View Full Version : Are BLACK Cats unique?

06-11-2002, 04:30 AM
I have a black kitty who is the first "Meower" cat I have ever had. She meows for any and every reason! Especially for me to play with her.

She is also unusual in that she FETCHES over and over and with GLEE and trills... not just once in a while. Right now since we cannot find her ideal toy (a small smooth plastic bottle top like from a water bottle) she is making do with the long plastic thingy (that comes off when you open the gallon milk).

I would like to hear from other folks who have BLACK cats who probably own them!

Is there something special about BLACK CATS and if so WHY? ;)

By the way, I am a "Cat Artist" and haven't drawn my lovely BLACK kitty yet... Black animals are the most difficult the draw!
Please check out my site below...

Thanks, Sylvi :)

06-11-2002, 05:25 AM
Welcome to Pet Talk SylviArt!

It's a lovely drawing you have done, I really like it! :)

I don't have a black cat, so i don't know if they're special in any way, but some of the other members have and I'm sure you'll get to hear about them! :D

06-11-2002, 05:55 AM
Hello Sylvi and a BIG welcome to Pet Talk. Prepare to become addicted!!:D :D

Your drawing is fantastic - it takes me all my time to draw breath!!
I'll be having a look round your site later on.

I have two all black cats - Bagel (female) and Ketchum (male) and a black and white Dan (male), of course I'm a trifle biased!!

I think Siamese are sooooo unique and they talk up a storm!! I reckon Siamese cats think their human.:)

What's the name of your kitty - who sounds such a sweetie.
We had a lovely (black!) cat years ago called Kipper (R/B) and she would play fetch for hours with little rolled up balls of silver/foil paper.
But I think all cats are unique in one way or another - stand by for a torrent of replies!!!!:D :D


06-11-2002, 06:39 AM
I am the very owner of a gorgeous black cat !!!
I am not really sure that a black cat is BETTER than another one , but I surely believe they have special qualities !!!
He doesn't really like to sit on a lap for a long time , but he is a master in giving hugs whenever he feels I need some support !
He is also a very independent cat and loves to do just what HE wants !!! maybe this is a result of the Middle Ages where all black cats were banned ; so they had to be very strong and clever to survive !!
Anyway , my Sydney is a real sweet cat , who loves to eat and purr at the same time !!!:rolleyes: :D


Former User
06-11-2002, 07:18 AM
Hi Sylvi and welcome to Pet Talk! Since you have been on our homepage already :D you know that we haev a black cat. I can't say if black cats are unique, since Casper is the first black cat I have had. I'd say all cats are unique in their own way, and no matter what color they are, theyre will be always someone to love them.

Once again, welcome to Pet Talk, have fun here!:)

06-11-2002, 11:25 AM
Wow! Thanks for the replies and for signing my guestbook so I have a permanent record...

My black kitty's name is "Lucky" because I got her and her tortishell mom "Mandy" the day before Halloween. I was told by the lovely girl at the rescue shelter that normally they would not allow a black cat to be adopted before Halloween.... but she could tell I would take care of them. When I saw these two cats they had been in the shelter for 5 months waiting because the mama would NOT let the last baby go. I needed 2 cats and when I saw the kitties I proclaimed - "these are my cats!"

I don't mean btw that black cats might be more special than others, just that other people are telling me they are unique and different than others. NOT better of course. Someone also told me they were part Siamese???

Its hard to tell... I tend to call my little devil "My MEOWer!" since she is so vocal... and very loving too after chasing her toy around.


Need to change my website to http://www.SylviArt.com/kittyart.html

since that is where the CATS stuff starts :)

ATTACHED is the "Cosmik-Kitty" by Sylvi
Order T-Shirts and Mugs on my site.

06-11-2002, 11:29 AM
Whoops, trying to attach "Cosmik-Kitty" again by SylviArt

06-11-2002, 11:42 AM
Hello, Sylvi, and WELCOME TO PET TALK!!! :D :D

I hope you like this - people here is great!!

I have a black cat, too - I love him dearly. I also have an orange-white cat, and I must admit I'm biased for black nad orange cats!!!!!!! :D :D As you say, I don't mean they're better or whatever, it's just that they specially draw my attention!!!

I'll post some pics of Neelix (the black one you can see on my avatar) later on - I'm at work now :o and can't do it right now!!

By the way - I LOVE YOUR DRAWINGS AND PAINTINGS!!!!! Keep us updated on any recent creation!! ;)


06-11-2002, 02:56 PM
... this is my sweet, lovely Neelix!!!!






