View Full Version : Man gets misdemeanor for putting puppy in 200 degree oven!

11-08-2006, 03:08 PM
From CNN.com


SALT LAKE CITY, Utah (AP) -- A man who pleaded guilty to putting his wife's puppy in a 200-degree oven, crippling it, was sentenced Monday to six months in jail.

Third District Judge William Barrett ordered Marc Christopher Vincent, 36, to serve six months in jail without the chance of early release. He must also pay a $500 fine and $986 in veterinary bills for the dog.

Vincent, 36, pleaded guilty September 18 to one count of misdemeanor aggravated animal cruelty for putting the dog in an oven for five minutes on May 25 during a fight with his wife, Rhonda. She has since filed for divorce.

The black Chihuahua mix named Henry suffered permanent damage to its front paws and now limps. (Watch Henry wag his tail on the way into court -- 1:32 )

As part of the plea agreement, a second charge of animal cruelty was dropped. Prosecutors had accused Vincent of turning a leaf blower on the dog in a separate incident, damaging the dog's eye so badly it had to be removed.

Vincent was ordered to serve two years' probation after his jail sentence, seek anger management therapy, have no contact with his wife or any animals, and get a mental health evaluation.

Salt Lake County prosecutor Elizabeth Henry said Utah is one of nine states that has only misdemeanor punishment for animal cruelty.


In my opinion Utah needs stricter animal cruelty laws!!! :mad: Everyone should watch the video. The dog is sooooooo darn adorable! I am so glad he survived. I hope that guy gets what he deserves one day!

11-08-2006, 03:16 PM
OMG !! What is wrong with some people ?!?! :mad:

:( I watched the video, poor, sweet doggie.

11-08-2006, 03:29 PM
:mad: :mad: Just makes me want to give this guy 6 month of HELL .. What a sicko!! I am so happy Rhonda is divorcing him.. I am very happy for the baby puppy inwhich is doing good.. I want to just cry with this woman..

Laura's Babies
11-08-2006, 04:37 PM
Disgusting! Glad she got out of there before he stuck her in a oven!

At least he got jailtime! A lot don't ever get a day of jailtime.

11-08-2006, 06:13 PM
May he rot in hell. Poor puppy :( :(

11-08-2006, 06:40 PM
He should get 10 years in jail and the rest of his life in solitary confinement!!! There is absoltuly no excuse for that mental or not!!! If he has mental issues he should still know better!!! The *******!!!! I could never be a judge. All of these kinds of people would get 10,000 times as much jail time as they normally would!!!!! NO EXCEPTIONS IF THEY'RE MENTAL!!!!!!! :mad:

11-08-2006, 09:19 PM
Sick. Just sick. May he forever rot in Hell.

11-09-2006, 07:33 AM
Six months? Just six months? And only $1,500 in fines? I can't say what I'm really feeling because I'll get kicked off of Pet Talk.

May that "man" rot in hell.


11-09-2006, 11:33 PM
Why are the fines for animal cruelty so lame? :mad: Totally inadequet punishment, if you ask me. Poor dog, too bad he isn't a big ol' rottie or pittie or something that could chew the guy to pieces.

11-17-2006, 10:25 AM
Frankly I think the death penelty would be the answer. I am sick and tired of my tax dollars going to these creatures to keep them in jail. It cost $35.000 a year to house a criminal. I would rather give that money to find a cure for cancer, AIDS, and a million other things. This guy won't change, he will go from burning puppies to killing people. Sicko's like this never change, they just keep on doing horrible things till they are in jail or dead.

Miss Z
11-17-2006, 12:20 PM
I would dread to think what goes off in the minds of people like that 'man'. Some people just like having power over weaker and defenseless creatures because they feel so down-trodden in society. All I can say is oh boo hoo :rolleyes:

Glad the little feller survived, what a cutie!