View Full Version : Do you buy Iams?

12-19-2006, 03:49 PM
I'm soooooooo sick of seeing Iams chamercials!!!! :mad: The company is a bunch of hipocrates! If you haven't heard by now then I'll explain. The Iams company is cutting of the muscle of poor animals, not even under anisthetics (sorry I'm not sure how to spell it, so if your not sure what I spelled its when you put an animal to sleep but you don't kill them; like for surgery)then they stitch them up with the muscle still gone and throw them back into there cages!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: If you buy Iams please stop :( ! Spread the word to I'm sure no pet owner will buy Iams once they here this! (This is only one thing Iams does, it gets worse!) Maybe we can put an end to this!

12-19-2006, 03:52 PM
Nope and I will never buy Iams for my pets! :)

12-19-2006, 03:55 PM
No, Iams is too much of a low quality food. I have heard about the whole animal cruelty for Iams and I am not sure if I completly belive it.

12-19-2006, 03:56 PM
good!!!!!!! I want to get rid of Iams for good! you know what their always saying, Good for life (something like that), well they don't let those animals have a good life now do they? spread the word!!!!!! anyone you know that buys Iams tell them and I garentee they wont buy Iams!!! :)

12-19-2006, 03:58 PM
No, Iams is too much of a low quality food. I have heard about the whole animal cruelty for Iams and I am not sure if I completly belive it.
Its ture, I'm glad you don't buy it though. I'm not going to force you to believe me, but its true! :)

Mad Mags Moo
12-19-2006, 03:59 PM
Don't buy it and never will but some of my clients use it - try and suggest an alternative but it is personal choice!
I use Royal Canin - prescription stuff for Bubs and her cystitis and a mixture of other Royal Canin varieties and Go Cat (cheaper but my girls love it!)

12-19-2006, 04:01 PM
Don't buy it and never will but some of my clients use it - try and suggest an alternative but it is personal choice!
I use Royal Canin - prescription stuff for Bubs and her cystitis and a mixture of other Royal Canin varieties and Go Cat (cheaper but my girls love it!)
did you tell them what Iams does? Maybe I can find a site we can use to prove the story! Thanks for not buying! :D Spread the word! :)

12-19-2006, 04:03 PM
Not only no but ... no way in the world!!! Not a snowballs chance in... ( I think I made my point..)

12-19-2006, 04:07 PM
Iams website.
Peta started this thing, and so that is why I am not sure about it.

Lady's Human
12-19-2006, 04:10 PM
This should be in the dog house given past history of these discussions.

Do a search for Iams threads on the board, and you will find it over and over again.

I've yet to see convincing proof of the abuses. PETA claims against many companies have been overblown, and their methods are questionable at best.

As far as the OP in this thread, please don't post accusations like that without proof, or at least a link backing up your statement.

12-19-2006, 04:11 PM
Iams is a expensive grocery store food. When Proctor and Gamble bought them out, they dumbed down the formula so they could sell it in the grocery stores and Wal-mart.

We feed Pinnacle Duck and Potato and Merrick either Wilderness Blend or Turducken or Canidae Platinum.

12-19-2006, 04:12 PM
No, Iams is too much of a low quality food. I have heard about the whole animal cruelty for Iams and I am not sure if I completly belive it.
here if you don't believe than watch this, anyone can but I will warn you its not pretty (if you already believe me you'll know what to expect.) www.IamsCruelty.com then click on Iams: recipe for cruelty

12-19-2006, 04:13 PM
I have already seen that video many times from another forum. I already posted links.

12-19-2006, 04:14 PM
I have already seen that video many times from another forum. I already posted links.
than how come you don't believe it? It doesn't matter, at least you don't buy it. Thank you for not buying! :)

12-19-2006, 04:18 PM
This should be in the dog house given past history of these discussions.

Do a search for Iams threads on the board, and you will find it over and over again.

I've yet to see convincing proof of the abuses. PETA claims against many companies have been overblown, and their methods are questionable at best.

As far as the OP in this thread, please don't post accusations like that without proof, or at least a link backing up your statement.
I didn't choose it because its peta, it shows Iams being cruel to animals! Thats a link right there, thats proof!

