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View Full Version : Cat Rescue on Long Island, NY??????

11-01-2006, 02:49 PM
Hi everyone,

I'm in a bad situation and I'm hoping and praying that someone can help me out or give me some suggestions.

I've posted here about my cat, Friskie, before. She had a mouth infection and also allergies to fleas. Okay, she took the meds for the mouth infection and it cleared up. She took the meds for the allergies as well and her fur grew back.

The problem now is that she's still totally depressed, won't come near any of the other cats, and only sits near the food & water bowls and won't leave from there. She's lost weight, too. Lately, she has been "perching" herself on a towel rack in my bathroom and won't come down (it's the type of rack that's set up high (6 feet) and has two poles sticking out that you put the towels on). I've taken her down (and she's held on for dear life) and put her out of the bathroom, but she runs right back in. I've closed the bathroom door, but there's a 4 inch space on the top of the door so she climbs UP the door and wiggles through the space and to her perch. Yesterday, she actually poo'd in the bathroom and I had to clean it up.

I really can't handle this anymore. Much as I love Friskie, I have a child to take care of, as well as other cats to tend to, a job, and a million other things to do. I would much rather have Friskie go to a home where she can get the 100% attention she needs since I can't do it.

I don't have the money for vet bills since I lost my "good" job and am now barely scraping by. I know the last time I took her to the vet, they wanted to do blood work on her, but I didn't have the money for it or for any meds or treatment she may have needed.

Anyway, does anyone know of a cat rescue on Long Island? Or is there anyone here from Long Island who would be willing to adopt her? She's a 6 year old domestic shorthair "Tuxedo" cat. I don't want to drop her at the pound because it's unlikely (at her age) that she would be adopted.

Thanks in advance!!!!!

11-01-2006, 03:18 PM
Not sure but I think the North Shore Animal League is out there somewhere. I've heard some good things about them. Another reliable source for information would possibly be your vet. Sorry I can't be of more help, please let us know what happens?

11-01-2006, 04:34 PM
Hi Momcat!

I'm going to call North Shore tomorrow and see what they say. I called another no-kill shelter today. The woman finally called me back and said she can't take the cat because they have over 400 cats & kittens waiting to be adopted. She also said she didn't think my cat would be happy being in a cage with other cats and that, at her age, it would be hard to place her. She also didn't think a no-kill shelter would even take a cat her age.

I'm going to keep looking around and trying. I'll definitely keep everyone here informed on what happens.

Thanks! :)

Laura's Babies
11-01-2006, 05:10 PM
This is so sad.. It sounds to ,me like your kitty is really sick and the least is she is severly depressed. I don't want to put a guilt trip on you, that is not what I mean to do... But it sounds to me that moving her anywhere would make her a lot worse.

I know you said you are kind of between a rock and hard place but is there some way you could use that pet psychic some are using here to find out if she is physically ill or emotionally ill.... or both?

11-01-2006, 05:17 PM
Hi Laura!

I definitely think she is depressed. Her facial expressions speak volumes! I thought about that too --- putting her in another place may make it worse as she may think we didn't love her or something.

I don't recall reading about a pet psychic? They would probably charge a fortune, though. If I had the $$$$$ to spend, I would take her to the vet for a complete exam and evaluation and treatment.

I'm going to see how she does. The lady from the rescue who called me said that it's possible the cat just wants to be alone and not be bothered. (That's plausible since the other cats DO annoy her to no end!)

(I wish I had a bigger place where she could have her own room or space or something!!)

11-01-2006, 07:33 PM
That So Sad About Friskie.
Some Things When Cats Are Not Well, They Will Go Off And Try To Be By Themselves.
I Know Moose Was Like That As He Often Hid In The Cellar.
I Am Praying That You Can Find A Place For Friskie.

11-02-2006, 09:01 AM
The pet psychic I have used charges $30. Her name is Nancy Efrusy. I was very pleased with both readings. You might try e-mailing her at [email protected]. Attach a picture and she will get back to you.

In the meantime, can you block off the top of your bathroom door with a strip of cardboard and tape?

11-02-2006, 11:40 AM
In the meantime, can you block off the top of your bathroom door with a strip of cardboard and tape?

I blocked off the top of the bathroom door, but she still figured a way to get in there. The door doesn't shut all the way because it's not the right kind of door. Anyway, we had a hook & eye to keep it closed from the outside. Well, she climbs up the door and shakes it until it opens a little and then squeezes her way in. Yes, she is one determined kitty!

I took her out of the bathroom this morning and brought her into the livingroom. I tried having her sit on my lap (thinking to make her comfortable so maybe she'll start coming back in the living room, etc). Well, she sat on my lap for a while and I pet her and talked to her. Then, I put her down and showed her the cat bed. No sooner did I put her down did she run back to the food/water bowl and sit there.

I'm trying to get some money together now to take her to the vet for a complete exam, blood work, etc., so I don't have $30 for a pet psychic. I'm hoping the vet will be able to figure if she has physical or psychological problems.

11-02-2006, 12:25 PM
Smart little devil :D

I would probably just put a bed and litter box in the bathroom (bathtub?) and let her be. As long as no one bothers her, it couldn't hurt. At least until a better solution comes up. Maybe she'll decide to come out on her own if she has her own private space.

11-02-2006, 12:28 PM
I think mruffruff's idea of putting her stuff in the bathroom is a great one. If that is where she is comfortable, I would let her be. Good luck.