View Full Version : Boney Mass (biospy pg2) Photo update page 5

11-11-2006, 09:42 AM
Here's what we are up against.

Above her right eye (left looking at the photo) the swelling went down some after her first Reiki treatment.



11-11-2006, 09:51 AM
Poor Thumper, does it hurt her at all?

11-11-2006, 09:52 AM
Oh wow, I just looked up your last post about seeing the specialist and the biopsy. When do you get the results? What was her treatment?

11-11-2006, 09:57 AM
The area doesnt hurt her.
Results from biopsy they said could take up to 2 weeks, we are going into week #2, so I expect probably sometime this week they will be calling.
The treatment was from a Reiki Therapist. It's an japeneses from of spirtual healing, massage. Heres more about Reiki www.reiki.org

11-11-2006, 10:45 AM
Oh my goodness! Your poor baby! Has the vet given you any indication about possibly treatments down the road since surgery was a no go?

Please let us when you receive the biopsy results.

11-11-2006, 11:16 AM
Is that Thumper!??! Her whole head looks to be swollen, or is it just the way the photo was taken!!??

11-11-2006, 11:44 AM
Is that Thumper!??! Her whole head looks to be swollen, or is it just the way the photo was taken!!??

No her head is swollen :(

11-11-2006, 11:45 AM
Oh my goodness! Your poor baby! Has the vet given you any indication about possibly treatments down the road since surgery was a no go?

Please let us when you receive the biopsy results.

The specialist says there are limitations but no specifics were discussed until biospy results are in.

11-11-2006, 11:48 AM
Poor Thumper!!! Prayers and ((((((((((((hugs))))))))))))))for you both!!!! I hope the biopsy results are forthcoming!!!!!

I've been Frosted!!!

11-11-2006, 11:57 AM
Good to hear a positive result from the Reiki. Are you going to use it for a while?

11-11-2006, 12:01 PM
Good to hear a positive result from the Reiki. Are you going to use it for a while?

Yes, she has another treatment tomorrow afternoon.

11-11-2006, 12:16 PM
I hope that the Reiki treatments will continue to help her. Please continue to keep us updated about her.:)

11-11-2006, 02:29 PM
Prayers for Thumper. {{{{{HUGS}}}}} to you.

11-12-2006, 12:52 PM
Oh my goodness, poor girl!!!! :( :( :( I hope something works for her, and soon! :(

11-12-2006, 03:20 PM
Thumper had a great 2nd Reiki session today. We could see more improvement.

11-12-2006, 03:24 PM
Thumper had a great 2nd Reiki session today. We could see more improvement.

:) :) :)

This is such good news! Not to get one's hopes up - but seeing is believing!

Prayers coming to you and Thumper!

11-13-2006, 11:31 AM
It's a cancerous tumor.
The soft spot of her formed cartlidge and fused causing a tumor to grow.
Radiation is an option for treatment but only 2 places do it. The place in Cincinnati (1 hr 20 mins one way) or Ohio State University (Columbus Ohio)
which is 3 hours away.
The specialist was very pleased with the Reiki results(even though he didnt understand it, so I told him to go to Reiki.org) and was pleased we were documenting through photos the progress. We are going to stick with the Reiki treatments for now and keep him informed along the way.
No life span expectancy was given to me. I didnt ask.

11-13-2006, 11:55 AM
OMG, poor Thumper!!! :( I'm so sorry!!!

But I think it's a good decision to continue with the reiki sessions, especially as she had responded to it so well.

Poor baby, I never saw something like this before! How long did it take before that tumor became so big?

Keeping Thumper and you in my thoughts,

Killearn Kitties
11-13-2006, 12:09 PM
Sending all my positive thoughts to you and Thumper. Please let us know how her treatment is going.

Maya & Inka's mommy
11-13-2006, 12:18 PM
OMG, poor THUMPER..... . I hope this treatment gives him and you some extra time!!

What if the mass starts growing again?? :(

11-13-2006, 12:22 PM
I'm so sorry. I hope the medication continues to help. :(


11-13-2006, 12:48 PM
The mass has been enlarging slowly for over a year. She has always had a "bump" size of quarter or little smaller, since we got her over 5 years ago.

She is not bothered by the mass. If it should grow further than we would consider the radition treatment.

The vet told my hubby it's to hard to predict life span with this slow growing tumor.

I think all questions were answered :)

This is description of what she has wrong (Thumper is a she :) )
B. Chondrosarcoma :
1.Chondrosarcomas are malignant tumors characterized by the formation of cartilage. They
occur more frequently in large, but not giant breed dogs. They have been reported rarely in cats.

2.Site predilection: These tumors more commonly occur on the flat bones with 69% occurring
on the head (nose and mandible), ribs, or pelvis. Metaphyseal regions of long bones may also be affected.

11-13-2006, 01:51 PM
Well, glad that even the vet realized the Reiki is working.

Should you opt for radiation at some point, I wonder if it would be easier to have her as an in-patient there for several days, rather than driving back and forth? Would Thumper be ok with that?

YOu said you might consider radiation if it gets bigger...but if it keeps getting SMALLER, radiation might deliver a final knockout!

You have biopsy results - and also some good treatment results! :)

I am hopeful. Give that Thumper a hig for me!

Where did she get her name???

11-13-2006, 02:01 PM
I am so sorry for little Thumper (and you).... but I am glad that the treatments are helping. I pray that continues. Many prayers and good thoughts from Indiana!

