View Full Version : Where's the weirdest place your cat has gone?

10-22-2006, 12:12 PM
Seine is definately a curious cat, and she loves to find new little hiding spots.

To name a few, she's found the kitchen turn-style cupboard (she got stuck in there when she snuck in without my knowldege then I closed it), the dryer (when there's nice, warm laundry in it), and in one of the dog's crates underneath the pad.

But, the weirdest place she's ever gone happened just the other day...the roof of the house! :eek:

It was nice out, so I had the dogs and Seine outside. Now, I only let Seine out with a harness and leash on (she's too fast otherwise) and I always watch her. This time, though, the neighbor came home and Mr. Vallis wouldn't stop barking at her. I looked away for literally a minute...and I couldn't find Seine anywhere! I called and got a little mew, from on top of the house!!! She must have climbed one of the trees, jumped on top of the shed, and then jumped to the house. I couldn't believe it! Luckily I was able to reach her on top of a chair by coaxing her with treats. She was quite pleased with her little adventure, but I'm going to have to watch her every second next time we go out!

Where's the strangest place your cat has been?

Laura's Babies
10-22-2006, 12:20 PM
Mine use to get up in the back of my sofa, in the back! It took me forever to figure out where they hid but I eventually did when I was sitting on the sofa one day and felt something moving in the sofa on my back... :eek:

10-22-2006, 12:28 PM
Once I couldn't find Tibby and I searched all over the house trying to find her. I finally found her behind the washer/dryer. Then I was worried because I thought she was stuck back there and of course I couldn't move the washer/dryer. So I went to call a friend to help me, then sure enough she jumped out on her own!

10-22-2006, 01:13 PM
We woke up the other night to some banging going on somewhere in the house. Seems that Archy had figured out how to open the bottom door to the vanity in the second bathroom and had gotten himself inside. Then he decided to push the door open an inch or two and let it slam shut...over and over again. Guess we'll have to get some child-proof latches! :rolleyes:

When he was a kitten he somehow got into the bottom of the dresser, BEHIND the drawer (????). We wouldn't have known he was in there except Binky kept pacing around in front of the dresser, crying. :eek:

10-22-2006, 01:56 PM
Double-Oh got stuck in my old roommate's closet behind some plastic shelves she bought and they couldn't reach down to grab him and get him out... at 2am haha

10-22-2006, 02:58 PM
When Mr Scrappy Went To The Vets He Wandered Into The Office Of The Head Doctor While He Was Talking Business.
Mr Scrappy Jumped Up On The Desk, And Started Playing With A Biplane Mobile.
He Laughed And Told His Friend That It Was A Patient Checking Up To See If He Was Working Hard Enough.
I Sure Miss My Mr Scrappy.

Laura's Babies
10-22-2006, 04:57 PM
This is a great thread and I sure am enjoying reading these stories..

Pembroke_Corgi. Great idea!

10-22-2006, 05:28 PM
Well this isn't about my kitties. They don't hide weird places but because they are all black, if they hide anywhere dark or on a dark surface like the couch I almost sit on them occasionally!
However my brothers cat has learned to open the bottom draw of his dresser. Happens to be his underwear draw :eek: He empties the draw with such force that he says his undies are sprayed all over the room!! :D He got home one day and couldn't figure out what had happened until he tried to close the draw and it kept bouncing back open!! (Kitty is a bit "fluffy"!) He heard a small meow as if to say "HEY!! I'm back here!" :p
He still comes home to strewn "draws" :D AND and an open one too!

10-22-2006, 06:02 PM
Buddy used to make a game of hiding in the livingroom chair, and as anyone goes by....out comes the little arm as he taps you.....GOTCHA!! here are two pictures showing him hiding in the chair:




10-22-2006, 06:09 PM
Let's see..if Kiki is nervous or something, she'll go into the bathroom, underneath the sink, and skidaddle up behind the drawer there. My mom was painting in there for me, and was painting the sink area, and something dropped down on her hand-it was Kiki! :p She came out crying and screaming lmao.

She loves boxes, the dogs crates, and underneath the rug in the kitchen.

She's wierd...she hates laying on the floor itself, she MUCH prefers laying on a walmart bag or a piece of paper. :)

10-22-2006, 06:10 PM
Sparkle is like Orangemm's Archy. She goes into Dad's bathroom, opens the vanity door, climbs in and settles for a good long nap. Dad wanders in, notices the door opn and closes it. Later we hear bang, bang, bang, and have to go get her out. We have to INSIST she get out! She can get out herself, she just likes making the noise as she sits there!

This is great fun to read this thread!

