View Full Version : Meowing cat, who won't stop

06-07-2002, 09:32 AM

Now here is my question, I have 3 cats and one of them meows in the early morning. He starts around 4:00 or 4:30 am but one morninh he started 3:00 am. Joey been neutered already and he is a little over 2 yrs. Through the day he is quiet. I thought he wouldn't meow if he had two other cats to play with. We try everything and nothing works. We leave the hall light on and music on but it is very soft music and there is always food in the plates. I was thinking he is meowing because he was abuse when he was a kitten, when we adopted Joey from are shelter, he was stray kitten. Only 3 monts when we got him. Any ideas why he is meowing and I want him to stop. Please help he is driving us crazy. Thanks!!:( :( :( :( :( :(

06-07-2002, 10:13 AM
My husband and I have two cats.. Dutchess and Yum Yum. We don't let them in our bedroom at night because I don't want them sleeping with us so we close the door. Yum Yum will meow continuously wanting inside cause we are in there and she knows she isn't suppose to be in there.
Dutchess at 4am in the mornings will start meowing still we let her outside so now we have learned to leave her out at night.
YumYum in the morning will meow till she is fed canned food cause it is only a treat for her on fridays.
So maybe your cat wants outside or either in bed with you. :)