11-13-2006, 02:32 PM
I also wonder if radiation treatment would work better while it is smaller. But I don't have the knowledge to know if this statement is correct.

I wish you only the best. Prayers for continued good treatments.

11-13-2006, 02:41 PM
Well, glad that even the vet realized the Reiki is working.

Should you opt for radiation at some point, I wonder if it would be easier to have her as an in-patient there for several days, rather than driving back and forth? Would Thumper be ok with that?

YOu said you might consider radiation if it gets bigger...but if it keeps getting SMALLER, radiation might deliver a final knockout!

You have biopsy results - and also some good treatment results! :)

I am hopeful. Give that Thumper a hig for me!

Where did she get her name???

The specialist did say that they have in-patient services. It's not something that happens over night and would take awhile like over a years span. We would be looking at $3000 to $5000 with pet insurance thank god allot would be covered. She would do ok staying, we would be a mess.

I dont know about getting smaller then doing radition. What is known to us is if it were smaller surgery and chemo would of been an option of treatment.

I truely believe the Reiki treatments are going to dissolve it to nothing. It's going to take time but I've seen what it's done so far.

Thumper got her name because when I was holding her at PetSmart and thereafter, she would thump her tail against your body. Thus the name "Thumper".

11-13-2006, 05:00 PM
Oh gosh. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried when I looked at those pictures and that I couldn't respond yesterday to this.

Poor dear sweet Thumper. How my heart goes out to you and to your meowmie. I have never heard or even seen anything like this. I'm happy to know that it doesn't cause her any pain. Does it seem to be uncomfortable for her though? Is she able to at least close her eyes?

Big time prayers on the way sweetie that this Reiki treatment keeps on shrinking this tumor and that you have a full and speedy recovery.

Please give her a hug and kiss for me.

11-13-2006, 08:23 PM
Oh gosh. I'm not ashamed to admit that I cried when I looked at those pictures and that I couldn't respond yesterday to this.

Poor dear sweet Thumper. How my heart goes out to you and to your meowmie. I have never heard or even seen anything like this. I'm happy to know that it doesn't cause her any pain. Does it seem to be uncomfortable for her though? Is she able to at least close her eyes?

Big time prayers on the way sweetie that this Reiki treatment keeps on shrinking this tumor and that you have a full and speedy recovery.

Please give her a hug and kiss for me.

I will give her a hug and kiss ;) Lots of tears shed here too. We are so encouraged with the Reiki treatments that it has brought smiles to our faces :)
No it's not uncomfortable for her. She can close the eye.
Tonight I ordered from a natural pet site a 4 herbal cancer formula. I checked with the gal that is doing the Reiki treatments and she said it would be a great thing for us to give her. It shrinks tumors and 3 of 4 herbs she is very familiar. With her help we will figure the dosage because 7 drops 2x a day seems like alot, although thats what is recommended for her weight.

11-13-2006, 09:01 PM
What a relief to know that she is in no pain or discomfort from this.

You & Thumper will be in my daily prayers that this new herb helps, along with the treatments.

Please keep us updated on her condition.

((((((HUGS)))))) for you for having to deal with this on a daily basis. I can only imagine what it must be like for you to see her like this. I know it just tore my heart in pieces to see those pictures. :(

11-13-2006, 10:54 PM
I am so sorry. I know exactly what you are going through and it is tough both emotionally and financially. I really wish Thumper the very best with the Reiki treatments. It looks like it has done some amazing results so far and hopefully it will keep on getting better.

Please let me know how those drops work. I've been on the fence about buying them.

11-16-2006, 01:04 PM
How goes the Reiki and Thumper? :)

11-16-2006, 01:10 PM
I keep sending best wishes to Thumper, and I hope the reiki sessions in combination with the herbal formula will give her some improvement.


11-16-2006, 04:29 PM
After 2nd Reiki treatment. I just got the herbal stuff today and it will take probably couple weeks to see results from it according to the company.

Her right eye (left in photo) is more open. Top of her head is smoother. You can tell the swelling has gone down a little bit. There still is boney part under her eye and towards her ear.

11-16-2006, 04:59 PM
This is the first time I have read this about Thumper.......... :( I am so sad for her it looks painful. But since her Meowmie says she is doing a little better I can stop crying for a little while. Our thoughts and prayers are with all of you in your family Thumper is very fortunate to have such a good mommy taking care of her. (((((((((((HUGS)))))))))) and prayers for you and your family from all of us in the midwest. Definately keep us up to date on her progress. I will stop crying now. What an amazingly strong person you and you little kitty are.

11-16-2006, 08:31 PM
What a brave kitty and meowmie. Continuing to send positive thoughts your way.

11-18-2006, 11:39 PM
Just thinking of you Miss Thumper. I sure hope the treatments and herbal remedy work!

Scritchies and hugs for you sweetie.

11-19-2006, 11:11 PM
How is Thumper doing? Has she had any more reiki treatments?

11-20-2006, 08:53 AM
How is Thumper doing? Has she had any more reiki treatments?

She had her third treatment Friday. She is doing very well thank you :)

11-26-2006, 10:44 PM
Oh Becky please forgive me for just now seeing this. My heart is just broken at the thought of what you must be going through. I'm so glad you are feeling positive and are seeing results from her treatments.
Please know that you and dear Thumper are in my thoughts and prayers. Please keep us updated and I will watch this thread.

