View Full Version : Josh, Sassy, & Sabrina new update with pix

11-01-2006, 09:58 PM
Thought I'd start a new thread for the update continued from http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=115191

Eyes are changing color now, no more pretty blue eyes anymore :( Now they are getting a green tint to them.

Sabrina - weighs in now at 1 lb 8 oz!!! Growing like a weed and getting long legs! I think she's gonna be a big kitty. She can eat crunchy food now, although does prefer it soaked in watered down KMR for now. She sucks down watered down wet food like a pig. lol She can run like the wind, leap kitty tents in a single bound and climb tall sisal posts with ease (as well as the curtains, and anything else she can hook her claws into *wink*)

Josh - weighs in now at 1 lb 2 oz!! Also growing like a weed, however still has that funny 'bloated belly' look which makes him waddle some. Still haven't figured out why either, he tested negative for worms and seems healthy otherwise, although he eats like a gluttonous pig! lol He can eat out of the bowl crunchies soaked in watered down KMR also, and seems to prefer that the last few days over wet down canned food. Josh is just learning to stalk and pounce like his sisters, and can run short distances, but doesn't seem to care to zip around like them yet. He's doing better with the irritation on his 'wee wee', however still wetting himself. Vet says could possibly be scarring from Sassy's earlier suckling, or could be genetic, however Josh is not big enough yet to try a catheter to open the area. So Josh is still kinda stinky and is very yellowish on his hindquarters despite bathing. At least now he doesn't get it all over his entire backside, just inside of the legs now. So after I had Josh separated for 4 days, I put him back with sisters last week, everything was going good until tonight, Sassy started in again. I think she was just hungry but I put her separate since Sabrina was cuddling up with Josh on the hot water bottle.

Sassy - Just holding at 1lb, but this is not good as she had been up to 1lb 2 oz! She's lost some weight and feels skinny to me!!!! Since Thurs. she's gotten very very fussy with her eating. First it was wanting to play instead of eat, now it seems like she's just being finiky over weaning. I even resorted to trying the bottle again, and then out of frustration using a syringe and force feeding her. I've tried straight crunchy food, crunchy food in KMR, straight canned food, canned food in KMR, straight KMR. Sheesh feeding time had been going pretty good with them eating from a bowl on their own, but now it's taking forever at feeding time again. For breakfast she sorta ate but I still used the syringe some, Lunch was only slightly better, supper she actually ate some better, and after some major bobble time on the diningroom floor (more on that below) she finally got hungry enough to gobble up KMR soaked crunchies, just a short time ago straight crunchies in her separate carrier. She acts fine otherwise, loves to play, leap, climb, get into trouble, etc.

BOBBLE TIME - With all three kittens now running and leaping, this computer room is not quite big enough for zooming and zipping, let alone it isn't very kitten proof. So hubby helped me last night and tonight block off the archways in our diningroom so they could play there for an hour or so. It's not a big room, but it's kitten proof, and about twice the size of the computer room. At first they were all nervous to come out, but once they found out you could leap over and crawl under the braces on the bottom of the diningroom chairs....look out world!! ROFL. Hard part was keeping the 'big cats' outta the room. Tonight I finally relented and let Jack, Pooky and Dusty in also. Dusty sniffs one, looks at another and promply left the room! Pooky will just lay down and watch them until he falls asleep, unless one of the kittens gets too close, then he raises to full height (of which even Sabrina only comes to his elbows) and raises a paw like he's scared they'll touch him. The girls both arch the backs and poof out the fur trying to 'intimidate' the larger cats, but I don't think my 'big kitties' are sufficiently impressed. ROFL As for Jack....I was very nervous at first because he had a funny look in his eye. Turns out he just wanted to play but had been afraid of them. So he runs after them, tries to wrestly and bat at them, but kinda hard when they are so small. They keep thinking of attacking his fluffy tail, but as soon as he feels something touch the tail hairs, he leaps across the room and crouches down waiting for the chase! He thinks Josh is his kitten, and I think Josh believes him. I almost thought Jack was gonna groom him for a moment, but then someone touched his tail and he didn't stay for grooming. ROFL After bobble time tonight they whined when I put them back in the carrier, and after a few seconds got very quiet, I go look in on them to see why and they are all ZONKED! Completely exhausted. lol Well at least until Sassy started in later.

Sorry I haven't been around much. Now that the kittens are needing more playtime, and I'm enjoying being able to sleep at nighttime again, plus all the normal autumn chores in the yard, I just haven't had much for time lately. I've decided 8 cats are definately more than I can handle on a permenant basis. Sabrina is pretty much ready for a home, however the person interested in her also wants her sister and with Sassy's recent backsliding, she's not ready yet. The lady is going to take them for a weekend and try to bribe her hubby with their cuteness so she can keep them. Still haven't had leads for Josh yet, but he's got a little ways to go before he's ready yet so there's some time yet.

OK you've probably been wondering...."Where's the pix you promised??" LOL well they are coming, I had to give you the updates first. Pix are of the bath all 3 kittens got on Saturday. I just had to get that caked on food outta the fur, not that it mattered, they were a mess again by Sunday. *sigh*

So here's the drowned rats....er I mean kittens bath LOL




And just for you Josh lovers out there......

Josh trying to look vicious while attacking the kitty wedge of cheese playhouse!!!

Josh's cute little tongue!

11-01-2006, 11:19 PM
OK, that does it .... send Josh on over, I can always squeeze one more little guy in somewhere!!! :D ;)

I hope little Sassy starts doing better soon! They are all just precious! :D

11-01-2006, 11:19 PM
Thanks for the update.:) I'm glad to hear that they're all doing well. I sure hope that Sassy will start gaining weight again and that Josh's pee pee will also get better. They sure are adorable.:) It's great that Sabrina and Sassy have already found a home and will be able to be together.:)

11-02-2006, 04:40 AM
Oh I WANT Josh! He is just too bloody cute (excuse the swearing! lol) but oh my god, he's just so gorgeous! I want to scoopy him up and steal him away and keep him forever and ever!

11-02-2006, 08:23 AM
Thanks for the update and pics! But my goodness, what did you do during bath time, even their little heads are soaked!!! I do hope Sassy comes around to realize that it is OK to eat "big kitty" food, and puts on some weight. Come on little girl, it really is yummy! And Josh, my goodness, he is still a handsome guy!

11-02-2006, 08:40 AM
But my goodness, what did you do during bath time, even their little heads are soaked!!!

Just so you don't worry, I didn't dunk them completely or try to drown them or anything. I don't wash them the same way I do my 'big kitties'. They had food stuck all over their faces and heads, so I used a very damp washcloth to wipe off the faces and heads (a mamma's tongue would have been so much easier and more efficient lol). If you look closely in the pix of Sassy & Josh you can see the washcloth in a corner of the sink. Didn't want you to worry. ;)

Laura's Babies
11-02-2006, 08:52 AM
Thay are adoreable, even dripping wet! That little Josh is just to darn CUTE! ****KISS***KISS***KISS***!

11-02-2006, 09:03 AM
Thank you for the update and picutres....boy they sure are adorable.

With Sassy not eating and being picky...have you tried baby food like chicken or beef. I know I used this as a last resort with Gracie and Gabriel....maybe it will help with Sassy.

11-02-2006, 09:28 AM
I Acnt Get Over The Improvment In The Kittens, Especially Josh.
He Really Looks Like A Totally Different Kitten, The Result Of Love And Tender Loving Care.
God Bless For Caring And Helping.

11-02-2006, 04:21 PM
Ohhhhhh, they are so cute, even soaking wet! Hope Sassy decides to start eating better soon and will gain some weight. They all look adorable... and I am sure they are keeping you busy! Thanks for the updates and pictures!

11-02-2006, 04:38 PM
;) I am with Kim on this one = send over one of these Adorable wittle Sweet ones.. Hope so so cute..
OK, that does it .... send Josh on over, I can always squeeze one more little guy in somewhere!!! :D ;)

I hope little Sassy starts doing better soon! They are all just precious! :D