View Full Version : Giving Subcutaneous Fluids to a Cat

12-05-2006, 11:12 AM
Any tips or suggestions on how to do this quickly and painlessly? I have to at least try to give this to panther today but I have to tell you that I am pretty nervous about it. My bf won't help because he is too chicken so I am on my own.

12-05-2006, 11:26 AM
my suggestion would be to get on the floor and get Panther between your knees. Hold Panther firmly in place with your knees. Pull up and pinch (not too tight as to hurt but tightly) the flesh on the back of the neck and inject the subQ's. This is what the vet told me to do with Micia and I did it at home for about 5 days. I also had to inject cortosone into the inner thigh. And basically did it same way with a little different twist. Micia was a difficult cat in all aspects and this way worked well for me. Good Luck


12-05-2006, 11:42 AM
I have given plenty of fluids, and if this cat needs them then you better learn fast, pretty easy, I think the worst part is thinking of the thought! Simply hang your bag Above you somewhere, make sure you have slack in your tubeline to you dont pull, then lay the cat on your lap front of the cat over one leg, the back of the cat over the other, like you would sitting with him normally, lay him down comfortably and pull up him scruff area, and insert needle, holding the cat via the scruff so it doesnt take off, once the needle is in calm the kitty down, which is pretty easy normally, and then once relaxed and calm go ahead and start the fluids by turning them on, a few tried and youll be ok, better to have a friend hold kitty, it doesnt have to be a fight, just stay calm and do it.

12-05-2006, 11:46 AM
What they both said above. I've had to give Mishi Sub-Q's many times and it's quite easy. Somehow they know you're doing something good for them and at least my Mishi, he just lays there and purrs while the fluid drips in. I like the between-my-legs method. Makes it easy for me to hold him there and hang onto the needle to make sure it doesn't come loose. Caution if it does, you'll have liquid all over the place - it pumps out pretty quickly. Good luck. I know the thought of putting a needle into your beloved kitty is scary, but they really do not have any nerves at the back of the neck so it's pretty painless for them. The feeling of something cool coming into their body may be strange and they may flinch, just gently hold your kitty and you'll do fine.

12-05-2006, 11:54 AM
All the advice given here is good, so I can't really offer much except that I hope the fluids help Panther!
I know it's scary to stick a needle in your baby, but I'm sure it will help. When people ask me how to give SubQ fluids, I say pretty much what everyone else has said here, but I prefer to have the cat on a nice solid surface, like a counter. Place a soft towel beneath kitty to lay on and make sure he is comfortable. Gently pull the skin between the shoulder blades up to form a "tent". You will notice the tent will kind of sink in below where your fingers are and the shoulder blades. This is the best place to insert the needle. You want to be sure not to go too deep, and you will be able to tell if you do if there is any blood, or it's hard for you to get the needle through.

I hope this helps, and hug Panther for me. :)


12-05-2006, 01:22 PM
I did this on the kitchen counter.

First, we opened the cabinet door and tied a loop of fine rope around the top hinge on the upper cabinet door. We put an "S" hook on the string / rope. Then we used that hook to hang the bag from it. We put the bag up to give the fluids, then took the bag down and put it away until needed again; the rope and S hook stayed in place. the door had to be opened while I was giving the fluis, but that was OK.

Stood the cat on the counter, Dad held his front legs and talked to him, keeping him busy, while I had both hands free to insert the needle and turn on the little lever. Amber absolutely refused to do anything but stand while we did this; and we did this for 8 months, starting once every other day, ending 4 times per day. He stood and that was the only way he was going to do it. :rolleyes:

As for inserting the needle, as above works. I did the shoulder blades - just above. There is a big loose pocket of skin there. It would fill up fast with the fluids; looked like a big balloon; and slowly go down over the next 5 minutes after the cat was off the counter and walking around.

Hardest part was inserting the needle, thinking about it. Cat picks up on your nerves, so take some deep breaths and try to stay calm. Dad would sing, chat whatever, to the cat while I was doing the hard part.

Oh, if you are doing this often, you need to switch sides. The spot may get sore and /or harden over if you insert the needle in the same spot time after time.

Good luck!

12-05-2006, 02:19 PM
Administering subQ fluids is easier than it appears. I've been giving them to my calico Puddy for over a year now and when I first started (you can check my previous posts), I felt so inadequate and clumsy. But you'll get the hang of it. I make sure she's at waist level w/me and I hang the bag of fluids from a plant hanger. Just pull up a tent of skin at the back of her neck, insert the needle straight in, not at an angle and all should go smoothly. Be sure the needle is sharp; you can reuse a needle if you wipe it w/an alcohol saturated cotton ball first but you don't want to cause kitty any more pain than necessary, so a needle should probably only be used twice, then start w/a new one. The thicker the gauge of the needle, the faster the fluids will flow. Puddy gets 150 cc. and it takes less than 5 minutes. Good luck and let us know how it's going.


12-05-2006, 03:30 PM
Well, I'm an idiot! I just tried giving him fluids and I ended up sticking myself in the thumb. I really do not like the sight of blood especially my own. :rolleyes:

12-05-2006, 03:35 PM
Do not feel so bad about sticking yourself with the needle, even as a nurse, I have done that while trying to give fluids to Raven, the moving kitty!! OUCH!!

12-05-2006, 04:02 PM
I should've mentioned that the first time I tried it, I stuck my thumb, too. You're a newbie to this stuff; it takes practice. But you'll be a pro in no time and you won't even stop to think about it, you'll just do it. Hang in there. :)


12-05-2006, 06:40 PM
Fragrancehound, here is an excellent website and guide to administer sub-q fluids. I hope this helps. Unfortunately, I don't know how to link so you will have to cut and paste. (Edit-it worked)


Hope this helps!

12-05-2006, 06:49 PM
Ha ha, I just HAD to chuckle, about you sicking your thumb. That is the first mistake and one to be repeated many times.

I have to give my Dad a shot of vitamin B12 once per week. The first time, most of the fluid went over me and the floor, I doubt he got ANY!

And I remember now that once, giving Amber his fluid, more ended up on the counter top than should have.

It is all part of the experience, don't feel you are any more an idiot than the rest of us! And keep up the good work caring for Panther.

12-05-2006, 09:33 PM
Good advice in the above posts...I ended up doing s-q fluids for my RB girl Quasar when I was home alone.

I liked putting her on the counter...she liked it too. It was easy to pet her and coo over her and for some reason she did not find it frightening.

Also, the vet mentioned that the higher the bag, the faster the drip. Freedom's S hook idea is terrific. I used a camera tripod stretched to its highest limit. Made it go faster.

Good luck.

12-05-2006, 10:28 PM
I've had quite a bit of experience with giving shots/fluids. Dusty (my 16 yr old) will NOT take antibiotics by mouth! I can get them in her, but she gets so upset she makes herself vomit. She gets sick a few times a year and requires injections. Actually she just got a shot of ampicillin tonight, everyone else got amoxi-drops. We've also had to do subQ fluids with Dusty in the past.

Rather than type all the info out, here's a WEBSITE (http://www.veterinarypartner.com/Content.plx?P=A&S=0&C=0&A=469) that has step by step instructions with pictures for each step.

Hope it helps! Good luck

12-05-2006, 10:31 PM
Thanks for the links! I guess it is going to take a lot of practice.

12-06-2006, 06:51 PM
When Kat needed fluids I would sneak up on her when she was sleeping and tick it in then hold her in place petting her as it went in.