View Full Version : My Rabbit Bit Me :(

11-30-2006, 05:06 PM
Tonight I had Kishii out with me, she had run around my room for awhile, then ran away from me as usual when I was going to get her. Then I sat on the couch with her and even gave her a treat. She didn't want to be held at all and she started trying to kick and everything, then she got up by my shoulder and bit me! I don't know if she meant to or if she was just wanting to bite my clothing because she likes chewing my clothes, but she bit me and I was really surprised and upset because she had never bit before. I know she likes to be free and run around, but I would also like her to be able to let me hold her without fighting,at least hold her for a little bit. I'm hoping that when I get her spayed that maybe she won't mind me holding her so bad. :(

11-30-2006, 05:43 PM
She needs to get spayed asap

Aspen and Misty
11-30-2006, 09:50 PM
Most rabbits don't like to be held because they are a prey animal. When you hold her she feels threatened. It's not that she doesn't trust or like you, just when you hold her she goes into fight mode because in the wild it's either fight or die. If you think like a rabbit it makes perfect sense as to why they run from us and why they fight when we hold them, it's all instincts.

Try interacting with her by thinking like her. Most rabbits like to be groomed so try petting her forehead, laying on the floor with her, rolling balls towards her, etc. etc. Just because she doesn't like to be held doesn't mean you can't share meaningful moments.


12-01-2006, 07:05 AM
THanks for the advice guys! I do want to get her spayed, its just I don't know her exact age so I don't want to do it too early, but she looks big enough to be 4 months old. I under stand what you mean Aspen and Misty about the rabbits, some rabbits are like that, but not all, I had a bunny years ago that didn't want anything more than to be held all day and cuddled, she liked being loved and held more than she liked being free lol, but all rabbits are different, I am going to get her spayed asap.:)

12-01-2006, 08:49 AM
If you ever want to be able to hold her, you need to start now, and hold for a little while every day, so she gets used to it, and she knows she is safe when you hold her.

I did that with Miss Hoppy since we got her as a small bunny, so when I hold her, she is calm and happy. When Paul even just picks her up, she is miserable - at worst, she freezes and plays "dead bunny" - but as soon as she's with me, she calms right down.

12-01-2006, 08:53 AM
I would get her fixed like buttercup said.I know in time you and her will have a great trust and she will cuddle with you it just takes time.
So Karen Miss Hoppy is a mom's girl ;)

12-01-2006, 08:58 AM
So Karen Miss Hoppy is a mom's girl ;)

Not really - she just relates to the two of us completely differently - and Paul is just NOT supposed to pick her up! NOT!

12-01-2006, 09:23 AM
My sisters bunny has been neutered and he still doesn't like to be held much, if you send the kicking or fighting its time to put her down. What I do when I am bunny sitting is sort of lay next to him and pet him, if he thumps his back legs he is not in the mood.

Yes he has bit me too...how else can they tell you they want to be put down.

12-01-2006, 10:07 AM
Thanks so much everyone, you've definately all helped me alot, I already contacted the vet and I am going to set an appointment up in january, that way she will be 5 months old. And I will hold her everyday :) I always forget that it takes rabbits a long time to trust someone.

Oh and I also was wondering, does giving them treats from your hand make them like you anymore or trust you anymore than they did?

12-01-2006, 02:03 PM
Oh and I also was wondering, does giving them treats from your hand make them like you anymore or trust you anymore than they did? Food is the way to any animals heart:D

Thats good that your gettin her fixed. I didnt mean that she would like being held after being fixed just that there wouldn't (or shouldn't) be any agressive bitting.

Tedd is fixed and will nip sometimes to get my attention but he wont grunt , lung and bite me.

Aspen and Misty
12-01-2006, 02:12 PM
It's true. My rabbit Julian wants nothing more then to be held on his back, upside down. However my other 3 don't like to be held and I don't force them to like it.

What I did with Julian is whenever he wanted to come out of his cage I held him. Every time. Eventually he saw me holding him as him getting to come out and play. I found that this helped him to accept me holding him, however with his brother Jaxom no matter what I did he would never accept me holding him. To me thats ok, that just how he is, we interact in other ways.


12-01-2006, 02:22 PM
Hello, thanks everyone, I know this isn't exactly about the topic, but is there anyone that wouldn't mind making a signature of my bunny and cat together for me? I just don't have any program or software to make all the pretty stuff that I always see on some of your siggys, they are awesome!

12-01-2006, 03:12 PM
That's too bad that she bit you, but you just got her so give her more time. ^_^

Everyone is giving great advice.

Hello, thanks everyone, I know this isn't exactly about the topic, but is there anyone that wouldn't mind making a signature of my bunny and cat together for me? I just don't have any program or software to make all the pretty stuff that I always see on some of your siggys, they are awesome!

I've been seeing some awesome signatures around made by Devon [flamepony12] maybe you could PM her and ask her to make you one.

12-01-2006, 05:47 PM
Thanks alex, I pmed flamepony12 so we'll see if I can get a siggy! :)

12-01-2006, 05:54 PM
Oh and I also was wondering, does giving them treats from your hand make them like you anymore or trust you anymore than they did?

As far as then being able to hold them? No. Paul gives Miss Hoppy treats, hasn;t changed her mind about him holding her one bit. They are very different crotters from dogs and cats, that's for sure! Gotta love our bunnies!

12-01-2006, 06:26 PM
Cherokee runts and growls ALL the time but I don't realy know what it means .. sometimes he even makes a sad howl sound when I open the door lol it's so cute.

He nips sometimes but only if my arm is in the way lol.