Extra special and gentle {{{{HUGS}}}} to you sweet Thumper and your mom and dad too.

11-27-2006, 09:08 AM
4th Treatment yesterday, She has been on new herbal remedy for 1 week.

Gotta love these bathroom shots, her favorite place to be other than our bed :lol


11-27-2006, 10:16 AM
Thumper, you posr so gracefully! :) I wish all the best things in life, for you.

11-27-2006, 05:09 PM
How is that new herbal remedy working out?

11-27-2006, 05:39 PM
Poor Thumper, and poor you! I would be so emotionally overwraught. Here I am frustrated over peeing cats, and your poor baby has a tumor. It just looks like it would cause her pain or discomfort. Has the reiki or the herbal treatments done anything more for her lately? How much have you noticed it shrink so far? Gosh, it's just so traumatic to think of any animal going through these kinds of things, and they have no idea why it's happening (not that we have any better answer to that). It's just such a sin that innocent animals have to suffer through these things.

Hugs to you and to Thumper! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers.

11-27-2006, 05:45 PM
Is it just my imagination Becky, but has the right side gone down more than the rest of her head?

I'm sorry and I don't mean to make you feel bad or anything, but I find it so hard to look at her pictures without tearing up.

Prayers still on the way for this sweet girl who seems to take everything in stride. God bless her precious heart.

((((((HUGS)))))) Becky

11-27-2006, 06:09 PM
I was wondering, too, if I was just seeing what I wanted to see...but it does seem that her eyes are not 'pressured' looking as they were before.

She has wonderful cattitude...she is just lovely!

I hope the treatments continue to work...as they seem to be doing! :D

Early on:




11-27-2006, 08:09 PM
I will try to answer everyones questions.

Fragrancehound: The new herbal remedy seems to be agreeing with Thumper. I give it 2x a day through her skin (not systemic) so it's more gentle to her system. It's to early to tell since it's just been a week of dosing, we are thinking it probably will take a full month to start to see results of anykind from the new remedy.

Jenn: Reiki treatments are definetly working. Each week the gal doing it sees the improvements more than we do since Thumper is with us on a daily basis. Where I can tell a difference is by feeling various areas of her head.
What use to be "bumpy" is smooth.

Rg-girca & Cathy1: Yes, the right side has gone down. The area around her eye is more open. The boney extention going back to her ear is down.
The top of her head like I said in Jenn's response is smoother. Sometimes it's hard to tell in the photos but touching that area you can definetly tell there is a difference for the good.

It has become apparent that the boney mass is "healing" from the right side to center of her head. Why this way, we dont know. This is an area of 4 inchs by 3 inches so lots to heal. This is going to take some time and we are committed to Thumper and Reiki treatments 1000 percent.
The gal doing the treatments has very positive feelings and Thumper trusts her 2000 percent. It's amazing process to experience.

Thank you all again for continued prayers and good thoughts for our Thumper.

Russian Blue
11-28-2006, 02:07 PM
I just spent the last few minutes reading through this thread. First, I felt so sad for Thumper but now I'm so happy that the Reiki treatments are working! :)

I'm sending many positive thoughts and prayer out to you and Thumper. Thanks so much for updating us and educating us on this new therapy. :) Give Thumper a gentle hug from me!

11-29-2006, 04:16 PM
OMG! I have just been catching up on a month's worth of posts that I've missed, and this one has touched me the most!

Poor Thumper! And poor Thumper's family for going through this!! :eek:

Just when you think you have it bad...........

My heart goes out to you Thumper for being so brave throughout this whole ordeal, and to your family who obviously loves you VERY, VERY much!!

12-05-2006, 10:04 PM
Thank You CatsnClay for your kind words. It has been a ordeal but we are all hanging in here. :)

Here's a photo of side/back area which is coming down. It appears the tumor is healing from outside inward.

I have more photos on a blog site I've made for her. If anyone is interested pm me for the site address.


12-05-2006, 10:29 PM

It seems like her eyes are no longer being "pulled" by the stretching the mass was causing. Am I seeing that right? Regular kitty eyes - and such a pretty green!

Couldn't see her face-on in the 5th treatment photos...and don't know what the back looked like before.

Definite improvement!

HUGS to little Thumper and her Meowmie and to her blessed healers.


12-06-2006, 04:45 AM
I am so happy that Thumper is doing so well. :)

12-06-2006, 08:06 AM

It seems like her eyes are no longer being "pulled" by the stretching the mass was causing. Am I seeing that right? Regular kitty eyes - and such a pretty green!
Couldn't see her face-on in the 5th treatment photos...and don't know what the back looked like before.

Yes, her eye is not being "pulled" as much. Actually what was happening before Reiki treatments is the tumor was coming down and taking over her eye.

Especially with this side view the back part has smoothed out and come down just to her ear area going inward to the center. The top of her head also as smoothed out it used to have 2 lumps you could feel.

12-06-2006, 08:22 AM
How far was the lump down the back of her head before?

(I might have seen it, but all I can remember is that pretty face! :D )

12-06-2006, 09:03 AM
How far was the lump down the back of her head before?

Where it is now in the photo is the location. What has changed is the lump area back there is smoothing out and rescending upward.

12-06-2006, 09:31 AM
That is amazing Becky! I can really see the difference from the first few photos. Prayers still coming for sweet Thumper.