06-11-2002, 05:14 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk!!
My black cat, Chester thinks he's unique but his 3 brothers of assorted colors would strongly disagree! Chester is a 'talker' and likes playing with lids off soda and water bottles too. He doesn't like to be held and cuddled. When I pick him up, he turns his head and looks at the ceiling. I get the feeling he's saying, "Hug me if you MUST but hurry and get it over with." He will lay beside be for a head scratch or tummy rub once in a while though.:D

06-11-2002, 05:35 PM
We have a tortie and an orange tabby and I will say that the female is MUCH, MUCH more vocal than the male....maybe that is something?

Our downstairs neighbor has three black cats. Her youngest one, Jackie, is so, so beautiful! She is lean and petite...I can just picture her being one of Cleopatra's kitties. She isn't very vocal from what I've seen, but I don't see her that often. She is really, really friendly though. :)

06-11-2002, 11:41 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk SylviArt. I'm sure you'll love it here. I also love your drawings. I wish I had that kind of talent. I also have a black cat. His name is Pepper and he's fairly quiet most of the time. Sometimes he'll start yowling in the hallway for no apparent reason. My other cat Storm will go see why he's crying but it turns out to be nothing. He'll also cry when he wants some loving. He likes me to pick him up and give him a hug and he can be a lap cat when he wants to be. He also loves to knead me and then he'll purr very loudly and sometimes drool because he gets so excited. He also loves to eat and sleep and to play with his toy mice and balls. He would be a very good soccer player. He's a big mamma's boy and weighs about 17lbs. I love him and think he's very special but so are my other two cats.http://www.stopstart.fsnet.co.uk/smilie/colours.gif

06-12-2002, 01:28 AM
Those are all beautiful cats that you guys posted. I must say I am partial to the longhaired kitties! My black kitty is medium length on the body and the TAIL is long haired and she is gorgeous but I haven't been able to get any pictures yet.

A young friend of mine has promised to film her FETCHING so we can send it in to Jay Leno or David Letteman. We'll see.
Since I can't get the local news to cover me when I have a real story maybe "Stupid Pet Tricks"? lol

Thanks to everyone who signed my Guestbook! Come back and visit as I am undating alot including "Holiday Pets" which will be up in about a week. And of course there are T-shirts and MUGS that you can order - click on the underlined stores underneath the image you like.

I am excited to be meeting some cat people again and want to get into some active CAT webrings so if you know any good ones please drop me a line...


06-12-2002, 07:23 PM

Our cats fetch too, but usually if they are in the mood for it! What does your cat fetch? Noel and Noah usually fetch furry mice. :)

06-13-2002, 12:07 PM
MICE - as in toy mice or REAL? lol

My kitty prefers the plastic bottlecaps from Arrowhead Water but will fetch long plastic things from gallon milk.


06-13-2002, 12:28 PM
Hi! Welcome to Pet Talk! I'm new here too, and I love it!

I'm also owned by a special black kitty! He's not very vocal like yours, but he's quite "busy". I rescued him 3 years ago, and since then, he's been rescuing lots of kitties on his own - he brings home strays! He's currently "mommy" to four youngsters that were each rescued separately last year. He's adopted kitties in four different states. What a guy! :D

06-13-2002, 02:04 PM
Aawww Beeftink your Furbaby sounds wonderful - I've got a wonderful image of him going out and rounding up 'strays' saying 'Come to my house - it's great there'!!!

Oh and a big welcome to Pet Talk to you - hope you share lots of stories of all your furbabies with us.


06-13-2002, 02:45 PM
How cute Beeftink!!! You sure have a sweetie! :)

Welcome!! :D

06-14-2002, 07:36 AM
That sounds so cute. My kitties are inside cats. The only sociable thing I can think of is kindof embarressing - at least for my grown cat's MOM and me...

My black kitty has always been with her mom and the mom would NOT let this one go when they were at the rescue shelter. Funny enough when my cat was 7 months old she was still trying to suckle the mom who tolerated this for a few minutes only. And once in a while this happened for about the next year til me and the mom would tell the young cat that this was not "appropriate"!

My black kitty seems to have stopped her kittenish behavior now at almost 3 years old. lol

You guys have inspired me to update my NEW Cat Art website... I'll let you know when the new additions are up. And I need to do some more kitty art - yes like my lovely devilish black cat.

SYLVI :eek:

06-15-2002, 08:22 AM

This is just a TREMENDOUS picture! A work of art, suitable for framing!

Sylv...your site is incredible, as is your artwork.

I've read somewhere about cat coloring and the various genetic criteria that creates the results. Black and White cats have something referred to as an "s" gene or "non tabby". I've been on a mission to find out if B&w kitties have a certain "personality" and think black kitties may also have something in their "genes"....

I had a vet tell me once that black and white kitties, particularly the ones with strong tuxedo markings ( white booties and white "bowtie") are very "highly strung" personalities. Well, Ritz reacts that way at the vets, although she's pretty laid back at home. A family member also has a tux kittie and it is uncanny how similar their behavior is, particularly when something in their world changes.

I wonder if there have been any studies on cat coloring/breed and demeanor.