12-19-2006, 04:18 PM
Iams is a expensive grocery store food. When Proctor and Gamble bought them out, they dumbed down the formula so they could sell it in the grocery stores and Wal-mart.

We feed Pinnacle Duck and Potato and Merrick either Wilderness Blend or Turducken or Canidae Platinum.
Mugsy is right as far as when they changed companies- They changed their formula when they went to the grocery store chain in availbility. It use to be a great food, but also originally a granular type, without preservatives, and a good meat source.. It went to heck in a hen basket starting in 1986... That is all I am saying. And I agree- its been discussed many times.

12-19-2006, 04:19 PM
Iams is a expensive grocery store food. When Proctor and Gamble bought them out, they dumbed down the formula so they could sell it in the grocery stores and Wal-mart.

We feed Pinnacle Duck and Potato and Merrick either Wilderness Blend or Turducken or Canidae Platinum.
Good I'm glad you don't use Iams!

12-19-2006, 04:23 PM
I don't want this to turn into a debate! If you don't want to participate than don't post! All I'm saying is that Iams is still here and there cruelty wont go forgotten!

Lady's Human
12-19-2006, 04:23 PM
PETA's vitriol should NEVER, EVER be confused with truth.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-19-2006, 04:31 PM
No! I used to buy it 2 times, when they gave free cat-toys (tent and foodboxes). But since I've learned about what they do, I refuse that too :mad:

12-19-2006, 04:34 PM
Never have, never will. I used to feed Nutro but I heard it went to heck in a hen basket also as borzoimom said. ;)

12-19-2006, 04:35 PM
No! I used to buy it 2 times, when they gave free cat-toys (tent and foodboxes). But since I've learned about what they do, I refuse that too :mad:
Thank you for not buying! Even if I was skeptical about Iams cruelty I still wouldn't buy it. I've never liked Iams, just had a bad feeling about it! :)

12-19-2006, 04:36 PM
No! I used to buy it 2 times, when they gave free cat-toys (tent and foodboxes). But since I've learned about what they do, I refuse that too :mad:
please spread the word so others wont buy it either! :)

12-19-2006, 04:38 PM
I think people should carefully consider their sources of information. Especially for such a case like this.

Mickey came to us on Iams and he was doing fine on it .. we just chose to feed what we fed our last dog.

12-19-2006, 04:38 PM
Never have, never will. I used to feed Nutro but I heard it went to heck in a hen basket also as borzoimom said. ;)

Nutro added soybean oil to their formula and it caused lots of allergic reactions. They also dumbed down to make sure they can sell at Wal-mart too.

I will say I have never heard that saying in quite that form...but, it's cute!! :D ;) ;)

12-19-2006, 04:42 PM
I think people should carefully consider their sources of information. Especially for such a case like this.

Mickey came to us on Iams and he was doing fine on it .. we just chose to feed what we fed our last dog.
I didn't say that Iams was a bad recipe so of course your dog was fine, its what they did for that recipe!

My Peanuts
12-19-2006, 04:58 PM
There are some Iams products that I'd like to buy, like that dog gravy for their food, but I refuse. I will never buy Iams products. They test on animals, namely dogs, I've been told by a few sources, and their products are full of corn and fillers.

12-19-2006, 06:04 PM
Wtf they have like the best freaking animal food comercials, there so cute lol.

I don't know if any of this stuff is true or not, I don't buy there food mostly because I don't own a cat or dog lol but even if I did I would usualy just buy whats on sale ... I'll avoid there product tho if I magicaly happen to get a puppy or cat .... :p

12-19-2006, 06:10 PM
Nope! Not sure if I believe the cruelty thing with Iams, but I wouldn't buy their products either way. I don't like their ingredients, my dogs don't like the food, Kai's allergies flare up on Euk/Iams, it's overpriced, etc.

12-19-2006, 06:16 PM
I did for a year, then learned of the "cruelty" stop(p :confused: )ed and changed to other low-quality brands. :o After reading a few PT food wars and starting a thread I decided that Nutro would be better.

