View Full Version : Lawsuits??

11-15-2006, 09:52 PM
instead of asking what it means, anyone of you have had experiences or ever went through this? I'd like to know more about it, how it works, its progresses, etc.

if you feel uneasy posting something personal here, you certainly can PM me.

11-16-2006, 01:42 AM
I'm going through one now. There are different kinds.
Suing my mom's nursing home was harder due to teeny intricate reasons. My present lawsuit is a civil case (wrist nearly bitten off.) He was already found and pleaded guilty in the criminal case.
You have to find a lawyer who specializes. I don't know if this helps, but it is a long drawn out ordeal and very stressful. Get doctor/hospital records, keep a diary for yourself, keep receipts. IS this the info you wanted? You can PM me.

Sara luvs her Tinky
11-16-2006, 05:45 AM
Right now i'm having to take my exhusband to court to get the house out of my name. I guess that is considered a lawsuit.

It has gone pretty smooth and pretty easy for now i guess.

Not that i haven't bothered *one paticular lawyer* with a lot of questions though.... ;)

11-16-2006, 05:50 AM
I am in the early stages of litigation. My attorney said it could last six months and cost $10,000 in legal fees. Obviously I am hoping for a speedy resolution. Sometimes an attorney will take a case on a contingency basis. In other words you only pay them if you win. Not so in mine unfortunately.

11-16-2006, 06:57 AM
instead of asking what it means, anyone of you have had experiences or ever went through this? I'd like to know more about it, how it works, its progresses, etc.

if you feel uneasy posting something personal here, you certainly can PM me.

I am a Legal Secretary in IReland - on my lunch right now - I can tell you that each case over here is different but they all come under the heading of Litigation.

You can PM me if you think I might be able to help but compared to the U. S. we have a very complex Courts System over here where we have 5 Courts - District, Circuit, High, Criminal, Supreme Court - its a long drawn out process over here and each case is different as to where is belongs and our Solicitors (Lawyers) are only the first step in the process.

My boss is the appointed "State Solicitor" (District Attorney) for my County (we have an overall State Solicitors Office in Dublin) and he prosecutes cases for the Gardai (Police) and the State Departments in our County - he is also a Solicitor for everyday people in their different dealings with the Law as in buying and selling property, civil and personal litigation.

Hope I can help if not does not matter - heading back to work now - will check in later on my tea break

11-16-2006, 07:43 AM
Jackmilliesmom is very skilled in legal matters. She helped me with something a while back. Pm her- she is very helpful!

11-16-2006, 08:30 AM
Jackmilliesmom is very skilled in legal matters. She helped me with something a while back. Pm her- she is very helpful!

I am not that skilled (but thanks for the boost) but if I can help I will - If I can't i won't

11-16-2006, 09:23 AM
you underestimate your abilities jackmilliesmom- you sure did help me!

11-16-2006, 09:25 AM
hmm.. just a first wonder, is lawsuit free sometimes??

I'm, well, may go through one too. the question my lawyer asked me if I want a lawsuit... I mean, I have a choice here. a lawsuit which has the potential to shut down the place where they handled the situation (me) inappropriately. he said, that in most situations like this would be the basis for a lawsuit.

I don't think I'd really want that ... I mean, what else can I get from lawsuit? what I understand my lawyer is going to do, send a letter to educate them proper accommodations and obligations, also offer a required training for them, it's just also not enough for me. if there's no lawsuit I can pursue, I'd go for civil (personal injury) case, like k9karen, but isn't it the same? I'm not sure why I'm uncertain about this case and wanted your experiences/opinions to think about.

I'll PM when I have uncomfortable questions, thank you all.

11-16-2006, 09:34 AM
If a lawyer is sure they will win, and they know the loser has to pay the fees, they will take your case no money down.. They know the other guy will pay..
Pm me what the problem is .. Maybe I can help..

11-16-2006, 09:50 AM
money isn't what I'm worried about, my lawyer mentioned nothing about it.

I'm thinking about justice. takes money or not, what they did was not right, my dog could have been killed if I didn't do something.

and I could have been killed too.

11-16-2006, 10:41 AM
then in my opinion go for it... get your lawyer to go and get them and put them in their place you can sue as far as I am aware without getting them shut down but maybe temporarily closed for them to undergo further training....