12-10-2006, 04:15 PM
6th Reiki Treatment Today 12-10-06


12-10-2006, 04:32 PM
How do YOU think she is doing? I can't really tell from the photo if there is change or not. I mean, she looks good, but does the "mass" look different?

12-10-2006, 05:55 PM
How do YOU think she is doing? I can't really tell from the photo if there is change or not. I mean, she looks good, but does the "mass" look different?

There is a significant change since we first started. The photos unfortunately that I put on Pet Talk are resized so they aren't giantic and take up so much space, I have a pet peeve about people NOT resizing photos and just throwing them up on chat sites.

I post some photos that are larger than normaly would post here.

Answer to your questions, Thumper is doing great with the Reiki Treatments and the herbal cancer remedy. We see physical changes also her breathing is so much better. The "mass" was starting to engulf her right eye & ear (looking at photos posted it would be to everyones left and/or the area under her ear that is becoming hairless and showes up white in photos). Now, it's reseeding. The "swelling" is going down from outside of her head inward to the center and leftside.
Her right side (again left in photos) is down. It's very hard to measure when a cats head is constanting moving LOL. It's more visable in person that one side is lower than other.

When I could get a semi accurate measurement, It started as as 4x3 mass
Yes, your reading it right 4 inches across (ear to ear) and 3 inches (front to back of her head). Height I cant measure and nothing comes to mind to compare it to for size purposes.

Here's a photo taken on July 10th 2006.

Here's a photo taken after the 1st. Reiki Treatment November 11th 2006.

Here's todays photo December 10th 2006 after the 6th treatment

12-10-2006, 06:53 PM
God, poor Thumper... she just looks so uncomfortable. I'm hoping she's not, but that's the look because of the eyes I guess.

It looked the other day like the eyes weren't as stretched, but today it looks like they are being stretched again... am I not seeing that correctly.

To think she went from July to November is just astounding. Do they know what caused it? I mean, what precipitates something like this??

Hugs to Thumper and to you. I'd be a total mess at this point.

12-10-2006, 07:18 PM
God, poor Thumper... she just looks so uncomfortable. I'm hoping she's not, but that's the look because of the eyes I guess.

It looked the other day like the eyes weren't as stretched, but today it looks like they are being stretched again... am I not seeing that correctly.

To think she went from July to November is just astounding. Do they know what caused it? I mean, what precipitates something like this??

Hugs to Thumper and to you. I'd be a total mess at this point.

She is NOT uncomfortable.

No, her eyes arent stretched again. It's the angle I took the photo and how she was trying NOT to look at the camera. LOL Also I took the photos with two different cameras. The ones in December are from the newest camera which is way better than old one. I'm not use to all the "bells and whistles" so I might not get the shots good.

The cause...... when she was a kitten her "soft spot" on her head did not heal together. Thus, all these years later calcium gradually started to build up and went nuts from July to October, then according to test results of biopsy came back cancerous tumor.

The gal who is doing the treatments does NOT get the vibes that this is cancerous. IF it was cancerous, an aniamal who was gravely ill would NOT let a Reiki Master (that's her cerification title) touch them. The animal would push their hands away. Thumper wants her hands all over her body.

12-21-2006, 08:22 AM
I haven't seen any update on this poor girl. How is Thumper doing?? I hope she is getting better.

12-21-2006, 08:40 AM
I haven't seen any update on this poor girl. How is Thumper doing?? I hope she is getting better.

Thanks for asking about Thumper :)
With holidays and all activities it's been a busy time for us here and posting updates is been hard to find time.
She is doing great. The treatments continue to work although progress is slow (which we knew that would happen, this didnt pop up over night) it's working, Reiki treatments and herbal rememdy.

12-21-2006, 02:22 PM
Good news! Thanks for the update.

12-22-2006, 10:40 PM
Oh that's wonderful! I was worried because I hadn't seen any update, and was fearing the worst. I'm so glad she's improving.

12-30-2006, 08:51 PM
How is Thumper doing????

He has been in my mind lately................;)

12-30-2006, 10:39 PM
I'm happy to read the latest update on precious Thumper. :)

Prayers and positive thoughts on the way that she continues to do well.

Laura's Babies
12-31-2006, 12:33 AM
I have been watching this but have not posted before. I am astounded at how lovely she is and what a brave girl she must be to endure all that and never complaine. We learn a lot from these babies about endurance and life. I know she is your baby and your heart. I pray for her continued recovery and may this be just what it takes to make it go away and she recover with no ill effects.

12-31-2006, 08:41 AM
Thank you Laura's Babies :)
Thumper is truely a remarkable little gal. The only time Thumper complains is when Mom doesnt get to the sink fast enough to turn the water on :D

She is going to help mom fight with the pet insurance people here in the next few weeks. Apparently, they feel this was a "pre-exisiting condition" since the specialist worded in a description 5 years. Thankfully, the specialist is going to help us unconfuse the insurance people.

12-31-2006, 09:25 AM
Don't you just love insurance companies??? Human and pet alike, they just seem to want to NOT pay for things! Lack of compassion must be a pre-requesite for working at them.

12-31-2006, 10:02 AM
Don't you just love insurance companies??? Human and pet alike, they just seem to want to NOT pay for things! Lack of compassion must be a pre-requesite for working at them.

A bunch of idiots!
They heard Round #1 from me on Friday.