:eek: (mouth drops open) the effect was instant and amazing! After one cup of food (Nutro) her teeth were already noticably whiter. She had less dandruf and shed less. Also I noticed you need to feed less Nutro than you do Iams, proving it's better.

After all that, After reading more PT discussions I found out IMO that PETA wasn't being completely honest. I *might* have changed her back then, had I not seen first hand what crappy quality food it is.

It does seem horrible and the pictures and videos might be real, but I still don't believe most of it. PETA has raised false alarms about many companies before.

Again, all just my opinion. :)

12-19-2006, 06:17 PM
I also do not put much weight in what Peta puts out.
I am a contributing member to the Doris Day animal foundation,
and I recall in their news letter giving praise to Iams for
turning a right into a wrong last year. (I do not recall what it was)
I am sure I would have seen something in their newsletter
if Iams was abusing animals as Peta tells it.

12-19-2006, 06:20 PM
Never have, never will. I used to feed Nutro but I heard it went to heck in a hen basket also as borzoimom said. ;)

It did? Hmmm, well Jenny's doing fine on it, and has a sensitive stomac, so I'll just keep her on it. ;)

12-19-2006, 07:31 PM
Never fed Iams, never will.

12-19-2006, 07:48 PM
I dont know what do belive about the cruelty because the site is PETA and they go waaayyy overboard a LOT. but I would never ever feed or reccoment IAMs because the food itself is cruddy their new commercial is driving me up the wall with "everything they need and nothing they dont" meanwhile the food is packed with grains and corn both of which are filler and utterly usless to dogs! oh then there was a cat one too, something about a nice a healthy cat formula consisting of greens and grains...ummm...cats are Carnivores!

12-19-2006, 07:50 PM
I'd never, ever feed Iams. Even if it wasn't for the "so-called" cruelty they do to animals, I wouldn't feed it. My dogs certainly wouldn't do well on a diet mostly made of by products and corn.

I only really like Natura Pet's products (California Natural, and Innova atleast) and as long as I feed kibble, that's what Tango and my next pup will be eating.

12-19-2006, 08:26 PM
I feed Iams and my cats did fine on it.I buy nutro now.I think Iams is ok.I used to believe PETA don't anymore.I think they are more of a cult group then animal rights group.

12-19-2006, 08:38 PM
I think we used to feed IAMS but that was when I was like 9 or something. I wouldn't feed it to my dogs now because it's such a low quality food. I want them to be healthy! Roxie and Emmy(foster) are currently on Burns Fish something lol I'll have to look at it and I'm switching Marty, Alex, and Maggie to Solid Gold Wolf King. So I know both are awesome quality dog food.

Also I do not believe all the animal cruelty stuff because I think PETA is mostly BS and started it.

12-19-2006, 10:23 PM
To people who won't use products on their pets from companies who test on animals, ask yourself these questions....

1) do you vaccinate your pets?
2) ever had surgery done on your pets requiring anethestic (ie; spay/neuter)?
3) use any type of prescription medications on your pet (ie; antibiotics, siezure meds, eye/ear drops, sedatives, etc)?
4) ever had any type of bloodwork done on your pet?
5) ever even visited a licensed vet for any kind of treatment?

All of these things could only have been produced/perfected through animal testing.

I don't advocate animal testing for human products (ie; cosmetics etc) however for certain animal products/procedures, I don't see how they could possibly assure the safety of the product, or the effectiveness of it, without testing it on the species for which it was designed. JMHO

And for the record I used to feed Iams until I started working where I could get a discount on the Hills Science Diet which is what I'm feeding now, however I never had a problem with Iams itself and still don't.

As for P.E.T.A. ...... Copied from their own website.....

“If using animals is unethical, why does the Bible say that we have dominion over animals?”

Dominion is not the same as tyranny. The Queen of England has “dominion” over her subjects, but that doesn’t mean that she can eat them, wear them, or experiment on them. If we have dominion over animals, surely it is to protect them, not to use them for our own ends. if they had stopped here it wouldn't have been so ridiculous! There is nothing in the Bible that would justify our modern-day practices, which desecrate the environment, destroy entire species of wildlife, and inflict torment and death on billions of animals every year. The Bible imparts a reverence for life, and a loving God could not help but be appalled by the way that animals are treated today.

