View Full Version : Sharing some pictures.

11-04-2006, 10:44 AM
I thought I would shed some light on to the bad news I recieved last night. If you don't know of it, please read my post in General.


Anyway, here are some pictures to cheer everybody up. Hope you like 'em!!

Icess and Mackenzie...we are friends!!
These two are always together!
This is Speedy, he will be coming here in a couple of weeks. He is the one of over 35 cats in a one bedroom house in Indiana. We have been working with them and the state to place the cats.

This kitten is also one from Indaina. She will be coming here too.

This kitten is also an Indiana kitten. We will be taking him as well.

This is Bunny. She will be coming here in a few weeks as a result of an owner give up.

Our Scruff. He was barking at me here!

This is me and Dave. I love him so!!

11-04-2006, 12:38 PM
Lovely pictures Tracy! The one of you and Dave is lovely. You look very happy, I hope he shares your passion for animals too.
Seems that Icess and Mackenzie are best pals, is Mackenzie the one that has the bad excema? How is she doing with that now?

11-04-2006, 02:21 PM
Lovely pictures Tracy! The one of you and Dave is lovely. You look very happy, I hope he shares your passion for animals too.
Seems that Icess and Mackenzie are best pals, is Mackenzie the one that has the bad excema? How is she doing with that now?
Mack is the one with the excema. She is doing okay. She has not gotten worse, but she has not gotten any better either. I am very happy with Dave. He is great. He does love animals, without him, I would go crazy!!

11-04-2006, 02:23 PM
Awwww Tracy what a pair of lovebugs Icess and Mackenzie are. Too cute.

Looks like you will be getting some adorable kitties to look after. I pray all goes well with that.

Scruff is so cute also.

I love that picture of you and Dave. You two look so happy together.
I'm glad to hear that he stands by you in your rescue work.
You're a good guy Dave and you have a great gal there. :)

11-04-2006, 02:24 PM
Scruffy wanted at least equal time after all those feline photos! Great pooch!
The cats will make a fine family of felines. Speedy looks quite thin in that picture on the window. And the kitten with the yarn, eye problem? You will be getting quite a few in a very short time. You will have to let us know how the transition works out!

11-04-2006, 03:07 PM
Great pictures. Icess and Mack look so cute together and so do you and Dave.:) Good luck with all of your new foster cats.:)

11-04-2006, 03:12 PM
Speedy looks quite thin in that picture on the window. And the kitten with the yarn, eye problem? You will be getting quite a few in a very short time. You will have to let us know how the transition works out!
Yes, Speedy is very thin and the one kitten does have an eye infection. I have supplied the man who currently owns them some eye medicine and some cat food. I guess that is what you would expect in a house of over 30 cats. I have already taken five out and placed them in homes. Other shelters have been taking some too. There are only 6 left, and they are all coming here. I am sure they will be okay once they are out of that house.

Laura's Babies
11-04-2006, 04:38 PM
I bet you are excited getting some more fosters.. Icess and Mackenzie are just so pretty! How many will those new ones make in your house?

11-04-2006, 06:04 PM
When I get the six from Indiana it will total 15 cats and one dog. I am a bit excited. They need a little work, but it will be fine. They are really cute cats, yet all cats are cute!!

11-04-2006, 07:35 PM
We hope that the New Cats adapt to thier new home, and that somewhre there are Furr Ever Homes for them,thats great that you are making a second chance possible.