View Full Version : cat visitors

06-04-2002, 08:36 PM
I placed a bar stool next to my regular stool that I sit on during my using this computer. Apparently, the cats seem to like to sit next to me for some scritchies and attention. First it was Ophelia, and then Cookie, then Tiger, then Silver Prince, and now it is Princess -all of this action within the last hour. I guess I'd better leave it where it is so my furkids can take turns visiting me!:D


Sara luvs her Tinky
06-04-2002, 09:55 PM
AWWWWWW that sounds sooo sweet. I used to never get any peaceful computer time in once Tinky discovered the computer mouse..... she has now decided to let the mouse arrow alone but always comes up to get some luvin and make sure that my hands stay warm (by laying on them) now Jupiter has discovered THE COMPUTER SCREEN.... he could care less about just the mouse arrow he attackes scrolling words and still words the typed words the whole nine yards...... and don't let me forget to mention that he sits right smack dab in front of the screen.......:rolleyes:

Kat Kommando
06-04-2002, 10:50 PM
My furballs cause all the typos :p

06-04-2002, 11:32 PM
Storm and Pepper have ignored my computer but Sunny will howl or do something bad to get my attention. He doesn't like it when I'm on the computer. Lately I've been picking him up and putting him on my lap. He loves it but wants to take up all the room so it's very difficult for me to type or use my mouse. He's also tried to catch moving objects on the computer and he's done his share of typing too.:D

06-05-2002, 04:57 PM
Last night I went to sign on after work. My tortie Mollie Rose was sitting in my computer chair.

Did I move her??? Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo! I went and got another chair for me to sit on and moved the computer chair with MR in it, next to me. Talk about spoiled cats!!

06-05-2002, 06:58 PM
Whew! I thought I'd never get back on this site. I have been trying to re-access this site off and on all day. Somehow, my old password was no longer recognized by the central computer. Normally I'm talking early in the AM, but this morning I was shut out for some unknown reason. Needless to say I was getting very angry. Was about to write those in command that "if I have been cut off from the site, please let me know, so I won't be coming back" . But this is over now, I hope.:mad:

Sara, my Ophelia does the same thing, she will sit in front of the screen and chase the arrow with her paw. She has been doing this for a few weeks now. Usually they outgrow this kind of curiosity, especially when the begin to realize that the arrow is not a tangible item!

KAK, I remember having to get up to do something and when I returned the screen was full of "Zs'". And I mean full of them, many lines of Zs'. It took me several minutes to get the all ereased. apparnetly, what had happened is that one of my kittens laid on the "Z" button and filled the screen with them!

Moosmom, what you did is natural for any conscientious cat lover. In fact I do the same courtesies here with my indoor menagerie. You can see why they rule the household.

........wayne :D

06-05-2002, 08:35 PM
What is it with cats and computers? :confused:
Wylie is the one who hangs around most. :rolleyes:

06-05-2002, 08:44 PM
yorkster, I think it is due to the movement on the screen that excites their curiosity. But this is only a parital explanation because Silver Prince is becoming a regular patron to the pillow by the keyboard. In fact, he is sleeping on it now, and has been all day!

06-05-2002, 08:49 PM

My cats own half of my desk!:D

06-05-2002, 09:10 PM
Auggie, I really like your calico, and the view from the window is really great. It appears to be a rainy day, a perfect time to talk on the internet :)


Kat Kommando
06-05-2002, 11:11 PM
Beautiful cat Auggie!

06-05-2002, 11:51 PM
Great pic Auggie and beautiful cat.:)

06-06-2002, 01:22 AM
Auggie, that picture is great! I notice you have a little blanket there for your cat(s) ;) My cats just lay on my paperwork :D

here is one of Wylie with Dad at the computer:

06-06-2002, 04:49 AM
That is so sweet Wayne! All lined up to visit you in turns. LOL!
Fister is laying next to John while he's working on the computer, the other day he had his head on the keyboard. :rolleyes: I had to get a picture of that, will post it soon. ;)

06-06-2002, 05:34 AM
I've got a wonderful mental picture of all your furbabies lining up to take their turn Wayne :D :D :D Cracks me up!

Since I've taken to using the laptop it's made life a bit easier in that the Three Stooges can't take the whole desk - but Dan does like to lie on the whole thing on my lap!! That DOES make life a trifle difficult:eek: :eek:

Great pic and lovely cat Auggie.


06-06-2002, 02:32 PM
Lynne, I don't think they line up like in a grocery store check-out counter, but that would be extraordinary if they did.:D No, what is happening is that there is no line or order to their appearing. I guess when the stool is empty, the next one, who ever that may be, shows up for some attention. Lately, Princess has been hogging the stool!:)


06-06-2002, 07:41 PM
Yorkster! Wow, Wylie is absolutely gorgeous. What a big Hunk!
He seems to be sitting on his tail. Love to see more pictures. We have a cat show here next weekend and I'll be drooling over the maine coon cats.:)
Wayne, do you have any pictures?

06-06-2002, 11:57 PM
Thanks Auggie!
Yes, Wylie is sitting on his tail unfortunately- he has a beautiful LONG tail.:rolleyes:

And Wayne.............I agree, we want to see pictures!

06-07-2002, 07:15 PM
Right now, I feel kind of ignorant and foolish because I have tried to get some pictures to show up on the camera, and so far, no results. I geuss I'll have to find (or pay) someone who will set up the equipment and show me how to do it.:(


06-08-2002, 01:19 AM
That's okay Wayne, it just takes time to figure it all out. :confused:
I don't have a digital camara yet, but DO have a scanner. It took me quite awhile to figure it all out, but once I did it was easy. There are alot of knowlegable people here who can help you :)

06-09-2002, 05:54 PM
Auggie,is your calico a male or a female?Looks beautifull:p looks like my hubby cat Panchita,
now at R/B.

Now we have a three colour male,and I have benn told that is a genetic abnormality:mad: :mad: and he won't live long:confused: :confused:we love him dearly.Anyone knows about that matter?

Wayne,do you have any three colour male cat among your big menagerie?

Yorkter,I have never seen such a huge kitty:p what a fluffy guy!!give him a hug from me:) :)

06-09-2002, 06:40 PM
Koxka, No, I have been trying to think of a tri-colored male in the past, but all of them were either 1 or 2 colors. About them not living long, I'd take that with a "grain of salt". You might enquire of some cat fanciers on the net, as see if they can verify this claim. Personally, I have never heard of such a thing.


06-09-2002, 08:01 PM
Koxka, Auggie (my cats name) is female.
Don't worry! Male calicos are extremely rare (only one in about 3,000 tricolered cats are males). Most likely they are sterile, but I don't know of any health problems that would shorten there live span.


06-09-2002, 09:14 PM
Koxka, thanks. Yes he is a BIG kitty (15 lbs.and growing still) :eek:
But he is as sweet and gentle as he is big :)

Do you have pics of your kittys?

06-10-2002, 06:17 PM
Augie, he's not a Calico but he has three colours,like today's CODT,

Yorkter, I haven't been taken pics lately,I will try to get some this week-end,but have nice pics the two of them when they were kitties ,they are somewhere , if I find out where that" somewhere" is :confused: I will post them.
