View Full Version : Forgive me, as I have sinned.....

10-16-2006, 02:00 PM

You know, I have no excuse. None. Now two of my cats will pay the price. Tenny and Minnie are going in to the white coats on Friday for a <sigh> shave down. The mats have gotten the best of us, and I nearly cried when I realized Minnie's mats were so bad she had gone bald, from the tension of the mat. :o

6 cats doesn't seem like alot, does it? AND, I sent Monte to live with Grammy as he is a stinker, bratty cat, and really was nearly killing Georgia. Really. It was that bad.

My problem (this one, anyhow) is that I am not managing the herd like I used to. That needs to change, and after the shave down, it is going to be a change. Jonah can change his own stinkin' nappies! And, it is about time he dons a chef's hat. Momma is getting tired.

10-16-2006, 02:08 PM
Jonah can change his own stinkin' nappies! And, it is about time he dons a chef's hat. Momma is getting tired.

Tell Jonah to get his resume out and start hitting the pavement!! :p;)

10-16-2006, 02:14 PM
OK, take a deep breath, now release, count to 10 slowly. This too shall pass.

I have been owned by kitties for about 12 years. I have NEVER had the long hairs mat to the point of needing a pro to shave it out. Never, that is, until this year. Vita went about 3 weeks ago. I felt awful, as if I had let her down. I choose not to take her to the vet for this; I went to the folks at PetSMart. I have never used them beore, for anything. They had to figure out a price, as I didn't want "the works" - bath with shampoo, blow dry, etc. Just shave off these darn mats on her belly which she can't reach and I didn't maintain. They did insist on clipping her nails first. OK, I have cats, I understand that. And I learned that you need a special license to deal with a cat, they only had 2 people on staff who are allowed to work cats, so I had to schedule with one of them. Fine, I could do that.

I got an early morning appt. I stayed and watched through the glass. One held her, one worked on her. We were not even in the store 15 minutes, including lining up to pay! And it was so much easier and faster and better than anything I could have done here with scissors. And she wasn't a terrified because these folks were confident in what they were doing.

By the way, the woman said, as she passed Vita in carrier back to me, that they have had LOTS more of this shaving of long hairs this year than ever before. She thought it had something to do with the heat of July, even though my home has central air and Vita is an indoor cat. By the way, it cost $28 in Salem, NH.

So, don't beat yourself up; Jonah is here to stay and so is the herd. None of them is going to leave over this!! Maybe find some time to take a nice long bubble bath! :D

10-16-2006, 02:59 PM
Johanna!!!!!!!! I regularly shave my own cat Calvin down, due to mats. The boy will simply NOT be combed! IAnd don't shave him before he mats, because I also know being handled closely is traumatic for him. So I wait, on PURPOSE. He loves how he feels afterwards and has never threatened to find a new mama because it.

On the other side of the coin, as a groomer, you would not believe what I see come into the shop. :eek: :eek: :eek: Trust me when I say that no way on God's green earth could either of your cats have mats as bad as mats I have seen! And YES, these cats (and dogs) are people's beloved pets.....not pound animals.

So I guess I need to say that this could happen to the best of us (and it has).

You will love how they feel and so will they.

Now, about Jonah finding a job..................how about brushing the cats? ;) :D

10-16-2006, 03:41 PM
Great post Jen. :D

My C-fer was bad for matting if I didn't keep up with his brushing. So it got to a point where we would have to shave him periodically also to prevent the mats.

Like Jen said, it happens to the best of us. It doesn't make you a bad meowmie.

Laura's Babies
10-16-2006, 04:24 PM
When I had my beautiful Chynna and lived with my sister, she had the job of brushing him while I was on the boat working. She didn't deep brush but just got the first layer on top. I would work on him while I was home getting the knots out a little each day. Luck was on my side and I was able to get them all out without having to take him somewhere.

I did notice that he would knot up worse at certian times of the year and it was harder to keep up so you shouldn't beat yourself up to bad over it. I brush mine that I have now and Amy just loves it, that is "our special time" together and we both enjoy it to no end...... BUT, I don't have a child to run after.

