View Full Version : Wet or Dry Food best?

12-05-2006, 12:28 AM
Dry or Wet food? I grew up always taught or just *knowing* supposedly that wet food was bad. I used to think it didnt have as much nutrition and it caused diarhea and loose stools, ect. Well now that im all grown I know a lot of that is most deffinately untrue. But im no expert, so which one is really better for the cats? Or is a little of both better?

12-05-2006, 12:36 AM
I think that most people will tell you that you should feed your cats both. I've had cats that don't like wet food very much though. Right now I feed dry to everyone and a little wet to Sunny and Storm. I know that cats should have a variety. When Starr eats too much wet he will get very loose stools even though I've asked my vet about this and he said this shouldn't be the cause.

12-05-2006, 12:58 AM
What are better wet foods also? I was doing some comparing today and was slightly confused... I figured higher protein should be better right? Yet I noticed some more high end brands had less protein, but more fat? Also ingrediants, same thing. I assumed that a specific meat, not broth or meal, ect should be the primary ingredient. Yet I found that going by names I would normally call a decent food... it dont always seem to work. I dont feed anything fancy either. Im just talking like Iams, Friskies, 9 Lives and the like. I cant afford anything costly, I wish I could. I even seen a couple store brand wet foods (NOT the dry) that almost seemed to have better ingridiants and analysis... unless I dont know what im looking for?

12-05-2006, 03:24 PM
Cats are obligate carnivores. Dry food is grain (corn) based. What happens to people who eat lots of carbs (corn)? Usually diabetes. It's much easier to feed canned food than it is to give insulin shots, do testing, possibly lose your cat to a hypo. I don't necessarily think you need high priced foods. Yes, human-grade guality would probably be better, but if you can't afford it, any kind of canned is 10 times better than any high quality dry.

Here's a website you might browse through about cat nutrition.

Just my 2 cents worth on the issue.


12-05-2006, 03:54 PM
I honestly do not know what to believe , i have read so much that say's only dry food is good,some say both, some say only wet,so what is one to do really, just have to use your own judgement and hope for the best i think, personally i think a bit of both is probably the best,but i have one cat that insists on dry only and now is on a special diet and it is dry only.

12-05-2006, 03:56 PM
:) I only feed my girls wet food in the mornings as breakfast.. Then the rest of the day they have dry.. They do need the dry for needed fiber & stool regulation.. All cats differ just like people..

12-05-2006, 11:29 PM
Wrong section, but, I feed my dogs wet food (mixed with their dry) - 80% of it is water! There can't be anything too bad about it! ;)

My friend feeds her foster cats and kittens wet throughout the day, and dry in the mornings and evenings.

12-05-2006, 11:55 PM
Lately what I have been doing is giving her a meal of wet, she really looks foreward to it. She just free feeds on dry through the day, but in the evening she lets me know she wants her dinner. I was only doing this off and on, but she caught on fast and im trying to ensure it a routine now, and she helps me with that for sure.