View Full Version : Oktoberfest Thursday 180!

10-04-2006, 05:06 PM
Have you ever seen an ORC in lederhosen?

Come on inside and check this out!

Brauts, sauerkraut, cheese and beer, beer, beer!

Maybe a little Black Forest Cake for dessert?

Let's dance! :D

10-04-2006, 05:22 PM
Have you ever seen an ORC in lederhosen?

Come on inside and check this out!

Brauts, sauerkraut, cheese and beer, beer, beer!

Maybe a little Black Forest Cake for dessert?

Let's dance! :D
RICHARD! Where did you get lederhosen big enough for Orc? I'll have beer and announce to the thrusday crowd that I now have a RL girlfriend!!
I joined a singles group and I met her there. Her name is Doreen And I'll be taking her to some football games and other things. David the hermit is coming out of his cave!!

10-04-2006, 05:44 PM
I'm trying to picture Richard in lederhosen!! lol I'll have a brats...hold the kraut and the beer..EEEWWWW.....I'll just stick with mustard and a diet wild cherry Pepsi! :p

10-04-2006, 08:07 PM
Is that cake for my birthday? Oh Richard, you shouldn't have. I'll just blow out all those candles before the smoke alarm goes off ;)

Orc looks cute! :D

10-04-2006, 09:43 PM
Bratwurst und Bier, bitte, mit Bratkartoffeln! :)

And is it a real Schwarzwaldkirschtorte? My grandma used to make the best...we had to visit her overseas to get it though...too bad it's so hard to find the clear cherry liquer (Kirschwasser, right?) needed to make it properly here in the states - it's a good thing the PT bar is so well stocked...a large slice for me, please (yes, that's the same thing as Black Forest Cake).

10-04-2006, 11:43 PM
I've been dancing - and wow, am I out of breath. Let me sit down here and have a brew and a braut - hold the kraut - never been my favorite.

Orc! Just look at you - how cute is that?

David, now bring that lady of yours to Thursdays (come on now, tell the truth, have you told her about Thursdays yet?)

Black Forest Cake? Now you've done it - there goes the diet.............

(what diet?)

10-05-2006, 12:01 AM
I've been dancing - and wow, am I out of breath. Let me sit down here and have a brew and a braut - hold the kraut - never been my favorite.

Orc! Just look at you - how cute is that?

David, now bring that lady of yours to Thursdays (come on now, tell the truth, have you told her about Thursdays yet?)

Black Forest Cake? Now you've done it - there goes the diet.............

(what diet?)
Gini, I know I'm up past midnight,but I have a sore throat and the start of a cold. I'll have to get Doreen on PT (and thursdays!) as she's a dog lover mom to 4 (count 'em!) 4 dogs! I think a cold beer will do wonders for a sore throat. BTW, she has Donna's stamp of approval!

Pawsitive Thinking
10-05-2006, 10:05 AM
Now, if you are looking for quality entertainment - look no further


10-05-2006, 01:41 PM
*moff pops head in door*
Hi, everyone!!!
Any chance of a mug of cider? and pumpkin or apple pie? :D

Hi Mario!!! Just look at you in your little lederhosen!!! What cute little hairy legs you have!!! :D

10-05-2006, 02:04 PM
I'm running to Starbucks to get a Pumpkin latte - Does anyone else want one? Extra whipped cream too! :p

10-05-2006, 02:18 PM
I'm running to Starbucks to get a Pumpkin latte - Does anyone else want one? Extra whipped cream too! :p
Reddhedd, I'll take one of those and load it
up with extra whipped cream!

10-05-2006, 02:38 PM
Mario put that alp horn down your going to hurt someone! Guess I have time for a quick DLC today have to get to work in an hour. them leave for Portland Ore. at 3AM . Still have to pack and make the feeding list for the kids to make sure everyone is taken care of while I'm gone.
Davidp am I still going to be able to dance once in a while with you here? Glad you have a freind to do things with.

10-05-2006, 03:20 PM
What no bartender today?

Hmm, let me see if I can handle this on my own. Scuse me if you get whipped cream on a rum and coke - I am new at this.

Mugsy: A diet wild cherry Pepsi! DONE!

vtjESS03 - Schwarzwaldkirschtorte - one of those whatever they are! :D

MOFF - a mug of cider and some pie? DONE!

Corinna - a DLC! DONE!

Phew - boy, it really makes you appreciate the bartender's work!

I will go get my brew and braut now - food is out on the counter.

10-05-2006, 03:32 PM
Gini, I thought of you when I saw that Pumpkin Peeps are on sale at Rite Aid this week. Peeping Pumpkins! :D

Oh dear, Mario - you've got whipped cream EVERYWHERE! :cool:

10-05-2006, 03:41 PM
Gini, I thought of you when I saw that Pumpkin Peeps are on sale at Rite Aid this week. Peeping Pumpkins! :D

Do you ever notice that peeps for ANY season are always on SALE? :D

I think they are scared to death they are going to have an inventory left after a holiday. What to do with them? :eek: :D

10-05-2006, 04:07 PM
Mario put that alp horn down your going to hurt someone! Guess I have time for a quick DLC today have to get to work in an hour. them leave for Portland Ore. at 3AM . Still have to pack and make the feeding list for the kids to make sure everyone is taken care of while I'm gone.
Davidp am I still going to be able to dance once in a while with you here? Glad you have a freind to do things with.
Of course we can dance, Corinna! A great thing about Doreen is that she is an animal lover, too! she's mom to four dogs!

