View Full Version : pit/lab mix?

10-17-2006, 11:48 PM
hello! i recently adopted a 4 month old mix from a shelter. the people at the shelter said he was a pit bull/lab mix. but my vet put him down as a lab mix and says his brindle color is the only thing that makes him look like a pit bull. just wanted to see what you guys thought. :)

here are some pics:

10-18-2006, 12:08 AM
IMO, he looks nearly pure Pittie. I personally don't see much Lab, ironically. Very cute!

10-18-2006, 12:40 AM
I agree - the pit bull part jumps out at me, but I don't see the lab.

10-18-2006, 02:04 AM
I agree, I don't see any lab. He has the tight smooth coat of a pittie, the earset, the brindle markings -- I don't think he's necissarily purebred but I don't think there is any lab in there at all.

10-18-2006, 08:54 AM
Welcome to PT! Thanks for joining. I'm Makayla, and I have lots of pets I love to death! Your puppy is adorable! He has Pit Bull definetley... maybe Pit/Boxer, but I see no Lab.

Suki Wingy
10-18-2006, 05:00 PM
I actually don't see any lab either. I'd call him a bully of mysterious breeding, aka a "pit bull"

10-18-2006, 05:20 PM
I don't see Lab, and I don't think he's purebred Pit (but I definitely see a lot in him)... but he's gorgeous! :D

10-18-2006, 06:35 PM
Your vet must be blind... I don't see ANY lab at all, mostly pit!

10-18-2006, 06:39 PM
Definitely not a purebred pittie - he's cute as can be, but he doesn't have the broad face of a pittie, and his nose is too long. Something narrower-faced mixed with brindle-pit perhaps, and of course all cuteness! If he has webbed toes, maybe that's why the vet guessed Lab, but we'll see how big he ends up before making and other guesses! Give him a kiss for me!

Your vet, however, may have been doing you a kindness, in terms of insurance and other matters, "mixed breed" is better than pitbull mix, and indeed, maybe he is a boxer mix - from the coloring, that could be it, too, but his face and muzzle is definitely not a bit boxerish!

10-18-2006, 06:44 PM
Your vet, however, may have been doing you a kindness, in terms of insurance and other matters, "mixed breed" is better than pitbull mix, and indeed, maybe he is a boxer mix - from the coloring, that could be it, too, but his face and muzzle is definitely not a bit boxerish!
Thats a really good point, and that is actually exactly what I was thinking.

Doesn't matter what mix he is, he is SUCH A CUTIE.

10-18-2006, 10:54 PM
thanks for all of your input. i definitely think he looks most like a pit bull, too. he is growing up so fast and his looks are definitely changing, so we'll see what he ends up looking like. :)

10-19-2006, 08:15 PM
i think he looks liek a pure bred pitbull .. very handsome :)

10-19-2006, 08:35 PM
he sure is beautiful !!!

and I agree, a pit mix for sure....

also very much agree with this poster...

"Your vet, however, may have been doing you a kindness, in terms of insurance and other matters, "mixed breed" is better than pitbull mix, and indeed, maybe he is a boxer mix - from the coloring, that could be it, too, but his face and muzzle is definitely not a bit boxerish!"

I hope you have had him neutered ??

I always advise anyone with a pit or pit mix to educate themselves as much as possible on the breed...
many pits are the incredible mushbabies and very loving , sweet and submissive to children and ppl
many are PRONE to dog on dog aggression..
and its not the falsehood of the fault of the owner..
its an inate trait..

this is my favorite site...that offers everything you need to know about the breed...


10-19-2006, 10:48 PM
yep he sure is a pit/lab mix. :) he's very cute and thanks so much for choosing to adopt! :D here is a site that tells you all about pit bulls. :)


10-22-2006, 08:01 PM
IMO, he looks nearly pure Pittie. I personally don't see much Lab, ironically. Very cute!
hi there grayhound person. I have 4 borzois!!! Wonderful to see another sighthound person. Tell me- how did you get your picture to post with each reply? :D

10-23-2006, 06:04 PM
thanks again for your input! i had him neutered about 2 weeks ago. and we start obedience training next week. i have been looking at tons of websites to gain info on his breed, that's actually how i found my way here. i'm aware of the tendency for pits to have dog on dog agression and i'm hoping to introduce him to other dogs soon to try to help him get comfy around other dogs, but i'll always be cautious.

thanks for the helpful websites!!! :)

10-23-2006, 06:55 PM
I see alot of pit, especially in the head, shoulder and coloring. However- his muzzle is narrower at the cheek. It also doesnt look like that hinged jaw.
I dont see any lap. His chest isnt deep enough for that- but at a loss what else it might be. I tried to imagine him with the markings to think of something. His ears are more of a upright tulip or he just has puppy ears. ( like a young smooth collie would have
If he were bigger, I would say maybe doberman as the body structure is closer. After all- they can get their color from either parent. Pits can have white on their chest and paws. However- the muzzle is not as narrow as a doberman.. He sure is cute though!!!!