10-16-2006, 04:39 PM
How many lashes with a wet noodle should I give you? One for each mat? ;)

Don't be so hard on yourself.... I only have Cam from 8-2 every day and during those hours I barely get the litterbox scooped. I can't imagine having him all to myself all day, every day! :eek: and he's not running around yet! :eek: Good thing my guys are all shorthaired or they'd be going to auntie Jen's for a shave down too.

10-16-2006, 05:09 PM
Theres nothing to be forgiven for.
Mr Fluffy had such bad mats that I had to smell the poo gathering in his fur before I put him int the tub, and then called the mobile groomer to have the Big Fellow shaved.
You are just having a bad day.
Tomorrows another day, and things will look better.

10-16-2006, 05:12 PM
Have you seen my 2 new Maine Coons and more importantly their LONG FUR???? :eek: I have attempted to brush them out once since I have had them, and neither of them appreciated it in the least. I had to do it as quickly as possible. This was only a week or two ago and last night, I felt huge, tight mats on the underside of Panda's legs! :rolleyes: So ... I feel your pain, and my Coons may feel it as well soon! :eek:


10-16-2006, 05:48 PM
ok you have made me feel much better . both the cats here need to have backs shaved.

10-17-2006, 11:17 AM
Giant hugs to all my friends here! Thank you for making me feel better, and it helps to know that on Friday, the two kitties will feel better!!!

Freedom- I don't think we have 'met' before. Thank you for such a lovely post. The others? They all ready know I love them. :D

10-17-2006, 11:43 AM
Not a huge fan of the 'shaved kitty'

I prefer mine fluffy.

:rolleyes: :D :eek:

10-17-2006, 11:46 AM
Don't feel so badly. I have poor Cinnamon shaved all the time, after the winter of course. Do I have time each day to brush a bunny? No....... The secret is to get over the guilt and schedule the kitties for a semi annual visit to the groomer....or vet....for the shave. Time is valuable. ;)

10-17-2006, 11:49 AM
:) Now how many whisker head bumps are we going to have to give you for this?? I will admitt I have a thing about combing my babies coats out due to all of the shedding they do.. Now my Autumn & KiKi can matt real fast if I dont keep them checked close due to their furr is so thick.. Calitt is long hair too but her furr lays down real fine & no problems & the other babies are short hair..

10-17-2006, 01:01 PM
I'm sure your kitties would rather be bald than have their fur being pulled by the mats.

Sammy isn't long haired, but he sheds like the dickens and is too fat to reach his back side so, if I don't brush him, mats galore. Luckilly I don't have to do it that often.

You are a full time mom, attorney and cat lover. Certain things take priority over brushing kitty cats. At least you're doing what you can for them even though it's not your ideal.

Jonah, help mommy, would ya?

10-17-2006, 02:38 PM
{{hugs}} to you -
oh my I don't relish you having to catch poor Minnie!
I had enough trouble trying to catch Kylie today to go to the vet and she found such a good hiding place (in my 4 room - 600 sq ft house - no less) that I seriously thought she had spontaneously combusted!
Stop beating yourself up.
You are mom to a toddler.
You work Full Time -
you do the best you can.
I get Kylie shaved regularly b/c she feels better. I love her long fur don't get me wrong but she was miserable. I took her to the holistic vet who has some communication skills with animals and I said - I think she feels better and she said she absolutely does. I asked if I should do it every couple months and she said sure. That said - after the visit with the vet today - since this is a family site I won't tell you what she said to me today! ;) You can email me if You want that scoop!
Just hope and pray your vet can't "talk" to them - you might get a "what-for" too! ;)
Update on Montie when you can and
remember - PICS with this new fangled camera!

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-17-2006, 10:05 PM
Oh no, not my favorite hunk 'o kitty, Tenny!!!! :eek: :eek:

Actually, I'm with the others, don't feel bad because it happens to the best of us. I've even considered having Peanut shaved because she so dislikes the combing, but I just can't bring myself to do it because then it would really emphasis how skinny she is....and I don't need to see that. :(

Sooo.....like the others mentioned....maybe have Jonah start helping with the care of the cats. I'm sure he's and expert at interacting with them already, so why not a bit of help with them too?

Now....we really MUST get before and after pics. ;) :)