10-22-2006, 06:34 PM
Allen used to hide in the access panel from under the porch to the basement. I had to nail it closed because he'd always pry it open. He also made himself comfy inside and old suitcase

Pouncer scared the poopie outta me one day a few months ago by hiding in the shoe rack on my closet floor. Pouncer also had a penchant for sleeping on top of the Christmas decorations in the basement. I still can't figure out how a Christmas wreath made for a comfy bed :confused:

Flutter loves to hide out in my sock basket.

Abby and Harry aren't too creative with their hiding spaces.

10-22-2006, 07:48 PM
Great thread.:) My cats have never really hidden in any unusual places but they have hidden behind the couch, under the bed,and behind the litterbox. One night I had to get up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom and Sunny scared me. He had been sleeping in front of the toilet on the rug and came running out towards me when he saw me. I guess we both scared each other.:)

I had a kitten named Puff when I was about 8 years old and we kept her in our bathroom during the night until she got bigger. I went in there and couldn't find her any where. I opened up one of the top drawers to the vanity and here was this little orange kitten just sound asleep. There was an opening under the vanity so she must have crawled through this to get to the drawer. What a cute picture this would have made.:)

10-22-2006, 11:46 PM
When Princees & Duchess first came to live with us, we put them in the bathroom. One day I opened a drawer in there and in went Princess! She crawled to the back so I had to take out the drawer to get her out. Princess also likes paper bags, but I don't have any pictures of her in one.

Princess likes to get in tubs, too. In the 2nd picture she was drinking the water on the bottom of the tub!

The weirdest place I can remember Duchess being in is a shelf, as in the last picture.

10-23-2006, 01:51 AM
I had a cat who played on the roof of the house just about every day of her 21 years. She would climb up a tree just outside the back door and jump on the roof. Coming down was to grab the same limb and come head-first, wide-eyed (and a little too fast) down the trunk of the tree.

She was running - perhaps galloping is a better term - around on the roof one day and overran the edge. I heard a cat squalling outside and found her hanging from the gutter by her front claws. Trusting little lady she was, as soon as I took a hold of her body she let go of the gutter depending on me to safely get her on the ground.

She's also slept in the tree. She's go out on a solid limb that had a minor fork so that she could prop herself in the fork and fall sound asleep. The branch would move slowly in the summer breeze like a rocking cradle. She slept in that tree for years.

Her name was Frosty because when she was born she was snow white but her fur took on a beige coloring as she became an adult.

10-23-2006, 02:31 AM
A couple of years ago on the day I moved to a new house, when it was time to put the cats in carriers for the drive to the new place, I couldn't find my boy Spotnose. Since all the furniture was gone already, there wasn't any place for him to hide, or so I thought. We finally found him hidden in back of the water heater in the closet. The only one who could reach him was my niece who is highly allergic to cats. The only way she could get him out was to pull him out by his tail. Poor Spotnose! And my poor niece had swollen eyes and was sneezing up a storm by the time she got him out.

10-23-2006, 02:34 AM
Buddy used to make a game of hiding in the livingroom chair, and as anyone goes by....out comes the little arm as he taps you.....GOTCHA!! here are two pictures showing him hiding in the chair:




OMG! He'd do that? What if he gets suffocated?


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10-23-2006, 04:46 AM
I forgot about Binky! When we bought our new house (it was supposed to be for vacations, etc., but after a year we moved into it!) we spent the first night on a sofabed.

Archy loved the new house, Binky HATED it. He hid and cried, scratched everything in sight and then peed on my papasan chair.

We were packing up to go back to our other house and couldn't find him. Finally after 45 minutes of searching, we found him under the sofabed mechanism. We had a helluva time getting him out because we were afraid of hurting him, opening the bed up. After that, we kept the bed open; much easier to find him!

10-23-2006, 10:19 AM
I've really enjoyed reading everyone's stories and seeing all the great pictures. Cats are so funny!! Reading these has made me laugh on Monday morning. :D

10-23-2006, 02:53 PM
My cat Gypsy loves to sleep in this little box on top of my guinea pig cage which is on top of my dresser. she comes out all covered in shavings, but she's so adorable. here are some pictures of her in her favorite spot, isn't she funny? :p

Don Juan's mom
10-23-2006, 04:34 PM
When I first adopted Don Juan, I kept him in a spare bedroom with an adjoining bathroom, which I used for a home office. A couple of days after I got him, I was using the computer when suddenly I heard a MEOW MEOW MEOW! from the bathroom.

The bathroom had a stall shower with tile up to about 60" from the floor. Somehow, Don Juan had leaped from the top of the shower door frame and was hanging from the top edge of the tile by his front claws! :eek: He was trying to get a purchase on the tile with his back feet, but no luck.

This was, of course, the first of many adventures. :rolleyes: :D