12-31-2006, 10:14 AM
Well, insurance people are only nice if they want our money! :rolleyes:

Keep sending my best wishes to Thumper!!


01-03-2007, 12:55 PM
Updated photos on blog
update (http://www.xanga.com/Craftlady2006)

Just a note:
I know there are some who are having trouble seeing the progress through the photos. My camera is NOT an expensive digital but at modest $125 model.
I believe a more powerful one would be 1000% better but my budget doesnt allow for anything over what I just spent on a new camera.

01-03-2007, 02:15 PM
Goodness, I too just saw this thread and spent quite awhile reading every single post. My heart really goes out to you and dear Thumper. It's amazing to hear that she's doing so well with the Reiki treatments and herbal supplements. Please continue to keep us posted on her progress. Many hugs and prayers for you!


01-03-2007, 03:18 PM
I do find it hard to see changes in the photos...but I do find it helpful when you briefly outline the changes. I know the 'bumpy' spots int he tumour are gone. What other changes are happening?

Glad to hear she is happy and her "cattitude" is well! :D

01-03-2007, 03:30 PM
Don't appologize for your camera. Even the best camera might not show the difference. Mostly it is the fact that each photo is taken at a different angle. (how can you get a cat to "turn to the right a little, and down". LOL)

So, when you measure it, does it seem different in size from the first measurment?

01-03-2007, 03:42 PM
Don't appologize for your camera. Even the best camera might not show the difference. Mostly it is the fact that each photo is taken at a different angle. (how can you get a cat to "turn to the right a little, and down". LOL)

So, when you measure it, does it seem different in size from the first measurment?

Yes the size is different from first measurement in regards to height.
She has a sloop appearance about her from left to right (as you look at the photos)
The area that shows more white (lack of hair in that area from stretching of tumor) is flatter then other side of her head.

Under her ear/eye where the tumor was starting to take hold more is reseeding.

Yep, it's hard to tell a feline "hold still" LOL

01-03-2007, 05:26 PM
Oh my goodness.... I just want to hug that dear girl! She is such a trooper (as are you and your husband) dealing with this. Does she seem to "notice" that there's something there (I guess you would HAVE to, wouldn't you?).

What I find confusing is that you say it's a calcium buildup. If it's calcium, why can't it be removed??? How did it go from calcium to cancer?!

01-03-2007, 07:36 PM
Oh my goodness.... I just want to hug that dear girl! She is such a trooper (as are you and your husband) dealing with this. Does she seem to "notice" that there's something there (I guess you would HAVE to, wouldn't you?).

What I find confusing is that you say it's a calcium buildup. If it's calcium, why can't it be removed??? How did it go from calcium to cancer?!

No to your question "does she seem to notice". Because it's NOT involving the brain, but sitting on top of the skull, Thumpers motor skills, communication etc abilities are very normal.

No, to why cant it be removed question.
IF the area/tumor was small like size of a pea, it could be removed.
Because we are dealing with an area that is approximately 3 inches long by 4 inches wide, there is NOT enough skin to cover the opening that would be left, once it would be removed. The surgeon we consulted said it's TO BIG to remove without endangering her life. In otherwords, she wouldn't make it through the surgery.

:confused: good question how it got from calcium to cancer. That aspect was never explained fully to us. At this point kinda a mute issue.
Although, the gal who does the Reiki Treatments does not get the vibes that we are dealing with cancer.

01-04-2007, 12:10 AM
I know you're doing the homeopathic, or whatever Reiki would be considered, but have you tried a vetrinary hospital like we have in PA, Univ. of Penn Animal Hospital. It's actually part of the Univ. of Pennsylvania, and they treat these kinds of drastic health issues. Basically, up here by Philly, if your vet can't fix your pet, and you have no other options, you go to Philly. They're expensive, although from what I heard from others, they do allow for low fee deals when it concerns an animal and life or death, and the family has limited income. They're a teaching vet hospital.

01-04-2007, 08:08 AM
I know you're doing the homeopathic, or whatever Reiki would be considered, but have you tried a vetrinary hospital like we have in PA, Univ. of Penn Animal Hospital. It's actually part of the Univ. of Pennsylvania, and they treat these kinds of drastic health issues. Basically, up here by Philly, if your vet can't fix your pet, and you have no other options, you go to Philly. They're expensive, although from what I heard from others, they do allow for low fee deals when it concerns an animal and life or death, and the family has limited income. They're a teaching vet hospital.

jenn_librarian, We have listened to all the specialist and what is available in our area of the country. It's come down to quality verse quantity of life.
Going to all the specialist (especially one in Cincinnati, thats were everyone goes from our area) that we did gave us the following answers, I truely believe any teaching vet hospital would of given the same following advice and or conclusion.

(1)Our closest actual vet school is in Columbus Ohio which from our house to there is 3 hours one way trip. Only option there for us is radiation. Along with the place we went to in Cincinnati, Ohio.

(2)Chemo will NOT help her with this type of tumor/mass.

(3) Surgery is NOT an option. SHe would die on the table due to age (she is 7 years old) and size of the mass We have had 3 vets tell us that, We got the message loud and clear.

01-04-2007, 11:12 AM
That is just so disheartening! I'm so sorry for all you and Thumper are going through. You, and Thumper, must be very resilient!

01-04-2007, 10:06 PM
That is just so disheartening! I'm so sorry for all you and Thumper are going through. You, and Thumper, must be very resilient!

