View Full Version : Do your dogs share?

10-21-2006, 10:47 PM
Someone brought this question up on another board and I was wondering if your dogs share. Mine do. Here are some pictures to show you.

This is Peace(Cat) and Luca sharing Luca's supper

And here are some I just took of Luca and Sheena sharing a bone. This is a regular occurance in our home.



my dogs share with all the animals. Even the ferrets. Sheena's and Luca's dishes are side by side and they also have no problems sharing. Never had a fight.

All my animals share the same two water bowls. They are beside each food dish of the dogs. They have always done this. I have never had an animal that was protective of their water dish. The funniest is when the ferrets decided to take a dunk in the water at teh same time as the dogs or cats are drinking. They just keep on drinking. And yes I change the water after the ferrets do that.

10-21-2006, 10:50 PM
Baby and Morgan share sometimes. We don't let them have bones when they are both out together because they are both possessive over their bones. They will share some of their toys though.

Deebo doesn't get the opportunity to share with anyone because we don't let him out when Morgan or Baby are out when he is. Morgan is way too hyper and almost steps on him constantly, and Baby would never hurt him, but she's so big, we don't want her to accidentally hurt him.

Baby's two male pups that we still have share everything. Toys, food, water, their crate, etc. Simon (the "older" male) has started to get kind of food aggressive to his more submissive little brother and growls at him when he wants to eat, so we are starting to have to seperate them when they are eating though.

10-21-2006, 10:51 PM
Sometimes, but they rarely do. They used to share their food but Lucy became very protective of her food recently so we have to supervise them.
They do share toys though.

10-21-2006, 10:53 PM
I voted yes, but it depends on what it is. I should've voted for 'sometimes'. They don't eat out of the same bowl. They all have separate bowls simply so I can control the amount they're getting. They don't care if another steals out of their bowl, and would happily share, but I prefer them not to. The big dogs all drink out of the same bowl, and the Dachsies have their own bowl that they share. They'd all drink out of the same bowl but the Dachshunds can't reach the big bowl as it's on a stand, so they have to have their own smaller bowl on the floor to share.

They're all very good about sharing their bones and toys. Sometimes Tango will growl at Morgan as Morgan is always trying to take it from her and she barely ever gets a chance to chew if she doesn't growl. But besides that, they all share.

10-21-2006, 10:56 PM
oh no lmao..chloe is so stingy with her toys and food (shes never agressive though). And even if Malakai tried to share somthing with her she would run off with it like it was hers to begin with :rolleyes:

10-21-2006, 11:01 PM
Depends on what it is. food bowls - no. water bowl, yes. favorite couch - yes. toys - NO! Everything "belongs" to Star. Sometimes she'll take a toy over & hit Sherman with it to get him to play, but she wont let him have the toy to play with. Sometimes she drop toys as bait and then growls & lunges at him if he comes over to check it out. Poor boy, sometimes he just can't figure her out! :confused: I can't either - when she was younger she used to give her toys to other dogs all the time.

10-21-2006, 11:08 PM
Gracie and Beanie share just fine unless Beanie tries to dominate Gracie and take whatever it is they are shareing.

10-21-2006, 11:42 PM
our dogs are all female, and all want to be the boss, so we dont give them a chance to pick a fight with one another over a bone or a bowl of food.. they get fed in different rooms at all the same times..

10-21-2006, 11:42 PM
Nope. they cant have toys about the house because they fight over them too they get fed in different rooms and given treats in different rooms :(

10-22-2006, 12:07 AM
Not really. Jack and Kyra's favorite game is keep away, so I wouldn't quite call it sharing :p Jack also has to have every toy that somebody else has and usually hoards them all in a big pile. However, none are toy or food aggressive in any way.

10-22-2006, 12:28 AM
oh no! not my dogs. :rolleyes: they are all food aggressive except Rocky..they do share toys, though. :)

10-22-2006, 12:56 AM
Absolutely not. They are always arguing over something. :eek:

10-22-2006, 08:41 AM
Neither are food aggressive at all, Buddy could care less about toys so that's no big deal. But when it comes to Pigs Ears, I'll give them both one and Sierra will drop her's near Bud, Bud will then eat his and the second he starts going near her ear she'll leap up and grab it and eat it. That's about it.

10-22-2006, 09:08 AM
Yes mine do. Bella and Ripley often eat out of the same bowl. As far as toys go, they don't like the same ones. Ripley prefers his nylabones and Bella likes her prickly balls that squeek. Occasionally they play tug-o-war with a rope toy.

Ginger's Mom
10-22-2006, 09:32 AM
I only have one dog, but yes she shares. When we have doggie company, I usually feed them in seperate bowls on opposite sides of the room, but what usually happens is Ginger and Sammy (or Domino, or whomever) will eat about 3/4 of whatever they have, then switch bowls. :D If a visiting dog grabs one of Ginger's toys she will grab her ball to play with. If I give out chew-chews you can be pretty sure that she and the other dog are going to trade chewies at least once before it is gone. There are the rare occasions when she will get sick of trading, and growl after the second or third trade, but for the most part sharing is not a problem for her.

10-22-2006, 09:46 AM
Only Marta and Vallis will share so I voted "sometimes." Adele is somewhat food aggressive so can't share. They all eat from seperate bowls, however.

10-22-2006, 02:02 PM
good gawd no! in my house its "gaurd it or lose it" Happy is the most submissive dog in my house, she has to be locked in her crate to eat because all the others will walk up hackles raised and take her food, and since she is not a fan of food in the first place her reaction is "ok" and walks away. they are all more then willing to walk up to another dog attack them and then eat their food or take their bone or whatever. we did teach them to wait their turn though lol

10-22-2006, 04:50 PM
Yes. Neither of my boys guard, which is good. When they're eating their meals (Rmb's), both of them have learned to only eat their own food that I give them.

Toby's my baby
10-22-2006, 05:17 PM
I voted "sometimes." Maggie is usually willing to share with Autumn. Autumn will not share with anybody though. Autumn does allow Maggie to sleep in her dog house though. (even though they each have their own :rolleyes: ) Autumn is possesive over her food, but not water. She also gets mad at Maggie if I am loving on her, and Maggie comes over. If I just pet her and Maggie comes, she is fine. When I hold Autumn she actually gets kinda vicious if one of the dogs come over.

Autumn gets in fights with Boo boo almost every other day. They never have punctured each other, but they get in a pretty good tumbling match. If Autumn wanted to, she could rip Boo boo to shreds, we usually have to pull her off of him. :(

Boo boo is pretty possesive over his dog house and food. He will growl and bark if anybody (even me) goes over to his stuff. He wont bite you or anything, he just likes of act like a tuff guy. :p

Gosh...after reading this...my dogs all sound vicious, lol. Trust me they aren't, well not Maggie and especially not Autumn, I would trust her alone with a new born. Boo boo however, I have to admit, I am afraid of...he's on the "dangerous dogs" list for the city...if he bites one more person he as be surrenderd to the city and PTS.

10-22-2006, 05:41 PM
I voted for sometimes. They used to share toys & even chews when
Maggie was a young puppy, but not anymore. They never fight or even
growl at each other, but Maggie always seems to get her way. All she
has to do is whine & paw at Smokey & he gives her whatever he has,