View Full Version : Rats - Updated on the cage I'm getting.

11-07-2006, 11:57 AM

I've decided to go for the critter 2 cage or very similar.

Its about the best looking cage I've seen around here and it looks like I could really build it up with asessories for them Im definatly going for a cage like this and then I can make it rat proof by putting down some suitable flooring for them :)

I'm getting a rat!! :D :D :D

I need some advice on some cages if I post some links here to some sites can I get everyones opinion? :confused: I have a big space to put the cage but Its not really wide but the height and the length wouldnt be a problem at all, Also I cant have an avery because it needs to be sat on a table. I looked at the "Jenny" cage at pets at home it would be perfect if it was slightly less wide, It looks so much bigger than in the photo! I saw a chipmunk cage which looked very good, It was very tall and very long and it looked like it would fit in well here but it was all wired on the bottom but I could change that if it was suitable for a rat to live in.
This cage looks like the chipmunk cage I saw..
http://petchauffeur.net/Merchant2/graphics/00000001/Ware%20Ferret-Chinchilla%20Cage%20with%20Drop%20Pans%20Assembled .gif
(The one I saw was much longer and taller)
I also saw the savic Freddy cage that has been mentioned on alot of sites,
But, I saw it in pets at home and although its a big cage it doesnt look like its big enough for a grown rat to live in, I was set on getting this cage before I saw it and I've changed my mind now!
I just want something I can really make interesting for the rat to live in and the freddy cage didnt look big enough for much at all.

I also know that rats should be housed in 2's or more but I only want one female, I know they need to be socialised alot and that they need alot of time out of the cage, I've done the research and spoken to a few owners some of who have owned rats on their own.

11-07-2006, 12:50 PM
I would really really urge you to get another female. Rats are VERY social and no matter how much time you spend with them you cannot take the place of another rat, period. You cannot groom them, play with them the way other rats do, be there for them when they are sick in the way they need and so on and so forth. Rats who have a companion live a lot longer healthier life than rats who are kept as singeltons. I breed rats, professionally for about 10 years or so now.

I would highly recommend Martins cages. http://www.martinscages.com/products/cages/rat/

The rat highrise or rat tower would be a great cage for only a couple of rats. Just please make sure to get it powder coated as it lasts a lot longer and you don't have to worry about toxic fumes coming up from the bars. Powder coated cages are very easy to clean. Just take them outside and spay them with a hose. Any dried food or poop should rinse right off. If you can afford it, the The Ruud Cage (R-699), is my fav! :D

Another good cage company is Quality Cages. They are a lot sturdier than Martins cages but more spendy. They are based out of Portland. They also make custom cages. Plus, their running wheels are awesome!

Make sure your rat still have a solid surface to rest his tootsies on. Rats love hammocks! :) Any other questions? Just FYI, ferret cages are not too safe for rats due to the bar spacing. You need to make sure their feet cannot get through the bars, or you can have an injured rattie in no time. :(

11-07-2006, 01:03 PM
I'm really not too keen on getting 2 rats. I know it sounds selfish of me but I dont want to put the pressure of having 2 pets that I havent had before, Im just scared incase I cant treat them both equally.. But then again if I had 2 they could occupy each other right? :confused: obviously they would both have time out of the cage. This is going to sound so shallow but Im being honest here, I tend to get attached to one animal and I dont want another rat to get left out because of the way I am with pets. I also need to discuss this with my mum as she has agreed to one female.

I also wanted to know if you were refering to the flooring like on the chipmunk cage? I would definatly get a solid surface to cover the wires before I got the rats. I was going to edit and ask about that! :)

Im aware that I need to watch for the spacing of the bars and I've been adviced to go for a criss cross bar cage but I could see that being easier to catch their feet in than the normal bars or am I just being paranoid?! lol I cant actually buy online so I'm mostly looking for cages which I can shop around for around here.

I've seen sites which convert degus and chinchilla cages into rats cages are they suitable? I plan on getting my cage and everything in the cage rat proof before I get my rat. I saw 2 today and I fell in love!! they were both males but I'm really looking for females.

11-07-2006, 01:24 PM
I'm really not too keen on getting 2 rats. I know it sounds selfish of me but I dont want to put the pressure of having 2 pets that I havent had before, Im just scared incase I cant treat them both equally.. But then again if I had 2 they could occupy each other right? :confused: obviously they would both have time out of the cage. This is going to sound so shallow but Im being honest here, I tend to get attached to one animal and I dont want another rat to get left out because of the way I am with pets. I also need to discuss this with my mum as she has agreed to one female.

That's exactly why you want two, so when you cannot have the one out of the cage it's not bored sitting there alone. Perhaps rats are not the pets for you. They demand a LOT of time. Have you also thought about medical bills? Rats get sick very easily and tend to have a lot of trips to the vet. Have you talked to breeders (I am one) and asked questions regarding health etc.? Petstore rats generally are not healthy and have been exposed to a number of viruses before going home to a family, not to mention the risk of a female being pregnant. Most petstore rats are bred only for food and money, and no care is taken to create healthy litters. Most are inbred and genetically prone to tumors and myco flareups more than a rat from a breeder would be.

Miss Z
11-07-2006, 01:31 PM
I looked at the "Jenny" cage at pets at home it would be perfect if it was slightly less wide, It looks so much bigger than in the photo!

That is the cage I have for Tia! It's a shame if you can't have that one, it's a really good cage, only the water bottle is a little flimsy, but it is spacious enough for up to 4 rats and the tubes are a real hit. :)

I don't have much time to spend on PT tonight, but you can send me a pm if you have any questions and I'll be happy to help.