At first it wasnt easy to deal with and our days were filled with loads of stress. Now that she is doing so well with Reiki and herbal treatments, it's easier to handle. We see results it's not our imagination playing tricks.
Thumper is one special gal and we know it she knows it :)

01-05-2007, 03:19 PM
Please forgive me I have been following this but have not posted. I am continuing to pray for Thumper. I can see changes in her since her first Reiki treatment. I do believe that she can be helped a little with these treatments.

Please give her a gently kiss and chin rub from me and my gang.

01-05-2007, 05:03 PM
Please forgive me I have been following this but have not posted. I am continuing to pray for Thumper. I can see changes in her since her first Reiki treatment. I do believe that she can be helped a little with these treatments.

Please give her a gently kiss and chin rub from me and my gang.

The Reiki treatments are indeed working. It's going to take time but we are in it for the long haul. It will give us great pleasure when the tumor is no longer there and we can take her to the vet's who said there was no hope and prove them wrong.

Kisses and chin rubs delivered :)

01-09-2007, 05:42 PM
Blog page update today 1-9-07

blogupdate (http://www.xanga.com/Craftlady2006)

01-09-2007, 05:58 PM
People say it looks like Elvis hairdo


Glad you are doing well, Thumper. :)

01-13-2007, 05:56 PM
How is Miss Thumper doing??? I think about her often, and hope she's ok.

01-13-2007, 06:06 PM
How is Miss Thumper doing??? I think about her often, and hope she's ok.

She is doing great. Treatment #11 is tomorrow.
The area that is white underneath her right ear (left on a photo) has a nice pink tint to it since last Sunday afternoon. This is a very good sign that red blood cells are getting to that area and healing is happening.

01-13-2007, 07:59 PM
I'm so glad that the Reiki treatments are helping. I need to pay more attention to the posts, admittedly, but life has a way of taking over sometimes. I'm a Reiki master and a certified Quantum Touch practitioner and I was giving Puddy QT while I was holding her yesterday before surgery. I know it helped. If anyone is interested, here's a link on Quantum Touch.



01-14-2007, 07:03 PM
I hope Thumper's treatment went well today. I just wish there was something more to be done for her!

01-14-2007, 07:15 PM
Please know that I have been following this thread from the beginning, but just haven't made a post everytime.

I definitely see a difference in Thumper's right side and I'm glad to hear that the skin is starting to turn a pink color.

You all continue to be in my thoughts and in my prayers.

Please give that brave sweet girl of yours a kiss for me and {{{{{{HUGS}}}}}} for you and your hubby as it must be hard to see your baby girl like this.

Dearest Thumper, please continue to do well with your treatments as I would also love for you to prove the vets wrong.

01-14-2007, 07:57 PM
I too keep up with Thumper's progress, but I don't post that often. I appreciate your descriptions of the progress. I get too upset looking a the photos, even though I know she doesn't hurt.

I saw where this went from calcium to cancer with no explanation. I was thinking about the calcium. I had a cat with an untreated overactive thyroid. This caused calcium to build up in places it shouldn't. Significant calcium built up between the vertebrae in his spine and fused a few together. So I was wondering IF this is calcium, is it worth treating to prevent the calcium from reforming, as fast as the reiki is removing it? In my cat's case, the cause was the overactive thyroid, and giving the thyroid pills to control that stopped the calcium build up. There was nothing to be done about the spine bones. He walked a bit stiff, and he couldn't jump as high as before, but otherwise he was OK. I know you are doing the reiki and herbal remedy. I suppose someone has tested Thumper's thyroid by now and you know it is OK? This was just a thought, to toss out for you to consider. No idea if the thyroid pills would interact with the herbal (that is, if there IS a thyroid issue.)

I continue to keep Thumper in my prayers for good health, and you and your family in my prayers for good decision making, and the determination to see this through, and the finances to keep up! And also to keep abreast of all those techinical terms everyone keeps tossing at you. :)

01-14-2007, 10:10 PM
I too keep up with Thumper's progress, but I don't post that often. I appreciate your descriptions of the progress. I get too upset looking a the photos, even though I know she doesn't hurt.

I saw where this went from calcium to cancer with no explanation. I was thinking about the calcium. I had a cat with an untreated overactive thyroid. This caused calcium to build up in places it shouldn't. Significant calcium built up between the vertebrae in his spine and fused a few together. So I was wondering IF this is calcium, is it worth treating to prevent the calcium from reforming, as fast as the reiki is removing it? In my cat's case, the cause was the overactive thyroid, and giving the thyroid pills to control that stopped the calcium build up. There was nothing to be done about the spine bones. He walked a bit stiff, and he couldn't jump as high as before, but otherwise he was OK. I know you are doing the reiki and herbal remedy. I suppose someone has tested Thumper's thyroid by now and you know it is OK? This was just a thought, to toss out for you to consider. No idea if the thyroid pills would interact with the herbal (that is, if there IS a thyroid issue.)

I continue to keep Thumper in my prayers for good health, and you and your family in my prayers for good decision making, and the determination to see this through, and the finances to keep up! And also to keep abreast of all those techinical terms everyone keeps tossing at you. :)

Ok, I need to explain things in greater detail. I did have somewhere that it went from calcium to cancer.

#1... NO this is NOT a thyroid problem all her blood work came back normal. Thyroid was never an issue.

