View Full Version : Maude

06-04-2002, 08:57 AM
What a great photo of you, Maude and your brother Oedi. It sounds like you know how to handle the whole family including your brother. You both sound like a bundle of fun and joy. Yes, girls never tell their age and you don't look a day over two. lol
It doesn't matter how big Oedi gets, from what your Mom says I think you can handle him. Congratulations dear, sweet, Maude our Very Best Pet of the Day. I'm sure your family will be giving you and Oedi some very special treats on your very special day.
Miss Daisy, Perry and Jackie

06-04-2002, 12:08 PM
:D :D :D

Hi Maude and Oedi! Congratulations on your special assignment as Pets of the Day! I'm glad you two came to know each other (despite the occasional tiffs, which happen with ALL siblings sometime!) and your loving family. You are wonderful examples of rescue animal success!

:D :D :D

06-04-2002, 03:10 PM
Hi Maude! We may not know your age, but I know this: Your beauty, gentleness and courage in the face of neglect are timeless!! And you know Maude, every girl needs a big brother to boss around!:D And despite your diminutive size, it sounds you are well up to the task! Oedi sure is one big, handsome guy! Look at the size of those mits!! He's got me beat in the length dept. by an inch or two!:eek: But honestly, I think you two make the sweetest, most beautiful and handsome, brother/sister team Pets of the Day! What a lovely story of sibling devotion and animal resuce!!!! I am so happy you are now in the loving forever home (complete with brother!!) you always deserved!! Congratulations to you dear Maude and Oedi! It was a pleasure meeting two such fine creatures!!

06-04-2002, 07:05 PM
Oh, Maude, you are every girl's "dreamgirl". Never telling your age, bossing the boys around, all the good stuff that many of us aren't brave enough to do!! :o

Congratulations to you and Oedi on being the Pets of the Day!! I know you are the "boss" of this family, but be nice today, and share those special treats with your brother. You are both so beautiful, and I'm sure you give your family much joy.


06-04-2002, 07:17 PM
Maude, you dear girl. Isn't it the truth that us girls have to organize and keep the every body else in line. Heehee. What would they do without us. My name is Hannah, and I have a wuss of a brother too. I would have been Dog of the Day if my mother would have ever sent in my name. I guess I'll have to take a clue from you and do it myself. You were very kind to include your brother in for the honors. Anyway, I think it is very nice that the peoples picked you for Pets of the Day as you are my kind of girl! Your brother doesn't sound half bad! Oops, I gots to get off the computer, 'cause Mom is coming.

Hey Maude and Oedi, Hannah knows some special pets when she sees them. She is right that the peoples (Karen and Paul) made an excellent choice for the very special honor of Pets of the Day. We hope your family will help you celebrate and have made your day just the best in every way.

06-04-2002, 07:30 PM
Hey there Maude and Oedi. You could have fooled me that you have an occasional tiff. You look like best buds to me! My son had an iguana years ago and he had a really nice cage with a sliding glass door, etc. (he was no where near the size of you!) and the cats used to sit in front of that cage and watch him like it was a television! Guess we should have gotten him a brother or sister because after reading your story it sounds like it's much more fun to have a sibling. Congratulations you two on being a most adorable duo as today's Pets of the Day!