View Full Version : Tiara's inner eyelid does not open.........

06-14-2002, 07:54 PM
all the way. She can see with both eyes OK, but this has been noticed since she was first a mobile kitten. Tiara ( my female Maine Coon, along with Pepper - litter mates to Silver Prince) is now only 2 1/2 month old, and yet her inner eye lid still stays partially closed. Has anyone out there encountered this before? Also, I am not considering this a serious problem, but it does bring up some questions.:confused:


06-14-2002, 08:48 PM
The only time I ever notice that on my cats is when they are very tired and need a LOONNNG nap. I've never known a cat to have one that stays open all the time. What does your vet say? That is a very interesting query! :)

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-14-2002, 10:04 PM
I read somewhere that the innereyelid shows when a cat is sick. Tinky's innereyelid showed when she had worms and went away when the worms were gone. You may want to call your vet to check and see if she is sick.

06-15-2002, 12:18 AM
My Sidney had his inner eyelids showing for several months (or was it only a few months? Now I don't remember). He looked quite sad and I brought him to the Vet. The rest of him was in good health, so the Vet told me that he's ok, but if I noticed anther symptom (such as lack of appetite, fever, lethargic, etc.) that I should bring him in.

Just when I started to accept the fact that he would always look like this, it went away and never came back. Best of luck with your kitty.

06-15-2002, 01:06 AM
My cats have never had this problem. I agree with Sara in that you should have this checked out by the vet. I sure hope it's nothing serious. Good luck. Please keep us posted.

Sara luvs her Tinky
06-15-2002, 01:16 AM
Catland what a beautiful kitty you have :D :D !!!

06-15-2002, 01:47 AM
Yep, I agree. Sidney is beautiful. I'd love to see more photos of him. [Not exactly a subtle hint, was it? :D]

06-16-2002, 08:13 AM
Catland, the photo of your Sydney is exactly how my Tiara looks, but she does not act sick. Normally she is full of life and energy, chasing and playing with the other kittens. It is just that I have not seen this type of thing before. Although I plan to check with the vet, to make sure that she is not sick.:) And besides, I need to get more of the indoor 13 spayed and neutered soon.


06-16-2002, 10:55 AM
Grasshopper's eyelids started doing that a few years ago when she was around ten - it does seem strange for a kitten. Hopper's is in good health, even for an older kitty, and her eyelids still just barely show, as opposed to being completely retracted. Dadcat checked her vitals at the time, and we do annual physicals, with everything OK.
I agree with other posters, have her checked to be safe. We think its environmental, like my dust allergies. This might be an explanation, depending on where you live, if your kitty is indoors only, etc. Hope she is OK!!!!!!!!