Go get them girl and make them do the right thing by you your dog and others being treated/served by them...........

money isn't what I'm worried about, my lawyer mentioned nothing about it.

I'm thinking about justice. takes money or not, what they did was not right, my dog could have been killed if I didn't do something.

and I could have been killed too.

11-16-2006, 11:27 AM
I worked as a paralegal for over 12 years. Know lots about personal injury litigation. Every state has different laws though, so you'll need to check them. Also, the statute of limitations on bringing a lawsuit against someone is 2 years.

11-16-2006, 12:08 PM
moosmom, what they did was nationally illegal.

..so, there's nothing between a small package of letter & training and shut down the whole place??

I have another two legal cases to deal with too, and would appreciate hear some more experiences, not all information about laws, rights, etc. I know I'm looking for a help but don't know what kind of help I need.. supports and encouragments maybe?

I hate to say this, I've swore this will be my last thread. plus, with all things going on here too, I'm just not so happy anymore and I pray I die somehow everyday. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, fighting what's for good all the time. :(

11-16-2006, 12:22 PM
I'm a litigation paralegal working on civil litigation cases - mainly state court (California) cases; with some federal work. Each court is different. If you're looking to file a federal lawsuit, it will cost money. You will at least be responsible for filing fees. Some attorneys work on contingency - i.e., the losing side pays and your attorney gets a share of the winnings. Even small claims cases are not free - there is always a filing fee. Some courts do have a process where you can claim you're a pauper and can't afford to pay. It's different in each jurisdiction.

11-16-2006, 12:25 PM
Gina, donīt say those things...........if thereīs a way I can help you out please donīt hesitate to ask, Iīll help any way I can.........

my hubby is a crininal judge and he knows lass and that, but since we live in different countries it may vary but not that much. I guess.........

please donīt feel like that we love you........please smile......whatever it is that has you feeling like that is just not worth it...........let it pass......

11-16-2006, 12:29 PM
I hate to say this, I've swore this will be my last thread. plus, with all things going on here too, I'm just not so happy anymore and I pray I die somehow everyday. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired, fighting what's for good all the time. :(

Maybe you should just drop this for now & concentrate on school,
dancing, and enjoying you pets. Life is not fair all the time, that's just
the way it is.Don't get yourself sick with worrying about things that are
in the past.How are things going with your classes right now?

11-16-2006, 01:01 PM
Gina - hon, it seems you are soooo happy for awhile and then plunge down where you don't want to live. This seems to happen a lot. Have you discussed this with your docs?

Maybe what Lizbud said...just focus on what you need to to right now, classes and stuff.

You can always write a letter on your own to Customer Service or the head office of any of these places....or offer to tell yout stories to the local paper. Unwelcome media attention can do a lot! :)


11-16-2006, 01:56 PM
thanks redhedd.. I'm only more confused now, I've had three small claims before and won without any charges. I don't recall filling out fee wavier if that's what you mean?? :confused:

lizbud, my last day of school was last monday, the good news is I got on dean's list but it's nothing to me, compared to what's happening. :( and it's our last dance rehearsal tonight until next performance in december but I cannot go now.

if anyone remembers my stitched foot, I got beaten up to death in parking lot at school again last monday night. not something I want you or you want to hear again.

there's really nothing I want, can or like to do right now. I'm desperately here asking for alterative support with fractured rib and trying to not get attention here at the same time .. I didn't want any advices or go into details, maybe I should leave now before I upset anymore of you.

there's also one thing I cannot say here, or I'll be hulimated. and this part, hurts and kills me the most. :( :(

I'm sorry for any inconvenience I've caused.. sigh, I keep editing this.

11-16-2006, 02:20 PM
I have a concern about this thread, I'll PM you. I cant offer much advice and Im sorry to hear things are going bad again for you :( You are well loved here no one will EVER see you as an inconvienence so dont ever feel like you are putting people out

11-16-2006, 02:39 PM
Gina....you are loved here. If my post seemed to be giving advice, unwanted, it wasn't meant to hurt you. I was just thinking of people closer to you that could be ofmore immediate help.

In fact, doctors are often asked for their reports in lawsuits, etc. If your injuries are part of that, you might be able to get some good guidance from them.

HUGS and I hope you find what you need!