View Full Version : small bladders???

06-10-2002, 09:42 AM
Hi everyone,

I'm looking for some info and advice. About two weeks ago, I adopted a new puppy (Lab mixed with Miniature bull terrier - 3mos). She's the most playful & teething little thing. I'm trying to potty train her and majority of the time she goes outside. I just don't understand why she goes so often (i.e., pottys 3 times in half an hr). Is she marking her terriority or something? I have another puppy (6mos) in the house and didn't have this with her (she's potty trained). Any ideas or suggestions? Thanks!

Cathy :)

06-10-2002, 11:01 AM
She is awfully young, so that may be it. Have you taken her in for her final shots? You might call the vet and see what he/she thinks...it could be a bladder infection, but I have no clue other than that. Vets are always the best alternative, I think. Is that her picture on your signature?? Who ever that is, is just too darn cute.

06-10-2002, 11:15 AM
Thanks for your info. I just spoke to a tech @ the vet clinic and she said that she is getting used to her new surroundings so she maybe marking her territory.

Actually, that's my Sammie (my 6 mos old). Don't have a pic with Maggie yet.

Originally posted by mugsy
She is awfully young, so that may be it. Have you taken her in for her final shots? You might call the vet and see what he/she thinks...it could be a bladder infection, but I have no clue other than that. Vets are always the best alternative, I think. Is that her picture on your signature?? Who ever that is, is just too darn cute.

06-10-2002, 11:25 AM
Sammie is just a doll. Is he/she a Shiba Inu?? Looks an awful lot like one!!

Good luck and let us know how the marking contest proceeds!