Guess P.E.T.A. never read the OLD testament of the bible??

12-19-2006, 11:52 PM
PETA has raised false alarms about many companies before.

I feed my cats IAMS and they love it. I've tried others and they had problems with vomiting. They hate Nutro. I've also tried Feliday. They didn't like that either. I take everything PETA says with a grain of salt. They very quick to point a finger yet PETA themselves have been found guilty of killing cats and dogs and freezing their carcasses, because they believe all animals should not be confined.

12-21-2006, 06:58 PM
When Iams was first brought to market it WAS a great brand of dog food. It was good quality with little fillers. Then someone else bought the company and now it's crap and full with fillers and other garbage. Not to mention all the abuse they do testing it on animals.

but even if I did I would usualy just buy whats on sale . You wouldn't be able to keep switching their diet like that, they would become extremly sick.

Hills Science Diet That's another brand that has lots of fillers and is a very cheap brand of dog food.

12-21-2006, 07:12 PM
Just to clarify the cruelty thing, PETA's videos were of a laboratory contracted to do research for IAMS, but the videos weren't of IAMS related tests. The ASPCA did an investigation into IAMS, unannounced, and found pretty darn good conditions, save a missing cat bed or two. A company as large as IAMS certainly wouldn't risk their rep. on horribly cruel experimentation, IMO, but I believe that some labs that they have HIRED for research have abused animals. I think that the IAMS labs are pretty kosher, at worst no worse than your average Humane Society as far a socialization/cleanliness. I don't know squat about IAMS, we feed our dog Medi-Cal Hypoallergenic, which seems to work pretty good, but there's a couple breeders that we know that swears by Eukanauba, which is made by IAMS.

12-21-2006, 07:41 PM
You need to have some testing done to ensure that it is safe for your own animal to eat it, IMHO. Unfortunately, there will be laboratories that do this for the different food companies. However usually the animals are kept comfortable and <obviously> well fed so they can see how the food is working.

I never have and never will buy Iams or Eukanuba..it is way too expensive for the ingredients listed on the package.

Have you seen the new brand-MULTICAT. It will make your thin cats muscle up and your fat cats slim down! :p

My Peanuts
12-22-2006, 09:29 AM
To people who won't use products on their pets from companies who test on animals, ask yourself these questions....

1) do you vaccinate your pets?
2) ever had surgery done on your pets requiring anethestic (ie; spay/neuter)?
3) use any type of prescription medications on your pet (ie; antibiotics, siezure meds, eye/ear drops, sedatives, etc)?
4) ever had any type of bloodwork done on your pet?
5) ever even visited a licensed vet for any kind of treatment?

All of these things could only have been produced/perfected through animal testing.

This makes a very good point, but these things NEED testing. If I can buy Chicken Soup for the Dog Lover's Soul for less than I spent on Eukanuba (That Syl ate as a puppy), why would I go to a company where it's possible they test on animals. Peta is crap and most of us know that, but the doubt alone is enough to make me stop. Also as I said, Iams food is not up to par. I am not against animal testing as a whole. If they can cure cancer and Aids by testing drugs on animals, then it needs to be done, but testing FOOD on animals makes no sense to me.

12-22-2006, 10:10 AM
I don't like the ingredient in most all dogs foods except the high end foods without fillers. I feed EVO personally, when not feeding raw, and before that used Canidae and Chicken Soup, although I read recently Chicken Soup removed some of the better ingredients and added more fillers so I'm glad I stopped using it as that came about. Iams, Purina foods, Hill's, all filled with crap dogs just don't need that turns into bigger piles of crap in the yard because it's just byproduct waste that they can't utilize in the body. I would not feed grocery store food to my dogs unless it was a matter of life and death starvation and that's all there was around to get.

