View Full Version : Oh Dear No.. (Update: #36!)

11-30-2006, 10:39 AM
what I got home to, my deaf cat, eclypse is missing!! I came to ask for prayers, I'm sorry it's always first thing when I get back - there's always something after something. :mad: :( I know how this pet talk family works and we could use your prayers.

some of you didn't know my friend, ron (landlord) was thrown into hospital (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=117120) and hasn't been back yet, and because I was out of town, his daughter was suppose to take care of the house, of ron's dogs and cat. (absolutely not my ark, they've had four-day supply of food, water and litter - I don't trust her with my kids). yet, I just got home this early morning, there are so many messes and damages I see - I couldn't get into the house for first thirty minutes, back knob is loose and broken too, ron's dogs poops and peepuddles are all over in kitchen, beers and cigerattes are all over the front/back porch and on kitchen counter, tables. they've went into my room too, my sink faucets are broken, my desk full of paperworks are shattered everywhere. my master bathroom is only room I don't let my cats in (where I keep the food), they've got into them and did headcount first thing after an heart attack, I only got nine..

I've been spending hours this morning looking for her, I think she's more likely is around IN the house - she's a master at hiding in smallest, smaller than her body-size spots when new smell (guests) comes - she cannot (I sure hope so) be outside. she lives upstairs with all of us the ark and it would take three doors to get out. this is a big three-story house, to basement.

please friends, I can't eat or sleep well. I still can't find her and am frightenly worried about her. she can't hear me nor can I hear her. :( please (and I too) pray she'll be okay until she's found. I hate to think she's gonna be starved, hurt or helpless somewhere.

the daughter had a party here instead of taking care of her dogs & cat. :mad: :mad: I don't UNDERSTAND people..

:( :( :(

Queen of Poop
11-30-2006, 10:44 AM
I pray that you find Eclypse. She's probably hiding after the "party" that was had there. That is just awful. Is no one responsible these days??? I'm so sorry you came home to such a mess.

Pawsitive Thinking
11-30-2006, 10:51 AM
Hope she comes back when she realises you are home and its safe again - poor kitty

11-30-2006, 11:55 AM
I bet she'll come out of hiding tonight, when she realizes that Mom is home for good, and it's safe. I'd take pictures of the mess his daighter left before you start cleaing up (if it's not too late) just so Ron knows (at some later point, not now) if it comes up in conversation.

11-30-2006, 12:06 PM
Isn't there SOME way to get in touch with the daughter to see WHERE the cat is???And YELL at her!
And one of her drunk friends may have stole your deaf cat.THAT cat needs you and the theif may not know that cat is deaf!
Or they may have been REAL jerks and let it out!
I'd find out IMMEDIATLY!NOW!
Any way you possibly can.Even getting a neighbor to call her and send her right over to look for your cat or you'll report her to animal abuse!
She also went into YOUR place and you can threat police action if your cat is not found for that also.So 2 different authorities will be after her.The police and animal abuse people(Not sure who to call for that...sorry,but someone here would know).

11-30-2006, 12:49 PM
I am sure your kitty was scared and hid with all the comotion going on, and will come out to get food soon.

11-30-2006, 02:30 PM
quoted by karen
I'd take pictures of the mess his daighter left before you start cleaing up (if it's not too late) just so Ron knows (at some later point, not now) if it comes up in conversation.
in cases like this, it's nearly impossible to forget pictures. I guess it's a form of habit now, like I said there's always one after another.

the daughter hasn't been answering my ringings or messages, she kept hunging up on her father too. I have no idea what the civil rights are. this is landlord's daughter and one of labs that lives here is hers. I never wanted or am comfortable with her in this house. she comes every weekend, smokes against out wishes we told her, living this house off like she owns it. I never thought anything like this would happen.

I just want my girl back, she could be stolen, have ran away or eaten by the black lab. everyone who met my eclypse wanted my girl - it's always her - she has those beautiful odd-eyes if you can see in my signature.

come back sweetheart, I wish I knew where you are now. :(

11-30-2006, 02:34 PM
Prayers for Eclypse ... hopefully she is just hiding in the house somewhere!

11-30-2006, 05:04 PM
Noone Has The Right To Violate Your Personal Space, And I Would Press Tresspassing Charges Against Those Creeps.
Not Knowing Where Your Baby Is, Is The Worst Thing In The World.
I Would Get Better Locks For Your Doors.
Thats Terrible That You Have To Live Without The Security Of Knowing That Your Home Is Safe.
The Pet Angel Search And Rescue Squad Is Looking For Eclypse, And Hopefully Shes Hiding Where You Cant See Her.

11-30-2006, 05:28 PM
I'm wondering what your landlord says about all this.Being an animal lover himself.This is horrible!Have you gotten in touch with him at the hospital somehow?Can someone come over and help hear her,To find her?

11-30-2006, 05:40 PM
Oh Gina I am soo sorry all this had to happen. What a wreck to have to come home to and then find beautiful sweet Eclypse no where. Some people have no sense whatsoever and even less respect. I am sending Lilith with the cat angel crew to help locate Eclype. Please keep us updated. All paws, whiskers, fingers and toes crossed her for Ecylpse's safe return. Hopefully she is still in the house somewhere.


