View Full Version : Yay! Good girl Georgia -her first swim-

10-17-2006, 09:03 PM
I took Georgia for a walk around the lake and she saw some ducks in the water, immedietley (she was off leash and I was allowing her to wander around since there was no one else walking) plunged into the water after them. Normally, she wouldn't go past her belly, but this time she did a full swim! And she swam and swam before she noticed she was actually swimming, LOL. Then she came back and I made a huge fuss over her. I've been waiting for this for a long time and wanted her to swim so bad :D I do feel sorry for those ducks, though, LOL. I knew they'd get away though.

Good girl, Georgia! Yes, yes, yes!

10-18-2006, 09:07 AM
Oh and here are some pictures of the beautiful ducky poos..... who I go down to the lake and feed *nearly* everyday.