View Full Version : Fish Question

10-18-2006, 04:30 PM
Ok, bear with me I dont think many people will like this but I went to pets at home today and my boyfriend offered to buy me a fish because i said Im fed up of not owning anything thats really mine :o

We got the fish tank all set up with the filters pump and air bubbles all going!

The man in the shop said the tank that we got will easily fit in 2 large gold fish or 5 small ones.. but I've always wanted an oranda or a ryukin, I prefer the chunky looking fish if that makes sense?!

I guess my question is are they easy to look after? I got a cold water tank but I dont want to start off with a fish too difficult because I do know its more than just adding water and plopping a fish in! I will definatly do what I can to provide for it, I've got the money and the time so I dont think its too much of a problem but I dont know what anyone else will say as if im honest I've looked into it in the past but it was an impulse buy.. We only have the tank set up but we are hoping to get the fish on friday

because if I'm 100 % honest I dont know much about fish tanks or fish but I got lots of people in my family which would be willing to help out if I needed them to.

so really yeah, does anyone suggest any types of fish? as I said I would LOVE to get a Oranda or a ryukin but any other suggestions will be very grateful :)

Thanks everyone!

10-18-2006, 04:43 PM
Question! Do you know the size of the tank? Sometimes LFS employees say you can fit goldfish in it, when you really can't. I'm not doubting it, but I'd help to know what size the tank is. =)
I have a Ryukin.. so I could probably help a bit on any specific questions.

And... don't count on being able to safely put fish in on this Friday. Tanks need some time to cycle.. this is a very important step.

10-18-2006, 05:14 PM
All I can add to this from experience, make sure you let the water sit for a few days before putting any fish in. You must allow the chlorine to off gas. You can also purchase additives for new water.

10-18-2006, 05:27 PM
Thanks, I just got told that 24 hrs would be ok so I guess I believed him.

I cant find the box anywhere! i cant find the tank online but its not a goldfish bowl! I thought it was a good size and ovbiously if the fish needs a bigger tank once its growing then it wouldnt be a problem at all I wouldnt set it suffer in a small tank, Its plastic and made by Penn Plax it isnt flimsy plastic it really can hold and it looked quite big which is why I picked this one, maybe it was a mistake? I can take some photos and show you from there but I think I need to find the box tomorrow :(

+++ Edit+++




Sorry they are not as clear as they could be its late here and my proper cameras batteries have died on me!

My Peanuts
10-18-2006, 05:35 PM
Is your tank a minimum of 50 gallons? Goldfish get big fast and require a large tank. They do not grow to their environment, like a lot of people think. Goldfish are messy, and they are pretty fragile. If your tank is 50 gallons and you want goldfish I suggest 2 or maybe 3. They will be happy with that size.

Let us know what size your tank is and I can make some good suggestions. I have had African Cichlids for years and I love them. For me they are easier than goldfish.

BTW, having a fresh water tropical tank isn’t harder than having a non-heated tank. All my tanks have heaters, even my betta tank.

Do you know about ammonia poisoning and cycling the tank? I can help you with all that if you need help.

My Peanuts
10-18-2006, 05:36 PM
I just saw your tank. It is very cute but it way too small for even one gold fish.

10-18-2006, 05:38 PM
:confused: Really?! The photos do make it look alot smaller but I dont see how they can keep fish is smaller tanks in the shops and have about 6 in one tank half the size of mine? :(

10-18-2006, 05:43 PM
I just found out its 15 litres which is 4 gallons?

My Peanuts
10-18-2006, 05:44 PM
I just found out its 15 litres which is 4 gallons?

The minimum for a gold fish is 10-20 gallons and they out grow that pretty fast.

A betta would do well in a tank that size. Mine lives in a 5 gallon mini bowl.

My Peanuts
10-18-2006, 05:53 PM
:confused: Really?! The photos do make it look alot smaller but I dont see how they can keep fish is smaller tanks in the shops and have about 6 in one tank half the size of mine? :(

That is horrible and that shop should be shut down. This is not an attack on you. I know what it's like to get bad advice from pet shop operators.

Goldfish give off a lot of ammonia. It would be dead in no time. A tank that size would be very hard to control with a gold fish in it, plus it's way too small. I believe the rule is 20 gallons for the first goldfish and then 10 gallons for each additional goldfish. So if you wanted 3 goldfish, for example, the tank would need to be at least 40 gallons.

It's a very cute tank, but it's not even close to suitable for even one goldfish.
It's good that you are learning this now before you bought the fish.

There are a lot of smaller fish that could go in there. If you want help I can research some.

10-18-2006, 05:53 PM
Ok, So a goldfish is out, Are betta easy to care for? they look so pretty! Are they ok in pairs or would you suggest only one for my size tank?

Thanks for the info everyone.. I dont want to cause any suffering to any animal so thanks for being honest about the goldfish!

I got to go research on Bettas now :cool: :D

Another question quickly! In the way future if I decided to get a bigger tank with goldfish could they mix with bettas? I would seek advice from you guys the next time!

My Peanuts
10-18-2006, 06:03 PM
Ok, So a goldfish is out, Are betta easy to care for? they look so pretty! Are they ok in pairs or would you suggest only one for my size tank?

Another question quickly! In the way future if I decided to get a bigger tank with goldfish could they mix with bettas? I would seek advice from you guys the next time!

Bettas are easy to take care of in my opinion.

To the question about getting more than one, no no no no! Two male (the pretty ones) bettas WILL kill each other. Their nickname is/was Japanese fighting fish. Only one betta per tank. There are some cool things that can live with a betta. Small frogs and I believe tetras can live with bettas too. Again, I can help research that if you'd like.

