View Full Version : We just got back from Gracies vet appt!

11-27-2006, 04:48 PM
We took her to the vet today and they took her back for an ultra sound and x ray and ended up coming back and telling us now they are all confused with how far she is!!! they now think she is only about 35 days along! they origanally thought she was due around 2 weeks before xmas, he also said he doesnt know for sure how many pups yet but for sure he saw 2 or 3 and in 2 weeks we are going back to check her again and they should be formed with skulls and stuff by then!

11-27-2006, 06:06 PM
ohoh... I am sorry- I havent learned how to keep everyone straight yet- what is the situation with this?

11-27-2006, 07:02 PM
ohoh... I am sorry- I havent learned how to keep everyone straight yet- what is the situation with this?

Gracie got pregnant and we thought she was due in about 2 weeks and thats what the vet thought, butttt he gave her x rays and a another ultra sound today because it was 2 weeks after her last visit and figured that the pups arent that old and so now he thinks she is only 35 or around there instead of what we thought... she must have still been in heat when I thought she was doen, I thought she went in heat around oct 5th or so but it must have been later than that like the end of october instead, so again in 2 weeks im taking her back to see how many and to check on her again! he still said she has to or 3 that he saw but wont know how many until they are bigger and get alittle older so hopefully dec 11th I will know how many and closer time that she will be due!