11-30-2006, 05:51 PM
Poor man.He is hurt and his daughter is taking advange of him not being home and you being gone.Prayers for Eclypse,You and Ron.

11-30-2006, 06:40 PM
No one Has The Right To Violate Your Personal Space, And I Would Press Tresspassing Charges Against Those Creeps.
Not Knowing Where Your Baby Is, Is The Worst Thing In The World.
I Would Get Better Locks For Your Doors.
Thats Terrible That You Have To Live Without The Security Of Knowing That Your Home Is Safe.

I couldn't agree more with you Gary. Gina, these lowlifes had NO RIGHT whatsoever to go into your part of the house. Damn, this infuriates me to no end. Here you finally find a place that you just adored and felt safe in and BAM this happens to you. It's not fair, it's just not fair at all for this to be happening to you again. My heart goes out to dear girl and how I pray that you are able to find Eclypse.


11-30-2006, 09:43 PM
I'd get a new lock for your door, a padlock if necessary, tell Ron you'll happily give him a key when he's back home, just that you aren't comfortable with his daughter accessing your area when you aren't home.

Maybe for Christmas you can buy her a "smokeless" ashtray somewhere, to be used when she visits her dad at the house - anyone know if those help at all?

11-30-2006, 11:35 PM
..I don't believe it. :( still haven't seen a piece of her yet.

quoted by catmandu
I Would Get Better Locks For Your Doors.
Thats Terrible That You Have To Live Without The Security Of Knowing That Your Home Is Safe.
it was one of things on ron's things-to-fix list, just the day before he fell off the tree. we need three new locks, he said he had two of them in his locked storage.. maybe I should go ahead and buy some anyway.

quoted by catfamily
Have you gotten in touch with him at the hospital somehow? Can someone come over and help hear her, to find her?
we talked on phone this afternoon, he knows all and wasn't happy about this either but he's just not sure what to do with her. he shyly cares about and needs her too...sigh.

I had crayola walk with me around, he hears nothing but labs barkings outside. no eclypse outside though.

rggirlca, you said my feelings the exactly way I felt, I don't like when I use the mad faces - that's only face I could use for frustration, upset, hurt and fed up, etc. thanks. forunately, they're not in the place to hurt me and this can be taken care of before I think about moving out. I still love this place! :)

mmm, smokeless??

thanks everyone, means a lot to me.

12-01-2006, 03:46 AM
I hope you find your kitty! I would be serously irritated and angry, I don't know how you could be so calm (you at least SEEM calmler than I would be :D) . Prayers on the way for your kitty and your landlord too, he sounds like a good man and I hope he can get his daughters problems under control.

12-01-2006, 04:43 AM
No wonder you are frantic; what kind of looneytune is she? I'm praying that Eclypse is indeed hiding somewhere until things calm down. Poor baby; neither you nor she deserves all these heartaches.

I'd be putting new locks on ALL my doors...DEADBOLTS.

12-01-2006, 05:14 AM
My God. I can only imagine how helpless you feel with poor eclypse missing. There is always the possibility that someone left the doors open and she somehow managed to get out.

It's obvious that the girl is avoiding all contact with you as she knows what she has done. Do you know where she lives? Perhaps you can drop her a note implying that if she does not come in contact with you, you will call the police.

Try leaving some of kittys favourite tidbits laying around. Perhaps it will draw her out if she is hiding somewhere in the house.

I hope you find the poor eclypse. My thoughts are with you.

12-01-2006, 08:35 AM
I'd be banging on his daughters door :mad:

12-01-2006, 08:42 AM
Id be banging on her head.
We are praying that your Cat had the sense to run from that trash.
I could not imagine that sort of behaviour , going into someone else apartment, and possibly stealing a Cat.
The place can be claened up, but Eclypse is One of a Kind.

Russian Blue
12-01-2006, 09:14 AM
Gina, I just checked back in to see if you found Eclypse. I'm so sorry you haven't found her but I hope she's hiding in or around the house. Any way to tempt her out of hiding with a favourite food or toy?

I hope you find her soon and you can get back to feeling safe again in your new home.

Felicia's Mom
12-01-2006, 09:47 AM
I hope you and Eclypse get back together soon.

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-01-2006, 09:49 AM
I'd be putting new locks on ALL my doors...DEADBOLTS.

Oh yes, I advize you to do that immediately! Your landlord will pay them back, I am sure!

Poor Eclypse.... and poor you.. . I am almost sure she got so scared that she went into hiding! How about doing this this evening: sit on the floor while petting all cats, have few lights on, and maybe she will come for a hug too??

