View Full Version : How to convince my mom to let go?

11-22-2006, 12:21 PM
I got home yesterday and Sonny is worse than I thought he'd be. If it weren't for his mounds of excess skin and his fur it'd be much easier for my mom to accept that he's nothing but skin and bones. I told her I'm gonna call around for a vet to put him down soon (our vet charges $200 and I can't afford that). She started arguing with me that he's not acting like he's suffering at all so he's fine. This is the woman who waited until her dog had a stroke and became a vegetable before she put her down. I'm not letting my cat go that far. He doesn't even give me attitude anymore if I hold him like a baby and pet his stomach. I gave him a can of tuna though and he ate almost the whole thing. So I'm gonna buy enoung canned food to last until my next vacation Dec. 15 and see how he is then. How do I get her to realize that its his time to go?

11-22-2006, 12:22 PM
Maybe ask her to ask the vet that one question: "What would you do if it was your cat?"

If Sonny is eating...is that a good sign?

I am sorry I forgot...what is wrong with the poor baby?


11-22-2006, 12:28 PM
Nothing wrong with him really, except he's 15 years old and wasting away. He went off his food a few weeks ago and was eating the dog food, but now he's not eating that either. I'd guess over the past few months he's lost over half his weight, from 15 pounds down to less than 10. Maybe the canned food will put some weight on him, but I doubt it.

11-22-2006, 12:29 PM
I'm sooo sorry Sonny is not doing well. I think the best bet it to let the experts tell her. IMO you need to take him into a vet for a check-up and tell the vet all the problems. Also if you go to a different vet be sure to have all Sonny's vet records on hand. The new vet will need to see the difference in weight loss and so forth. The vet can then either verify your concerns or he can lay them to rest. If it is to verify them then your mom will hear them first hand from a vet and can really not argue the fact so you can both let him knowing you are doing what is best for him. If it is the lay your concerns to rest then all the better. Sonny can stay with you for awhile longer and you can get some advice from the vet as how to help him best gain some weight and do whatever he needs done. Good Luck and keep us posted. I will hope for the best results for Sonny in either instance.

11-22-2006, 12:41 PM
It's so hard to let a beloved furbaby go, and sometimes people just don't want to admit that it's time. How is Sonny's quality of life? Perhaps you could discuss that with your mom to make her see if he is suffering.

I'm glad that he ate some tuna. Maybe, if he continues to eat, he will put on some weight?

Like kittycats_delight mentioned in her post above, I think getting an opinion from a vet with your mom in the room is a good idea. Perhaps they can help her make a decision regarding Sonny.
Be sure to cuddle him for us and please keep us posted.


11-22-2006, 06:25 PM
That is so hard to say the words that mean that Your Beloved Companion will no longer be there, no longer be a part of your life.
I would wiat until the 15th, and maybe try some Kitten Food to see if the extra protein helps poor Sunny.
I wouldnt push as your Mom may resent you telling her to have her friend Sunny put to sleep.
We are praying for Sunny, that he can recover and has more time left.