Quickly, about the whole one rat idea, I know how you feel, I just got Tia on her own for the same reason. As long as you can socialize with them A LOT, then it really is OK. When I'm not around, Tia simply sleeps. When I'm home, she plays with me and sits on the desk whilst I do my homework. Rats are wonderful pets and I'm sure you'll love yours :D

11-07-2006, 01:37 PM
I dont see why you said rats arent the pet for me? :confused: I wouldn't dream of getting an animal if I couldnt afford medical care for them, I've read alot of mixed feeling about pet shops and breeders and like always breeders seem to come out on top but I'm not rushing out to get one, no way. I know of an small animal rescue and they have 50 babies! and they say they always have lots of baby rats because of people not researching and being responsible for their pets. Im in no way offended by what you posted I was just taken by you saying about them not being suitable?

Miss Z - I would love to get that jenny cage! I would need to squash it down a little bit lol its just a tiny bit too wide for my room. I'm nearly always home from 4pm onwards so she would be out of the cage from then on.

:( I dont want to be selfish and get one if they need to be homed in two's

11-07-2006, 01:48 PM
The reason why I said perhaps they are not the right pet for you is because you cannot get two, or perhaps, do not want to get two. Trust me, having had rats for my whole life I have seen the heartache they go through when they are alone. Do you know how bored she will be sitting there all day until you get home? If you cannot do what is best for the animal then please consider another pet. It makes me so very sad thinking of all the rats out there who are housed alone. On the rare occasion there are some rats who need to be housed alone. Perhaps you can look into a rescue rat who has been kept singly for awhile and doesn't get along well with other rats? That may be something to look into. I am sure there are plenty of rats out there available for adoption through rescue. I know in the UK, owners and breeders really frown upon rats being kept singly. I just have the animals best interest in mind, that's all.

Please, I urge you to read this article. It gives a lot of valid reasons on why rats shouldn't be kept alone. Please read it. It would make me very happy.


11-07-2006, 01:54 PM
please dont feel under pressure to help me but if you can I would appriciate it, One of my main concerns in the cage. I want to get one that is more than enough space for one rat and by the looks of things I would get 2because I can see what you are saying and its selfish of me to only think of myself. Do you have MSN or AIM? I would appreciate your opinions on a few cages I've seen. If your busy dont worry Its really not something that needs to be done soon.

I'll have a word with my mum tonight and if she says no to 2 rats then I'll consider looking into a rescue or rehoming a single rat

11-07-2006, 02:08 PM
:D Ya, that makes me happy! See my cute little ratty in my avatar? That's Dotty. :) Anywho, since I'm pregnant and have the flu I'm at home today and pretty bored. :( So if you need help I am here.

I have MSN. My name is Luckies4me

11-07-2006, 02:13 PM
I've added you but you aren't showing up on my list? lol Im fortunefaded120

11-07-2006, 02:23 PM
:D Ya, that makes me happy! See my cute little ratty in my avatar? That's Dotty. :) Anywho, since I'm pregnant and have the flu I'm at home today and pretty bored. :( So if you need help I am here.

I have MSN. My name is Luckies4me

I have always LOVED your avatar lol! I dunno why but every time I see it I think of what a cute adorable avatar it is .. so far it's one of the best I have seen it's perfectly clear and the colours are great on it lol.

My avatars always turn out blurry and dull :o , please do post more pics of baby rats and mice on PT cause there's not enough photos these days lol of all the PT pets! the dog and cat sections are always full. :D

11-07-2006, 02:25 PM
Tia is a single rat and she looks very happy.

I think if you can subsitute the love another rat would the you will do fine with one by itself.

11-07-2006, 02:58 PM
I think if you can subsitute the love another rat would the you will do fine with one by itself.

That's the thing, you can't. Did you read the article I posted?

11-07-2006, 02:59 PM
I have always LOVED your avatar lol!

Thanks! :D

11-10-2006, 02:48 PM
If your going to rescue 2 rats, try to get them as young as you can... about the size of an adult mouse & eatting on their own. Make sure they are both females. Its kinda tricky to tell but if you know what your looking for its easy, & if the rat behaves its even easier lol

I don't know rat body parts, but luckies4me will correct my terms lol

There is a pointy flap of skin that almost looks like a penis. Ina male it is & in a female its not. A male will have a hole at the tip (cotton swabs are a great tool for this, if you think touching a rats privates is icky), move the rats belly skin around & it will either show you a tiny hole or nothing. The females hole is on the side of the flap closest to the anus. I personally find it harder to see the hole in a female, due to her muscles. but in a male there are no muscles where the hole is.

Maturing males testies should start to drop as they are decently small (I forget the age). If your holding the rat by the tail (not a great idea, they can drop their tails like snakes) the testies will hide inside their bodies. I personally find it easiest to check with a silly test. Put the rat on bars (like a barded cage) & have it so the rats head it up & its butt is down.. make him try to squeeze through the bars (with food) & his testies should show a little or a lot lol Make sure your looking at his belly, but don't get peed on lol

Also if your getting 2 rats, get them from the same littler.. it just gives you better luck that they'll get a long. Some rats don't like company or are protective towards their food & will get agressive with another rat. So do keep a close eye on them. If they don't get along, don't get upset, you did nothing wrong. Its just like how some people do & don't get along. It happeneds.. But its best to remove the problem rat.. either house her in a nother cage, or find her a new home & get a new cage mate for the other rat.

Also a little tip..
NEVER feed through the bars!! It causes the rats to learn that what goes through the bars is food & then they'll bite.. its usually just a nip & no blood, but its still no fun, esp if there are kids around.

Do you know about bad foods? & bad bedding? (thought I'd mention it so it can be answered).

I'm very strict on my rat care & I know luckies4me is aswell. I learned a lot from her, have always had healthy rats & healthy litters.