get lots of Whisker Prayers together for you.. Hang in there until the Vet visit.. Tracey lets us know ok.. They wont see her till late afternoon?? Bumer

12-22-2006, 12:31 PM
Oh no! Poor Pearl! Prayers on the way for a quick recovery.


12-22-2006, 02:01 PM
Sending all my bets get-well wishes for Pearly girl. I am so sorry that she has to suffer.

12-22-2006, 02:14 PM
Poor precious Pearly girl. You are such a delicate baby aren't you sweetheart. You certainly keep your meowmie on her toes. Please get well sweetheart. it's almost christmas and Santa Claws needs you to feel good so you can enjoy your presents. And meowmie wants you to feel good too.

Lots of healing vibes and positive thoughts coming for pretty Pearly.

12-22-2006, 09:18 PM
Thanks everyone.:) When I got home she was much more alert than she was this morning but I could tell that she still wasn't feeling well. Her left third eyelid was showing and she was very squinty eyed with this eye. It also looked a little bit cloudy to me.

I took her in and her temperature was normal even though she felt very warm to me. I also noticed that her lower lip wasn't as inflamed as it was before. The vet was more concerned with her eye so he put some stain drops in it so he could look at it better. It's not scratched but very cloudy so she's on some eye steriod ointment 3 times a day for 1 week. She's also on clinsol liquid 1ml 2 times a day until it's gone.

Since she's been having her breakouts and now eye problems, he suggested that she be tested for felv/fiv again just to make sure she isn't positive. Her results were negative so this isn't the problem. If her eye doesn't improve in a few days or becomes much worse then she'll have to see an optomologist. Hopefully she'll recover quickly. She ate all of her dinner tonight so this is already great news.

Thanks again for all of your get well wishes and positive vibes.:)

Now I also need some positive vibes sent Starr's way because he's been having some problems eating his dry food and some of his gums are very red and inflamed and he has horrible breath.:( My vets office is still running a 20% off dental cleaning special through Dec. so I made an appointment for Starr to have his teeth cleaned on Dec.26th. Hopefully everything will go well and he'll start eating better. Thanks in advance.

Russian Blue
12-23-2006, 06:32 AM
I took her in and her temperature was normal even though she felt very warm to me. I also noticed that her lower lip wasn't as inflamed as it was before. The vet was more concerned with her eye so he put some stain drops in it so he could look at it better. It's not scratched but very cloudy so she's on some eye steriod ointment 3 times a day for 1 week. She's also on clinsol liquid 1ml 2 times a day until it's gone.


Now I also need some positive vibes sent Starr's way because he's been having some problems eating his dry food and some of his gums are very red and inflamed and he has horrible breath.:( My vets office is still running a 20% off dental cleaning special through Dec. so I made an appointment for Starr to have his teeth cleaned on Dec.26th. Hopefully everything will go well and he'll start eating better. Thanks in advance.

Sorry to hear about the sick kids! It sounds like Starr has gingivitis or even a decayed tooth.

Boy, these fur kids really keep us on our toes, eh? I thought Nakita was getting better yesterday, but she's still not eating and I have to syringe feed her. :(

Hope everything works out Tracy.

12-23-2006, 01:50 PM
Poor babies. I'm sending many good vibes to Pearl and Starr. All of you will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope things get better for all of you soon.

12-23-2006, 06:49 PM
Come on Girly Pearl, feel better baby girl.

Prayers rising.

Starr, us Meezers have notorious poor toofies.
Let them clean them up and you'll feel better.


Malfi, Snowy & Bella

Laura's Babies
12-23-2006, 06:55 PM
Awwww! I hate it when they feel bad..

12-23-2006, 07:06 PM
Thanks everyone.:) Pearl's left eye still looks terrible but she's been much more active today and also very vocal. I can already tell that she's feeling much better.:) Luckily I'm off until Jan.2nd so I can watch over her and give her the meds she needs. I know that Siamese cats are known for very poor teeth but I hope that in Starr's case it's nothing serious and that he'll feel much better after his cleaning.:)

12-23-2006, 08:19 PM
Oh KAK, I'm so glad to hear that Pearl is feeling better and I pray that her eye will heal up very soon.