My Peanuts
12-22-2006, 11:40 AM
I don't like the ingredient in most all dogs foods except the high end foods without fillers. I feed EVO personally, when not feeding raw, and before that used Canidae and Chicken Soup, although I read recently Chicken Soup removed some of the better ingredients and added more fillers so I'm glad I stopped using it as that came about. Iams, Purina foods, Hill's, all filled with crap dogs just don't need that turns into bigger piles of crap in the yard because it's just byproduct waste that they can't utilize in the body. I would not feed grocery store food to my dogs unless it was a matter of life and death starvation and that's all there was around to get.

I didn't read that about Chicken soup. Can you provide a link or let me know where you read that? I'd like to read it too. I don't want to continue to use it if they chnaged their quality.

12-22-2006, 11:55 AM
Sure let me find it and I'll post it.

I was mistaken with the fillers, it was the fish, it was a while back and I didn't remember correctly.

Ahh okay I found it, this page will explain the changes, it appers they did finally get a guarnatee from the company about the fish meal, which replaced the turkey meal they used to use. It was being preserved with ethoxyquin, which is a carcinogenic agent. It appears though that now they have guaranteed not to use it, so I think it's okay to use again.


My Peanuts
12-22-2006, 12:14 PM
Sure let me find it and I'll post it.

I was mistaken with the fillers, it was the fish, it was a while back and I didn't remember correctly.

Ahh okay I found it, this page will explain the changes, it appers they did finally get a guarnatee from the company about the fish meal, which replaced the turkey meal they used to use. It was being preserved with ethoxyquin, which is a carcinogenic agent. It appears though that now they have guaranteed not to use it, so I think it's okay to use again.


Thanks so much for the link! :)

12-22-2006, 12:19 PM
Wait - so Chicken Soup is good, or not? I thought it was a premium food, and that's what I have been feeding Roscoe and the cats. Is it not a good brand anymore?

12-22-2006, 12:22 PM
When Iams was first brought to market it WAS a great brand of dog food. It was good quality with little fillers. Then someone else bought the company and now it's crap and full with fillers and other garbage. Not to mention all the abuse they do testing it on animals.

You wouldn't be able to keep switching their diet like that, they would become extremly sick.

That's another brand that has lots of fillers and is a very cheap brand of dog food.

We switch brands all the time because we use only the top 30 dog foods. Once you get to the higher quality, you can switch without a problem.

Iams/Eukanuba/Science Diet are all formally good foods, but, were sold out and their formula has become a lot like Dog Chow because of the fillers and they are charging outrageous prices...

We carry a generic form of Hills prescription called Hi-Tor that is about $8.00 a bag cheaper. I don't particularly like it, because, like Hills, it's filled with corn and other yuckies.

I also read another post about cats being carnivores and don't need grains. That's actually not true. They do need some. All carnivores in the wild eat their prey's stomach first to get the grains and fruits and veggies that they need to maintain good health. Granted, they don't need nearly what an herbivore or omnivore needs, but, they still need them. Our cat food all has some fruits, like cranberries or blueberries for urinary tract health, and veggies. We do have a few that have no grains, but, they do have the berries.

My Peanuts
12-22-2006, 12:30 PM
Wait - so Chicken Soup is good, or not? I thought it was a premium food, and that's what I have been feeding Roscoe and the cats. Is it not a good brand anymore?

It looks like they worked out the problems, seems to be a good food still.

12-22-2006, 12:34 PM
It looks like they worked out the problems, seems to be a good food still.

Ok, whew, thank you - I really don't want to switch them again, and they all seem to like Chicken Soup

12-22-2006, 01:21 PM
Chicken Soup is rated in the top 30 by Whole Dog Journal

12-22-2006, 01:24 PM
Chicken Soup is rated in the top 30 by Whole Dog Journal

Thank you! I was feeding Nutro until I found out that they changed ingredients, so I switched to Chicken Soup - didn't want to have to change again!

12-22-2006, 05:06 PM
Actualy all food that's been afco aprooved has been tested on dogs but that's just a food trial and doesn't mean much except the animal ate it for a few months and most of them didn't die.

And as for carnivores in reality they tear into the belly and tear out the stomach and leave it then eat the other organs first. They really don't want that. It's only little carnivores like cats or foxes that eat the whole thing because they'll eat the whole mouse or whatever in just a bite or two.