To the second question, I have seen one betta living with goldfish. Betta only 'hate' their own kind. Some people say no to goldfish living with a betta, but I have seen it with my own eyes. Some bettas are more aggressive than others. So to this question I say maybe. You'd have to try and see, but even in a large tank, only ONE betta.

Hope that helps. :)

10-18-2006, 06:07 PM
I just seen that! Thats scary! I'm reading about how to tell what sex they are I think I would stick to one betta. I will definatly get a bigger tank if I add any more fish or if the betta grows.

I'm researching before I rush into anything! Thanks for the advice!

My Peanuts
10-18-2006, 06:09 PM
I just seen that! Thats scary! I'm reading about how to tell what sex they are I think I would stick to one betta. I will definatly get a bigger tank if I add any more fish or if the betta grows.

I'm researching before I rush into anything! Thanks for the advice!

Don't worry about the betta needing a bigger tank, he won't. 4 gallons is a betta palace compaired to living in those little cups they keep them in. Bettas need a minimum of a 1 gallon. He will love you forever for putting him in a 4 gallon :) :D

10-18-2006, 06:38 PM
Yeh, you're definately getting pointed in the right direction of a betta for that tank. =)
And about the whole betta-living-with-a-goldfish thing. Normally, in bigger tanks, bettas prefer a heater while goldfish are strictly coldwater fish. While a betta can be fine without a heater, I find that the female bettas I have in a heated tank are a bit happier with warmer water.
Just from personal experiance.
I've often thought about seeing how well one of my male bettas would fair in my goldfish tank... but I have yet try such a thing.
Good luck with your fish purchase! And I'm so very happy to see someone doing research before buying the actual fish. Good job! =D

10-18-2006, 08:46 PM
Ive decided on a Betta for sure now! I already know some responsible fish places around here, the ones we have had in the past have been brought from there in the past and they dont sell ill fish, we know this because we wanted a fish and put down a deposit for him and came back and they refused to sell him to us! not only that they are so nice and they offer to help with setting up the tank at home and it feels like they will go out of their way to help you out, I'l definatly ask they guys at that shop they seem to know so much! lol

Thanks everyone! I'll post photos when my newbie arrives! :D

10-18-2006, 09:40 PM
The general rule most goldfish enthusiasts use in 10 gallons per 3 inches of goldfish. A single goldfish wouldn't do for a 4 gallon tank. The pet store can only profit from unknowing people coming in once a month to replace dead fish. I'd go with the male or female betta + some shrimp, snail, OR ottos.

10-18-2006, 11:09 PM
There are some pretty nice guppies. They are a schooling fish and in a small tank you could put a 1/2 dozen easily. Some of them have pretty fan tails. And they are hearty.

10-19-2006, 02:21 AM
The general rule most goldfish enthusiasts use in 10 gallons per 3 inches of goldfish. A single goldfish wouldn't do for a 4 gallon tank. The pet store can only profit from unknowing people coming in once a month to replace dead fish. I'd go with the male or female betta + some shrimp, snail, OR ottos.

Thanks, thats what im planning to do, I realise how stupid it was just to go out and buy without doing much research, I just figured it would be big enough for a goldfish seeing as the guy in the shop said it could keep in 4/5 small ones or 2 big ones.

I've fallen in love with Bettas, I know the rules so far about putting them together its a big mistake to place them with anything they think might be their own? has anyone had any personal experience as to wether the males get on with mollies etc better than the females? I've chosen to get a male but I want other fish so if they wont get along I will go for a female. I'm looking to put about 2 mollies in the tank too. I havent research about if i got space yet but Im on to it right away!

I never realised there was so much infomation!

I've read that feeding pellets made specifically for bettas is a good idea and to give them blood worm as treats so they will be on my list too.

Also the pump I got with the tank is VERY!! noisy and it kept my sister up last night, is the pump 100% nessasary? I'm under the impression that if I clean them 100% each week it isnt? or am I wrong? I'll look up that further but any personal experience would help too :D Im so excited lol

Thanks again everyone!

10-19-2006, 07:14 AM
An Elite brand stingray filter is a good bet for a cheap, quiet filter. I use them and they are dead silent (there is an initial 15 minutes of light noise as the filter gets started). Mollies do get big, so stick to 2. I don't know about molly aggression. Always ask the store what the salt content of the molly tank is. They are a brackish fish (brackish is the border between salt and fresh water) and may need some time to get used to fresh water if the store keeps them salted.

10-19-2006, 01:35 PM
Ive decided on a Betta for sure now! I already know some responsible fish places around here, the ones we have had in the past have been brought from there in the past and they dont sell ill fish, we know this because we wanted a fish and put down a deposit for him and came back and they refused to sell him to us! not only that they are so nice and they offer to help with setting up the tank at home and it feels like they will go out of their way to help you out, I'l definatly ask they guys at that shop they seem to know so much! lol

Thanks everyone! I'll post photos when my newbie arrives! :D

you could fit 4 female bettas into that tank.. They come in all colors too.. you could even manage to put some live plants in there and maybe a snail ;).
If you would prefer more fish get females, because as you know, males are solitary :).

make sure to post pics when you get your new additions. :)

10-19-2006, 02:24 PM
I have the tank all set up and everything is just waiting now! I'm going to two places to look at bettas tomorrow I thought about getting more females but Im not sure just yet, I think it would be easier to settle in if they all went in at the same time that way they can establish whos who.

I cant wait!! Its either 3 females or 1 male I've seen a few people say get females in odd numbers that way its less likely to start up fights, I cant wait!!

10-19-2006, 03:00 PM
Something else that would look cute in that little tank, besides a betta, is a frog, or shrimps. They are so sweet and interesting to watch.

My Peanuts
10-19-2006, 04:25 PM
Good luck! Keep us posted about your new addition. :)