View Full Version : Lacy Kissing Molly

Lori Jordan
10-25-2006, 03:19 PM
These two little brats never get along,i'm always pulling them apart not last night,They were sleeping together and everything i was a proud Mommy.


10-25-2006, 03:21 PM
AWWWWWWWWW THEY ARE ADORABLE.. Sometimes dogs learn with age...

Lori Jordan
10-25-2006, 03:24 PM
Lacy will be 4 next year,Molly 2,They all get along with all the other dogs,But the two of them do not like eachother,Lacy is boss always been alpha.And molly is trying to be Boss and My Lacy aint having it.She is a brat she has to have her own way My husband says let them fight and they will learn,But im sorry i cannot watch my girls tear eachother up im just not having any part of that,They will learn in time.

10-25-2006, 03:26 PM
Okay- if the aggressor is the older dog, fuss at the other one, If the aggressor is young one, fuss at her. It takes two to fight, but backing up the older dog usually solves the problem.

10-25-2006, 03:32 PM
I had the same situation when I went from two borzois to 3. The pup came in full of himself and being a show dog, we had to encourage him alot. Yea well- about two weeks into this, femka instead of playing with him like she was doing, started getting nasty with him. Because he was a puppy, we were trying to protect him.. and it got worse! Finally I called the rescue where we got her from thinking her past was the problem when she dropped a bomb shell. By us not scolding the puppy, the adult ( Femka) was like " I will get him better next time: and it became a down spiral.
We reversed tactics. When they would play and she went to snap at his face, we told zubin "NO" saying nothing positive to Femka but not scolding either.. This whole thing stopped in two days! And now they are buddies. Zubin knows she is boss over him and he doesnt challenage her because of us but she thinks she won.
Fuss at the subdominant- the last one in the house. As I say " No- wellllll no.. whats the matter with you Zubin..." and its peace in the family..

10-25-2006, 03:36 PM
If lacy was in the house first, she is boss.. if not eventhough 4 years old your other one is.
Which one was there first? So I can paint a scenio..

Lori Jordan
10-25-2006, 03:44 PM
lacy was here 3 years before Molly.

10-25-2006, 03:47 PM
Okay - lacy is the boss. When she is challanged, you back her up. Fuss at the other in a non approving tone. Do not make eye contact with lacy in the fuss ( ignore her..)... You dont want to encourage the fight but you told as the alpha wolf in the house there will be NOOOOOO decention in the ranks here by fussing at the other. But no approving of the fight by ignoring lacy. If lacy comes to you shortly after wards, you pet her and tell her in approving voice she is the boss...

10-25-2006, 04:00 PM
Aww so cute! :D I have to say I just adore Molly!
Oh and that reminds me, I drew a picture of her :D I want to take a picture of the picture and post it... I'll get to it sooner or later^^

10-25-2006, 04:38 PM
Awww, you know how much I adore that big black girl of yours!!!

Did you get a new camera?? :D I'm loving all the new pics :D

Sorry that they don't get along usually, though. It looks as if Lacy is licking Molly's lips, so wouldn't that suggest that Lacy sees Molly as the alpha and she's being submissive? :confused:

10-25-2006, 04:49 PM
Lacy and Molly are so cute. I already have a Lacey, can I have Molly? :p I love Newfies! :D

10-25-2006, 05:45 PM
What a cute picture!!! :D

Adele & Vallis are the same way...enemies one minute and best buddies the next...

Tree Hugger
10-25-2006, 06:01 PM
I can't say it gets any cuter than that! What beautiful girlies you've got there :D I love the streak on Molly's chest and I adore Newfies!!!!

Daisy and Delilah
10-25-2006, 08:06 PM
What a cute picture!!! :D

Adele & Vallis are the same way...enemies one minute and best buddies the next...

That's exactly how D and D are. Your dogs are absolutely beautiful!! :)

10-26-2006, 07:29 AM
Awww, you know how much I adore that big black girl of yours!!!

Did you get a new camera?? :D I'm loving all the new pics :D

Sorry that they don't get along usually, though. It looks as if Lacy is licking Molly's lips, so wouldn't that suggest that Lacy sees Molly as the alpha and she's being submissive? :confused:
Possibly but considering the breed involved, they do lick faces alot. I am not totally sure without seeing their behaviors around each other in person.
The boss female in my house is the smallest.
The pups will get into it once in a while if play gets too rough. I just intervene at what I consider to be " the top leve" however they are also the same age.
My mother raised dogs her whole life, and use to say " the female is always the boss in the house, and the males could care less if they are... lol.."

Pawsitive Thinking
10-26-2006, 08:00 AM
What a lovely piccie and such a relief to know that my two aren't the only ones with a love/hate relationship :rolleyes: