View Full Version : Honey

06-10-2002, 08:25 AM
Honey, you are a honey!!! :D I believe that "Honey" is a named reserved for our most precious and loving girls (I, too, have a Honey, but she's a Golden Retriever, and she has some interesting personality quirks of her own).

What a beautiful girl you are, who has been through so much in your short life. I hope that every day, you will become more trusting and loving. I can tell that even if you don't, you will be loved for the rest of your life.

Enjoy your special day, and hopefully you will get lots of wonderful treats and love from your mom and dad!! Congratulations on being the Pet of the Day! :D

06-10-2002, 08:51 AM
Abuse a magnificent creature like you Honey - why oh why? Thank goodness your forever human found you and is working with you to build up trust. Your coloring is so incredible that you almost hurt the eyes with your brilliance.

Bask in the love you are now receiving and soon you will blossom with confidence and security. How we honor you today, you dear, sweet Honey Bunny!

06-10-2002, 09:17 AM
Good morning Honey Bunny, what a pretty little girl you are. I'm sorry to hear that you were abused in the past, but anyone can tell you are much loved now. Thank goodness your Mom took you and as far as your Dad you will learn to love him in time. Congratulations dear, sweet, Honey Our Very Best Pet of the Day. I'm sure you will be getting some extra special treats on your extra special day.
Miss Daisy, Perry and Jackie

06-10-2002, 09:51 AM
Lovely little honey. It sounds like you have a very caring Mommy that is going to keep you for the rest of your life! You are very pretty, what beautiful coloring you have! I hope you get some seeds and nuts today little girl!:D :cool: :D

06-10-2002, 01:53 PM
Awww! What a sweet lookin' bird you are. I'm so sorry for your rocky start in life that made you afraid of men. I hope you learn to trust your new daddy soon. In the meantime, sounds like your mommy will give you lots and lots of love. Enjoy your day as Pet of the Day sweetie.:)

06-10-2002, 02:30 PM

What a Beautiful creature you are. I'm sorry that you had
to endure even one minute of abuse in your short life Honey.
You have a good forever home now Sweetie, and I'm sure
you will, with time, come to believe & trust them too.Slowly
bur surely, you will see how very much you are loved &
treasured. Many happy congratulations on being chosen for
a Special day of honor Pretty girl ,as our PET OF THE DAY !!!

06-10-2002, 04:59 PM
Hi there precious one. How such a beautiful creataure such as you could have ever been abused....well, it's just unimaginable. But now, in the loving care of a devoted human, your light can shine and your spirit can soar! Your beauty, your spirit, your courage are an inspiration to us all! Congratulations to you bright, beautiful, sunny Honey, our MOST deserving, dearest Pet of the Day!! Lots of love and gentle to kisses to our very special honoree:)