Suki Wingy
12-22-2006, 05:31 PM
why yes, my parents do. Because it's the best at the grocery store. It's all corn and sugar though so I keep trying to switch my dog to Blue.

My Peanuts
12-22-2006, 05:52 PM
Actualy all food that's been afco aprooved has been tested on dogs but that's just a food trial and doesn't mean much except the animal ate it for a few months and most of them didn't die.

Not sure if what they say about Iams is true, but it's MUCH MUCH worse than just feeding the dogs the food. True or not, the descriptions are disgusting.

12-22-2006, 05:58 PM
Chicken Soup is rated in the top 30 by Whole Dog Journal

Yes it has been in the past but they later changed the ingredients, removed turkey meal and replaced it with fish meal that was perserved with a known carcinogen, ethoxyquin. There was some issue with this and they have now come back and changed suppliers to provide guaranteed fish meal free of this preservative, thus making it safe to use once again.

Lady's Human
12-22-2006, 06:05 PM
Not sure if what they say about Iams is true, but it's MUCH MUCH worse than just feeding the dogs the food. True or not, the descriptions are disgusting.

Of course. It's not whether the accusations are true or not, it's the seriousness of the allegations. To hell with guilt or innocence.

12-27-2006, 02:02 PM
Hey there, I'm new to this thread - but I was searching through the web trying to find some bad stuff about Iams...because it is totally making my puppy's poop gross! Don't mean to be brutal, but it's like sludge with caramel. We went to the vet and he gave him antibiotics just in case it was parasites/worms/etc. Everything went back to normal, but now that the antibiotics are finished, his poop is the way it was before!

We are gradually changing his food to Nutrience, and I can ALREADY notice the difference in his poop!!!

Do not try IAMS!!!!

12-27-2006, 06:46 PM
Of course. It's not whether the accusations are true or not, it's the seriousness of the allegations. To hell with guilt or innocence.

ok, that one really has me baffled. :confused: So you're saying if someone accuses two different companies (one guilty one innocent) of the same very serious thing, then both companies should be suspect because the accusation was serious?? :confused:

Lady's Human
12-27-2006, 06:48 PM
It's sarcasm.

12-27-2006, 07:06 PM
It's sarcasm.

ahh ok. Sometimes it doesn't translate through text in quite the same way. lol ;)

12-27-2006, 08:14 PM
nearly every food company does that. dog food includes utters, muscle, tounge, liver everything a human wouldn't eat. think of it this way, when animal is slaughtered they're using the WHOLE animal. not just certain parts.

12-27-2006, 08:22 PM
PETA people are sick, freaky, liars. I wouldn't believe them even if they did have "proof". They think they're helping animals when really they are hurting. PETA was sued once because of illegal euthanization or something like that.

12-27-2006, 09:37 PM
I don't feed IAM's because, IMO, it's a low quality food. I don't listen to P.E.T.A and I never will. They kill animals themselves, so they aren't animal rights activist. I am agianst fur coats and stuff like that, but P.E.T.A members threw paint on coats. The animals are dead already and unfortunately nothing can be done so what is the point? They are lunatics and I cannot believe people actually listen to half their crap.

12-27-2006, 09:38 PM
PETA people are sick, freaky, liars. I wouldn't believe them even if they did have "proof". They think they're helping animals when really they are hurting. PETA was sued once because of illegal euthanization or something like that.
I cannot have said it better! :D

12-27-2006, 10:44 PM
I am not an IAMS advocate, but I have had lots of success with it, on occasion, especially when dieting my two Golden Retrievers. They no longer eat the "blue bag" of IAMS, but they did well on it. Our puppy, Mack, was eating the Iams puppy food when we got him, in May, and he continues to eat that food, with gusto! He is happy and healthy, and I will eventually change him over to what the Golden Girls are eating, but right now, at almost 9 months old, he is still on the IAMS Puppy food and he is doing just fine!


12-27-2006, 11:24 PM
There are better foods than Iams. There are worse foods than Iams.

