View Full Version : Oh my, Oh my...will this ever end???

10-21-2006, 11:18 AM
Well, as many of you know, I have had a severe case of ring worm in our home/rescue. I had to part with several rescues do to the fact that it just would not go away. They are doing well, I am told. I can not say the same for us here though.

Well, we had 17 cats with the "worm". Now I only have four with it. Two being my own two cats, one is Icess, the deaf little white kit, and the other is Lucifer, whom I may keep.

I had ringworm....and now, guess what???

My son has it.

Austin is only 7 1/2. He has had Rosiolla (a infant virus), Chicken Pocs, Meningitus (can't spell today sorry), and now he has this fungis. I feel so bad for him. He is being such a trooper though. The Dr. gave him a very strong cream and it seems to be working. He has had it since last Sunday. There is a lesion on his cheek and on his head by his hair line. Austin is dealing with it very well. He had some trouble in school with kids being mean about it and all. That is due to the ignorance of their parents though. Once his teacher explained what it was and that as long as he had it covered, they would be okay, they were fine with him again. The doctor told me to clean, clean, clean. But I have been. I am so cleaned out, I could scream!!!

Pray for me. I just want this to be over.

10-21-2006, 11:30 AM

There, I said it for you! I am frustrated for you and I am not dealing with this day in and day out. Hang in there, the end of this HAS to be just around the corner!!!

10-21-2006, 12:44 PM
Oh Tracy, I am so sorry to hear that your son has this also. I can only imagine what this must be like for you. Try to be strong and hang in there, it WILL get better. It's just a matter of time. Boy did you ever make the right decision to get help for the others.

Prayers and positive thoughts going out to you with a big ((((((HUG)))))) also.

When you can, go and take a nice l-o-n-g hot bath, light some candles, play your favorite music and just relax. Focus on one day at a time and before you know it, all will be back to normal. :D

10-21-2006, 01:39 PM
When you can, go and take a nice l-o-n-g hot bath, light some candles, play your favorite music and just relax.

Thank you Lorraine. I just wish I was able to to the above!! With two little boys, a fiance, several cats, three dogs, 5 rats, and more....somebody is bound to barge in on me!! LOL!! Thank you for being such a good friend. (((HUGS))) back at ya!!

10-21-2006, 05:28 PM
I'm sorry to hear that your son now has ringworm.:( I hope that everyone will soon clear up and no one else will become infected. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way. Hang in there.:)

10-21-2006, 06:56 PM
We Are Adding Austin To Our Prayer List,and Hope That He Recovers Soon From This.
My Dear Mother Was Such A Cat Lover That She Had Ringworm, And Once In A While Fleas, As She Would Carry Her Barn Cats Around In A Buggy.