#2.... Her offical diagnosis is as follows from the NEEDLE biospy that was done on her head mass.
"chrondrosarcoma": The mass represents a chondrosacrcoma arising from the skull. Chondrosacromas are characterized by aggressive local inflitration, recurrence and moderate rate of metatstasis to the lungs.

#3..... Bioposy results are as finding... chondrosarcoma (well deifferentiated) with necrosis.

#4..... Definition of necrosis: Necrosis (in Greek Νεκρός = Dead) is the name given to accidental death of cells and living tissue.

#4a.....Definition of chrondrosacoma:is a malignant tumor that produces cartilage matrix

#5......How this all started according to the SIMPLE explaination from the last specialist that we went to and who did the needle bioposy...
Her soft spot on her skull never fused together. Thus, calicium/cartliage build up that turned into a tumor.

#6.... The way Reiki works is once it's gone is GONE FOR LIFE.
For more information about reiki... www.reiki.org

01-14-2007, 11:05 PM
Crafty, I just saw this thread and I will keep checking to see how things progress.
Take care and Give Thumper a big ole hug for me!!

01-15-2007, 02:50 AM
Craftlady, I have been following Thumper's thread and it is so good that the Reiki is working for her. I really hope it improves a whole lot, my fingers are crossed for Thumper and her continued progress.
I think it is inspiring what you are doing for her, helping her in any way you can, that is what a true cat owner should be :)

01-15-2007, 08:11 AM
Craftlady, I have been following Thumper's thread and it is so good that the Reiki is working for her. I really hope it improves a whole lot, my fingers are crossed for Thumper and her continued progress.
I think it is inspiring what you are doing for her, helping her in any way you can, that is what a true cat owner should be :)

Thank You :)

01-15-2007, 09:01 AM
Just catching back up with Miss Thumper's progress. I'm still sending positive thoughts and lots of prayers yours and Thumper's way. (((HUGS))) to both.

01-22-2007, 01:15 PM
How is Thumper doing???

01-30-2007, 03:18 PM

How is Thumper doing???

Laura's Babies
02-16-2007, 08:38 AM
Any more updates? How is our Thumper doing now?

02-16-2007, 09:26 AM
Thumper is doing great, the tumor is changing shape and going down.
Sorry I havent had time to update. It's been slightly crazy around here.
We had ice/sleet/freezing rain/snow first part of the week. Tomorrow 1-3 inches of snow is forecasted. Hubby's truck been in/out of the shop, I'm without a vehicle today because he had to take mine to work. Yep, they finally had school today :p he's been out since Tuesday.

02-19-2007, 09:33 PM
I updated her blog page tonight.

blog (http://www.xanga.com/Craftlady2006)

02-19-2007, 10:36 PM
awww....I know it's been worrisome, but her little pink tummy looks kind of cute! Heck, her whole POSE is cute! Oscar is just regrowing fur there after a year on regular Feliway. he started pulling out some fur around the time his UTI showed up.

I can see the PINK patch at the front of the tumour!

"mushy" is good for a "boney" mass. That sucker is fer sure on its way out.

Thanks for the update!

03-01-2007, 09:48 PM
I've updated her blog page

blog (http://www.xanga.com/Craftlady2006)

03-01-2007, 11:11 PM
Is the bald spot you mention new? Did it happen because of the tumour changing shape?

Hopefully as things get "mushier", the bald spot will vanish.

Looking at her in that pose - it looks like a regular cat's head - just extra round! :)

Glad to hear about the hair on her tummy! It does take a while...I am so glad now to rub Oscar's tummy now that all the fur is back.

03-02-2007, 08:59 AM
Is the bald spot you mention new? Did it happen because of the tumour changing shape?

There is one small (pin head size) that is new on top on her head (cant see in photo). The larger white area seen in the photo has been there since the tumor got bigger.

03-02-2007, 12:16 PM
I know that Reiki and other forms of alternative healing work. I practice it and I've seen it first hand. Keep up the good work and lots of hugs and prayers to you and Thumper.


03-04-2007, 09:54 PM
I know that Reiki and other forms of alternative healing work. I practice it and I've seen it first hand. Keep up the good work and lots of hugs and prayers to you and Thumper.


Thanks Mary, it sure has been a blessing for us.
One thing I'm not looking forward to and our Reiki Master warned me today about it since things are changing for the good (mushy areas), that these areas could develop into puss cysts and need to be drained otherwise if they cant be drained could kill her because of the poision from the puss. These areas would have to drain out.
This would be the last thing to disolving the tumor. Bless her heart if time comes to lance if needed she would do it for me.
Her exact words were "Dont panic when this happens". I'll panic LOL

03-04-2007, 10:04 PM
Oh, my - I hope it progresses without draining...but since Thumper trusts and adores her 2000% (I think that is the figure you used a while back :) ), I would expect that everything would go very well.

So, no mushy jokes...we'll just have to invent a new hairstyle name!

Thumper is still her happy kitty self?

03-04-2007, 10:06 PM
Oh, my - I hope it progresses without draining...but since Thumper trusts and adores her 2000% (I think that is the figure you used a while back :) ), I would expect that everything would go very well.

So, no mushy jokes...we'll just have to invent a new hairstyle name!

Thumper is still her happy kitty self?

