View Full Version : Hypersensitivity

10-16-2006, 10:51 PM
Does anyone have any information on hypersensitivity? My friends all think it might be something I have, and I think there is an illness hypersensitivity and sort of a... mental hypersensitivity... Here's the one thing I've found that most describes my situation:

tends to get too emotional, can't take it easy, feels gloomy and distraught frequently, more past than future, more feeling than doing, not confident in their opinions or abilities, dislikes themself, prone to paranoia, affected by the moods of others, broody, envious, ideal love seeking, expressive, dramatic, tempermental, impressionable, swayed by emotions, fears loss and separation, poor self image, gets very attached to people and things, hopeless romantic, focuses on suffering, desires security and support, defensive, suffers from loneliness, feels invisible, fears rejection in relationships, can't control romantic feelings and thoughts, existentially depressed, suffers from depression, prone to shame, prone to panic attacks, feelings guide most of their behavior, can't handle people being mad at them, dreams about a rescuer, daydreams about people to maintain a sense of closeness, familiar with the role of victim, worries they will make the wrong choices, conflicts between thoughts and feelings, desires more attention

If anyone can find anymore information on this, like self-help treatments or just more symptoms or desciptors, I'd greatly appreciate it.

10-16-2006, 10:58 PM
Try Googling a few things:

Adult Children of Alcoholics - find a list of the characteristics they have in common.





Panic Disorder

This doesn't mean you HAVE any of these - just that it would be interesting to compare notes with some of the information and see what you come up with.

A lot of it could even be from living with your mom, and the family situation.

If you do find some things from a Google search, make an appt with your doctor to discuss them. She or he will know whether further action is needed. Maybe just a few talk sessions with a family counsellor or something.

You have good friends to be concerned about you - and good for you for trying to find out if there is something in it!

Go for it - this could be the beginning of a very interesting journey for you. Not easy, maybe - but interesting and absolutely worth it. :)