Poor Starr and his toofy problems. Are you giving him any wet food so it won't bother him too much to eat. Poor baby.

Prayers on the way that both your babies have a full and speedy recovery.

12-23-2006, 10:31 PM
Oh KAK, I'm so glad to hear that Pearl is feeling better and I pray that her eye will heal up very soon.

Poor Starr and his toofy problems. Are you giving him any wet food so it won't bother him too much to eat. Poor baby.

Prayers on the way that both your babies have a full and speedy recovery.
Thanks.:) Yes, Starr gets some wet food with dry mixed in. The problem is that the more wet food he eats, the more runny his poops seem to be.:( I even changed his, Pearl's, and Ziggy's food to California Natural Chicken and Rice Formula in both wet and dry. It doesn't have all of the preservatives in it like a lot of the cat foods. I guess he also has a very sensitive stomach or maybe even IBD.:(

12-23-2006, 11:48 PM
Oh, what a pain.

~~~ healthy vibes ~~~ for you and all your adorable crew.

Meowy Christmas to my little nieces and nephews.

smokey the elder
12-24-2006, 07:35 AM
Aw, your poor little Meezer kitties. I hope they feel better soon.

12-24-2006, 09:15 AM
We all know how it is to have our Companion Cats under the weather, and its great that Pearl is feeling better.
The Found Cats send Pearl a big MMMEEEEOOOOWWW and hope shes doing better every day.

12-25-2006, 01:35 PM
I just wanted to thank you all again for all of your get well wishes and prayers for my Pearly girl.:) She's feeling much better and has been zipping around my condo and playing with her siblings again. Her left eye looks so much better.:)

Now I still need some prayers for Starr. He goes in for his teeth cleaning tomorrow morning. He can't have anything to eat after 10pm and I drop him off between 7-9am. It'll be as close to 7am as possible so I can feed the rest of my cats at the normal time. I'll probably be picking him up between 5-6:45pm. They close at 7pm. I hope that this will make him feel much better so he can start eating better again. Thanks in advance.:)

12-27-2006, 12:13 AM
I'm so glad that Pearl is feeling better! My guys loved California Natural, the dry kind that is, they wanted nothing to do with the wet. I've switched over to Nutro, and they do just as well on that too. The only store in the area that had Cal. Natural closed, so finding an alternative was imperative. Can't have kitties running around with upset tummies and throwing up! It also worked well for the two that had diverticulosis. That was horrible! They'd get blood and pus in their poops, and really irritated bellies. Once the food was changed, they felt much better.

I'll be keeping Starr in my thoughts about his teeth. I have my own dental appt tomorrow to get my wisdom teeth pulled, and am NOT looking forward to it, lol. My Honeybun needs to get a dental as well. His kitty breath is enough to knock you over. I adopted him about a month ago, and was told his exam at the vet had been fine, but between the kitty breath and the cutaneous horns on his paw pads, he really needs some help. Will have to get him in after I get myself to the dentist and get my car back. We've been having a lot of vandalism here on my street, and I've had two tires slashed ($650 to replace all 4) and then the altenator just went on the car in the middle of a 6 lane highway. that was fun.

12-27-2006, 06:04 AM
I am glad to hear Pearl is better- although giving her eye ointment for some more weeks will be fun (NOT) for both of you.
Filou needed ointment two times ...

But maybe Pearl is a good girl :)

12-27-2006, 06:36 AM
Glad to hear Peal is feeling better. Now for Starr, I am sending prayers for her, and also will send some for Pearl, just to make sure she keeps feeling better. We just got to get these sweet babies feeling their best. I think God is the one to go to for the job. Through him, anything can be accomplished.

Sending prayers and well wishes to both Pearl, and Starr.

Willie :)