She is still her happy kitty self :)
We call her new style the "Elvis Presley" look. :)

03-05-2007, 07:23 AM
That's one of the first things we learned on becoming Reiki Masters and QT practitioners, that it might get worse, so to speak, before it gets better. Catherine Ponder calls it "chemicalization". Whatever we want to call it, it can be scary. One of my first clients was a man who asked me to do a session on his back spasms. I worked on him for about 45 min. and all seemed well until he got up from the table and he yelled "OMG! It's worse than before!" "Great", I thought, "Make your client worse, why doncha?" So I worked on him some more and the spasms disappeared completely, never to return. It really freaked me out but I never let him see that. But at least w/humans, they can communicate to us what's going on. We're so fearful for our furkids because they can't let us know how they feel other than how they behave. So I feel for ya, believe me, but should Thumper need to have a lancing done, take that as a positive sign. And we'll all be praying her (and you) through it. :)


03-26-2007, 05:07 AM
Updated her blog site also included photos.


03-26-2007, 09:08 PM
I'm glad that you and your husband can see differences. It looks so uncomfortable. Poor girl. Hope that things will speed up and it will go away.

03-26-2007, 09:11 PM
Y'know...I went back to the blog to check again. I am not sure what angle her head is at in the second photo..I see whiskers but no eyes yet! Poor girl.

I thought nothing really looked different...then I went and looked again because it occurred to me that Thumper no longer had the weird 'pushed-up-Elvis-hairdo' look.

I did see her from a different angle...but am I correct in guessing that she is past the Elvis stage? :D

03-26-2007, 09:35 PM
Y'know...I went back to the blog to check again. I am not sure what angle her head is at in the second photo..I see whiskers but no eyes yet! Poor girl.

I thought nothing really looked different...then I went and looked again because it occurred to me that Thumper no longer had the weird 'pushed-up-Elvis-hairdo' look.

I did see her from a different angle...but am I correct in guessing that she is past the Elvis stage? :D

The second photo I was trying to show the back of her head and how its getting flatter.

The last photo I was trying to show the size of the tumor & how it's going out past her ear and how it's stretch and become white from hair loss.
It was a side/back angle show. I was trying to show how it bows out on the side.

1/2 Elvis stage LOL

It's hard to take photos when she keeps moving on me. :eek:

Also, like I've said before, my camera is not a fancy one, it was only $125. The delay on the shutter is like forever but it's only 3 seconds but allot can happen it that time frame when photo graphicing cats. LOL
As I get better with the new camera, hopefully the photos will also. I do the best I can with what I have to work with these days. More expensive cameras in hundreds of dollars do better.
Someday, I'll have me one of those fancy cameras. In meantime, gotta work with what I got. :)

03-26-2007, 10:05 PM
Oh heavens - the photos are great! I just can't see all angles like you and your husband can, so I ask questions.

I hadn't seen that angle before (last photo), so I had no pics to compare it with.

I think a lot of her first ones were face-front.

However, when I see her in her daddy's arms, her eyes look more relaxed, like nothing is pulling on them/taking them over as much. Am I right on that too?

It's not your camera, my friend - it's my eyes and memory! :D

03-26-2007, 11:13 PM
The little sweetheart. I want so much for her to get all better. Candles burning....

03-27-2007, 08:21 AM
Your right about the eye being more relaxed and opened up.
Hopefully her "third" eye will go away. This past week it's been less irriated which is a good thing.

04-04-2007, 09:35 PM
Hi...I keep checking your site(I have it bookmarked) for an update on Thumper.

I am just hooked on this little one's progress! :)

Maybe she's graduated from Elvis to early Dolly Parton? :p

Hugs to you and hubby and Thumper!

04-05-2007, 07:19 AM
Hi...I keep checking your site(I have it bookmarked) for an update on Thumper.

I am just hooked on this little one's progress! :)

Maybe she's graduated from Elvis to early Dolly Parton? :p

Hugs to you and hubby and Thumper!

No graduations from Elvis to early Dolly. :p
I updated her blog this morning and added a video clip. It's way easier to do then taking photos of a moving target LOL

04-05-2007, 05:54 PM
Oh gosh... I wish it would improve quicker. She just brings tears to my eyes. Please give her a big hug from me... I hope things will pick up and she will be able to have some more relief.

04-07-2007, 10:08 PM
Jenn, I was stunned a bit too, with the video. Yes, it is still a large lump. However - I did notice that her one eye is no longer being overtaken by the tumour. Also, when she turned her head in profile, it looked way more like a normal cat profile, with just a big round top...but somehow it fits.

She does have the sweetest face!

I know the feeling, I just want her to get all better NOW, if not sooner. But as Craftlady says, this didn't pop up overnight.

CL - I don't imagine the Reiki gal gave any sort of timeline? I guess Thumper keeps getting treatments until she's well?

I like to think this is a plateau...I have a sense that there is another stage, and things will roll along quite merrily!


04-07-2007, 10:22 PM

We dont have timeline. Pretty much once the tumor is gone her treatments are done. One thing we have been warned about is this mass may want to come to a head so to speak and drain. Yep, lancing it might have to be done. Otherwise if it doesnt drain she could die. :(
We hope that doesnt happen (wanting to drain part).

We have addressed several issues that might of slowed or blocked her progress. So now that the last specialized bottle of remedy is almost done, we shall see if more improvements come faster.

The most noticeable change lately is the gap between her ears seems to be shortening in distance.

We agree, she has a sweet face :)

04-08-2007, 07:11 AM
She does have a very sweet face. She just looks so kissable!

Sending prayers that her treatments continue to help her.