View Full Version : Omg- Lovingpaws!!! Is That You???

11-05-2006, 04:32 PM
Is That You??? Omg!!! Hey Guys- Lovingpaws Joined Us!!!! Omg!!!

11-05-2006, 04:36 PM
WOO HOO PARTY!!!! lllloooollll

11-05-2006, 04:37 PM
WOO HOO PARTY!!!! lllloooollll

yes its me hey I made it, wow there's alot here....hi all

11-05-2006, 04:39 PM
yes its me hey I made it, wow there's alot here....hi all
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WOW!!!! JUNES, AND WORTHY ARE here too but she is tftpawns you and jackmillies is but I forgot the name... If you need help setting up your signiture and all just email me.. OHHHHHHHHH MAN YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!! ( holding pillow to stomach laughing with joy...)

11-05-2006, 04:40 PM
This going to be pretty cool now having everyone back again!!!

11-05-2006, 04:41 PM
I TOLD YOU it was great here! soooooooooo many more photos easy to load, and you can make your own signature, and alllllllllllll the topics and people are JUST WONDERFUL HERE!!! But there are alot here- we had a tragedy last night and they had like 3000 views on that one post in less than 24 hours. It takes a while to get use to soooooooooooo much. ITS GREAT HERE! Even how I feel now physically right now with the surgery, I just love it!!! ITS GREAT! I am soooooooooooo glad to see you!!! you made my day!

11-05-2006, 04:44 PM
OHHHHHHHHHHHHHH WOW!!!! JUNES, AND WORTHY ARE here too but she is tftpawns you and jackmillies is but I forgot the name... If you need help setting up your signiture and all just email me.. OHHHHHHHHH MAN YOU MADE MY DAY!!!! WELCOME WELCOME!!!!!! ( holding pillow to stomach laughing with joy...)
YOu can call me on the phone and I can help you set up.. It seems like alot at first but soon becomes sooooooooooooo addictive its amazing.. ohhhhhhhh wow!!! I am trying to find jackmillies mom name.. she is here but you know she is on a different time zone .. let me find her too.. OMG!!!!! WOW!!!!

11-05-2006, 04:46 PM
This going to be pretty cool now having everyone back again!!!
ISNT IT GREAT??!!!!! LOLLLLLLL.. ( ouch no laughing self...)

11-05-2006, 04:48 PM
okay first step upper right hand you will see a " private messages-" and it should tell you at least one- get on there... -
sorry guys but we have a new member and this site has so much it may take a hour or so to get this done.. Karen please do not move this post yet to general until she understands how this works... okay?
*** lower right corner has a drop down window with all all the topics in a drop down window...**

11-05-2006, 04:53 PM
YOu can call me on the phone and I can help you set up.. It seems like alot at first but soon becomes sooooooooooooo addictive its amazing.. ohhhhhhhh wow!!! I am trying to find jackmillies mom name.. she is here but you know she is on a different time zone .. let me find her too.. OMG!!!!! WOW!!!!

Well I will do that when I'm a bit more familiar with this site. I just figured out how to get back here. ;) of course I hope by then I still have/remember things I could contribute to this forum.... :D

11-05-2006, 04:58 PM
Well I will do that when I'm a bit more familiar with this site. I just figured out how to get back here. ;) of course I hope by then I still have/remember things I could contribute to this forum.... :D
ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh honey- you have sooooooooooo much to contribute!!!!
It does have soooooooo much more than were we were, but soon, you get the hang of it. People helped me.. I can help you now.. There is soooooooooo much going on, and karen ( the moderator) is wonderful!
Upper right is private messages- that means any member can email you without using your private email ( yeaaaaa) and lower right is the drop down window. They want you to post on the drop down window go to introductions and post yourself etc and we can get your signature ready when you are ready..
I am soooooooooooo glad you are here as well as the rest of us from you know.. You made my day! People are sooooooooooooooooo great here! I just love it!

11-05-2006, 05:00 PM
Is That You??? Omg!!! Hey Guys- Lovingpaws Joined Us!!!! Omg!!!
Here look above to "new thread" and post that thing about Fairfield Iowa- they would love reading that one..

11-05-2006, 05:56 PM
Hellooooo LovingPaws! This is WorthyExample from the AP site. I like this name better cause it's cute...lol. Welcome!

11-05-2006, 06:04 PM
Hellooooo LovingPaws! This is WorthyExample from the AP site. I like this name better cause it's cute...lol. Welcome!

hi there. ok help me out - and I know I'll :rolleyes: when you tell me, TFTpwns = _______________?

if I don't I'll plead ignorance

11-05-2006, 06:10 PM
I'm confused. Are you all past members or just members from another board?
What board are you all from?

Anyhow, welcome to Pet Talk! Best darn forum on the internet. ;)

11-05-2006, 06:12 PM
TFT=Toy Fox Terrier

Pwns=gaming term for owns

And the you is self explanitory...lol Don't feel bad. Borzoi was wondering what my signature meant...lol....all abbriviations for us computer nerds...lol.

11-05-2006, 06:14 PM
I'm confused. Are you all past members or just members from another board?
What board are you all from?

Anyhow, welcome to Pet Talk! Best darn forum on the internet. ;)

Yeah. I still post every now and again on the other one. It's a long story, but that board is very childish and not in the fun childish way.

11-05-2006, 06:18 PM
What's the name of the other forum?

11-05-2006, 06:20 PM
It's Pet Talk through the Animal Planet website. I stumbled across it one day while looking for show listings thought it was nifty at first and then welllll....lol :)

11-05-2006, 06:36 PM
TFT=Toy Fox Terrier

Pwns=gaming term for owns

And the you is self explanitory...lol Don't feel bad. Borzoi was wondering what my signature meant...lol....all abbriviations for us computer nerds...lol.

:rolleyes: to TFT
ignorance to: pwns :D

11-05-2006, 06:45 PM
I'm confused. Are you all past members or just members from another board?
What board are you all from?

Anyhow, welcome to Pet Talk! Best darn forum on the internet. ;)

Nice little place you have here :rolleyes: (little -remind self to look up that definition) :D

TFTpwn did a nice intro - hello
I'll just add I came to give & receive info, (emphasis on receive )and have some fun....

11-05-2006, 06:47 PM
Trust me. You'll enjoy it a lot more. The people are much nicer. And the features that are on here are wonderful!

11-05-2006, 06:57 PM
Yes, it'll take me a while. I just got use to the computer age - now I'm using/on/in a forum. I use thread for sewing, never heard it talk didn't know I I could reply to it.... :rolleyes: :D
No this is all me, no drinking no druggg, well does script count..

11-06-2006, 06:26 AM
I'm confused. Are you all past members or just members from another board?
What board are you all from?

Anyhow, welcome to Pet Talk! Best darn forum on the internet. ;)
Yes - we are from another forum. We all wanted more topics and all etc .. I am afraid I am the original postnapper.. lol..
Our other place did not have all those seperated topics and alot of other options are new to us too. Believe it or not- at first seems overwhelming .. Let me help her get set up then karen will either remove this or move it to general. I apologize for not putting it there to start with, but this is where lovingpaws was..

11-06-2006, 06:42 AM
TFT=Toy Fox Terrier

Pwns=gaming term for owns

And the you is self explanitory...lol Don't feel bad. Borzoi was wondering what my signature meant...lol....all abbriviations for us computer nerds...lol.
toy fox terrier for the win thank you very much" =ftwtvm