12-01-2006, 03:43 PM
quoted by russian blue
Any way to tempt her out of hiding with a favourite food or toy?

quoted by fionapap
Try leaving some of kittys favourite tidbits laying around. Perhaps it will draw her out if she is hiding somewhere in the house.

only floor I could do that is in basement. first floor's where labs sleep on and my floor - ron's seventeen years old cat would eat all up treats and few of my cats would bat the toys back into the rooms. :rolleyes: doing this is pretty hard with house full of animals. I'm pray she's just still in the hole somewhere and stays away because of the smelly labs. crayola checked out for me a couple of times today...nothing - this is just so surreal. :(


12-01-2006, 04:12 PM

12-01-2006, 05:17 PM
Oh (((((Gina))))). I hope you find your precious girl and that she is not outside.
Please Eclypse, don't hide, your meowmie needs you!

12-02-2006, 01:18 PM
I'm a bit chipper here, hoping! this morning I woke up to crayola's head was heading up the ceiling and had his head cocked a bit. I waited a bit to see if he keeps that way - if I get up, he would get excited and wag his tail off, off his duty to get me let him outside and eat his breakfast! (so much for raw diet.. :p) so I pretended I was still asleep, but kept my eyes on him ... yes I think he's hearing something in attic! we do have an attic but I thought, there's no way she can get up there, it's always closed but opened while there was a party here? :confused: :o so I went up there, gosh - so huge and dusty! dusted enough to see pawprints but there was a lot of footprints..well, shoeprints too. until I coughed and had to get out for a little while and drink some water then I will go back and look more!

quoted by maya & inka's mommy
How about doing this this evening: sit on the floor while petting all cats, have few lights on, and maybe she will come for a hug too??

she wouldn't come in light, she loves DARK and always finds a dark spot to sleep. I made her a bed with a cover just for her - only time she would come for love is when it's dark! so it's always on the bed.

just had to update you all and I PRAY she IS up there!!

12-02-2006, 01:56 PM
I hope you put water there for her because if she is up there she probably is dehydrated and needs water desperatly to survive.

12-02-2006, 02:53 PM
Oh Gina, I hope she is up there!!!

Let us know!!

12-02-2006, 04:37 PM
Eclypse is found!!! Gina apologizes for not posting right away, but she has been dealing with another situation. But she and I are very to say Eclypse is found! Her tail is injured, she got it stuck, but we are glad she is "home."

12-02-2006, 05:17 PM

You have your meowmie and everyone so worried about you. We are so glad you are home safe and sound. I hope your tail isn't injured too badly. Maybe a little TLC will get you back in tip top shape.

(((((((((((((((((GINA)))))))))))))))))))))) and tummy rubs and headbumpies for Eclypse

12-02-2006, 05:24 PM
:D :D :D Tears of Joy :D Oh I'm so happy to hear this news.I know Gina must be overwhelmed with joy.What a relief!

12-02-2006, 05:29 PM
What a relief to know that Eclypse has been found. I pray that her tail is going to be okay. So was she the one in the attic?

Gina, major ((((((HUGS)))))) to you dear girl.

12-02-2006, 05:32 PM
Hallelujah! Poor little Ecylpse, what an awful time you and your Meowmie have gone through the past few days.

Now stay home, keep Meowmie company and don't hide so well anymore! ;) :)

welcome home and "whew" for Gina!

12-02-2006, 05:46 PM
Oh I am sooooo Happy! Yiiippppiiiiiieeee! That's the most wonderful news from today :) Eclypse, dear girl, I hope you are OK. Have some rest with meowmie now ;)

12-03-2006, 01:42 AM
wow .. what a long night. long crisis short - eclypse is okay now, bathed whole of her, disinfected her poor little chipped tail, is being bandaged up and purring at her best by me (under the blanket) now. http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b127/mystichild/pinkgrin.gif :) * .. relief sigh .. *

how I found her infuriated me to no end, I've been as gentle and nice as possible and it was time now - last straw. next time she comes into my property, she'll be arrested.

thank you everyone - returning many hoppy, happy hugs!! now, who wants some happy ending pictures? :D

12-03-2006, 02:26 AM
So happy to hear that eclipse is back in your arms. Poor thing. Yes, keeping the hoodlum off your property will definitely be for the best. I really don’t know what I would have done if that had happened to me. You are in a difficult position because of her father being your friend who also happens to be in need of peace while he mends. How is he by the way?

Maya & Inka's mommy
12-03-2006, 03:26 AM
Best of news : ECLYPSE IS BACK HOME !! YIPPIE !!

I am so happy for you Gina!!

12-03-2006, 06:09 AM
now, who wants some happy ending pictures? :D

I do I do...let's see some pics

critter crazy
12-03-2006, 07:24 AM
Welcome home Eclipse!!!

12-03-2006, 08:48 AM
quoted by fionapap
How is he by the way?

there are just the same updates here (http://www.petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=117120), physically itching mad (dermatologist couldn't find why yet), also just started unable to move his right eblow (opposite side of broken shoulder.) and is very frustrated, unhappy, on suicide watch right now. please keep him in your prayers and thank you for asking, fion.

delightkitty, I'll PM you them soon! :cool:

12-03-2006, 11:57 AM
WOW!!! The only good thing about coming in on a thread this late is I got to get the good news quickly. Thank Goodness Eclypse is safe and sound! :)

12-03-2006, 01:10 PM
Welcome home, Eclyspe! What wonderful news! I'm so sorry she hurt her tail, but at least she is safe and back home again! :D