There are probably companies that do worse things to animals than Iams, and companies that treat animals better than Iams.

I'm not sure, however, if there is a much more radical, warped group than PETA.

Feed whatever works best for YOUR dog.

Do a lot of independent research of your own before you buy ANY group's rhetoric hook, line and sinker ... especially if that group happens to be PETA.


12-28-2006, 07:39 AM
I'd like to add (from experience) if you have a dog (probably same with cats, but I don't know ) that has a hard time keeping on wieght I would suggest changing to somthing natural, I had Jenny on Iams and it seemed the more of it you fed her, the more wieght she lost.

*note: Do not use this method to try and loose weight, I've tried it, IAMS is horrible tasting, it's dry really crunchy and very salty. VERY bland. (yes, I taste test Jenny's food. :o )

12-28-2006, 11:56 AM
I used to eat cat food when I was little, it tasted just like that.

12-28-2006, 11:59 AM
I just watched a comercial for Iam and it said they put no fillers in their foods..:confused: ????

12-28-2006, 12:01 PM
Most dog foods have fillers. They just say that so you will buy the product. If you read the dog bible it tells you EVERYTHING about dog food including what they put in it.

12-28-2006, 01:27 PM
*note: Do not use this method to try and loose weight, I've tried it, IAMS is horrible tasting, it's dry really crunchy and very salty. VERY bland. (yes, I taste test Jenny's food. :o )

*lol* you should market this as the next big human weight-loss fad - "All Dog Food, All The Time! Watch the Pounds Melt Off!" -- you could make millions on the book tour alone :D

And yep, i used to hide under the porch when I was really little and share milk-bones with my dog ... mmmm... crunchy!

12-28-2006, 03:52 PM
(originaly seen in email as the purina diet)

Woman in line behind me askes if I'm buying that big bag of food for a dog?

told her that no, I'm starting The Iams Diet. I told her that it was essentially a perfect diet and that the way that it works is to load your pants pockets with Iams nuggets and simply eat one or two every time you feel hungry. The food is nutritionally complete so I was going to try it again again although I probably shouldn't -- I had ended up in the hospital last time, but I lost 50 pounds before I awakened in intensive care with tubes coming out of most of my orifices and IVs in both arms.

I have to mention here that practically everyone in the line was by now enthralled with the story, particularly a big tall guy who was behind the woman.

Horrified, she asked why I ended up in the hospital -- had the Purina made me sick? I told her no; I'd been sitting in the middle of the street licking my self and a car hit me.

12-28-2006, 04:17 PM
*lol* you should market this as the next big human weight-loss fad - "All Dog Food, All The Time! Watch the Pounds Melt Off!" -- you could make millions on the book tour alone :D

And yep, i used to hide under the porch when I was really little and share milk-bones with my dog ... mmmm... crunchy!

lol. It's true, though. The more I fed her, the lighter she became. :confused:

01-09-2007, 10:36 PM
I feed only nutro, i think Iams isn't too bad but it isn't too good either still better then any Purina or pedigree
all pet foods must be tested on animals it it required by laws ...
and yes peta has lost its way
they went from animal lovers to eco terrorist
they are watched more in the USA then any other terrorist group So if Uncle Sam keeps a watchful on the terrorist peta/alf/elf groups then I know to stay far--far away from them and don't listen to a thing they say.
Animals do have rights but Peta does have the right to fire bomb MSU( Michigan State UNI) to try and prove that point nor do they have the right to go to our public schools and attempt to turn our kids against us by telling them their parents murder animals .
peta wants all zoos to be shut down , no dairy farms , no k9 units for police ,no seeing eye dogs, no pets allowed of any size shape or form!
the list goes on and on even to your mouth wash and yogurt

again I think Nutro is the best bite for the buck

01-10-2007, 06:46 AM
Just an FYI, Nutro has added soybean oil to the food and is causing allergic reactions in some dogs. Mike has converted 22 dogs off of Nutro (even though we still have some in the store) because they had drainage from their ears. Everyone has come back and thanked him for the change because their dogs are healthy again. They added stuff so that they can sell it at Wal-mart now.