10-05-2006, 05:52 PM
What to do with them? :eek: :D
I've heard that you've put them to some *good* uses - even did an experiment if I recall .... :p

10-05-2006, 06:54 PM
Peeping Pumpkins! :D

Whoa! Do I need to get my glasses changed. I missed that second p and saw Peeing Pumpkins at first!!! :eek:

10-05-2006, 06:58 PM
I've heard that you've put them to some *good* uses - even did an experiment if I recall .... :p

Well, that's what I get.........you invite Pet Talkers to your home and the next thing you know they are asking for a paper plate and then "murdering" peeps in my microwave. RedHedd, it was a sad, sad day! :eek: :D

Now, what are we going to do with MOFF.........peeing pumpkins indeed! :D

10-05-2006, 07:00 PM
Now, what are we going to do with MOFF.........peeing pumpkins indeed! :D
Hey, it's so dry in our area, we'll just about take moisture any way we can get it!!!

We are over 11 inches below our regular rainfall for the year. :D

10-07-2006, 12:57 PM
Just because she normally only posts in here:

prayer request (http://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?p=1629466#post1629466)

10-07-2006, 01:02 PM
Now, if you are looking for quality entertainment - look no further

Spice it up a notch huh?

Well, Let's Dance, Put on your Red shoes and Dance with me!!! :D

( am I too old for the dog house Richard?)

10-07-2006, 04:20 PM
Spice it up a notch huh?

Well, Let's Dance, Put on your Red shoes and Dance with me!!! :D

( am I too old for the dog house Richard?)
Nope! I'm older than you are, Dorothy39!

10-07-2006, 07:31 PM
Just checking in from Portland gads thisis so cool have wireless to go.I see why deb loves it. sitting here in the oxford suites resting before the next session at our confence. checking out the mischeif Mario is getting into.
Dorthy39 I'll have tocut in on you later since David's knee replacement he sure cuts the rug.
Many prayers for LOH and family hope the find the trouble soon.
Have plans to visit acouple of the carousils tomorrow before we head to Washington. so I should have some great pics for ya all.

Lady's Human
10-08-2006, 09:18 AM
I'm raiding the bar, I need a drink, a large drink.


10-08-2006, 11:25 AM
I'm raiding the bar, I need a drink, a large drink.

I bet you do! How is LOH this morning? She's been in our thoughts and prayers.

Sunday breakfast anyone? Toasted sourdough, applewood smoked bacon and eggs anyway ya like em coming right up. Dark French roast coffee all around.

10-08-2006, 11:36 AM
nix on the coffee make it tea and I'll be a taker. just got all packed back up and waiting for Dugans dad to finish some calls.
Tell Jen hi hope she is feeling better.

Lady's Human
10-08-2006, 01:32 PM
LOH (Jen) is still in pain, the doc still doesn't know what the cause is. I officially requested a new doc this morning, another doc is supposed to see her this afternoon. (I blew after I got "We don't know, but her bloodwork is OK")

I'm maintaining, if it wasn't for the kids I would have lost my temper in the hospital.

10-08-2006, 04:09 PM
LH, I am so sorry that Jen and you are going through this.

Congrats on holding it together in front of the kids..........that's a tough one!

Please tell Jen that she has all of our prayers that they can get to the bottom of this horrible pain and get her well soon.

You can have whatever you want from the bar - Nothing is "to go" though - and no driving under the influence of Thursdays!

Lady's Human
10-08-2006, 08:59 PM
Just to update the denizens of the bar.....

We found out what was wrong tonight. Unfortunately, it means more (probably more invasive) sir-jury tomorrow. the clips that they used when they removed her gall bladder came off, and she has had bile (stomach acid) leaking into her abdomen. I'm relieved and absolutely livid all at the same time. :mad:

please keep the prayers coming.

10-08-2006, 10:58 PM
Now, if you are looking for quality entertainment - look no furtherhttp://petoftheday.com/talk/showthread.php?t=113699&page=1&pp=15 :D Sister Spice: does this mean we have a gig? :D I heard rumors we'll be paid with Black Forest cake...or maybe what they mean is "paid-off" to stuff our mouths with cake to keep us from singing? :confused:

We could sing a polka in honor of Oktoberfest:
"In heaven there is no beer, that's why we drink it here...
and when we're gone from here, our friends will be drinking all the beer!"

10-09-2006, 01:11 AM
LH: My dear friend Gini alerted me to this thread and the fact that LOH is in hospital. Please accept my apology for not replying sooner and please know that my prayers go out to Jen and yourself as you go through this mess. Do whatever you have to do to set the records straight.....but it's a pity that it has to be at your wife's expense and pain. I know what pain is about and it's not phun. Jen, I'm with you all the way and will be right there holding your hand.

I'll be watching for an update tomorrow.

slick xoxoxoxoxo

Lady's Human
10-09-2006, 01:43 AM
Lord, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change,
the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the
bodies of those I had to kill because they pissed me off.

Killearn Kitties
10-09-2006, 03:09 AM
:eek: Very best of luck to LOH in her surgery today. Let's hope everything goes absolutely according to plan this time. Please let her know that our thoughts are with her.

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 07:39 AM
Just updating:

Jen had surgery yesterday, and it appears everything went well this time. They're going to let her have breakfast this morning, and there is another round of tests scheduled for tomorrow morning. If all goes well, she will be released tomorrow afternoon.

Killearn Kitties
10-10-2006, 07:44 AM
Thank you so much for letting us know. I've been sitting here wondering whether to ask how it went. I know, I know, you've got more to think about than sitting chatting to us. My fingers are still crossed for a speedy recovery! :D

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 07:49 AM
Sitting and chatting is therapy.

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 07:54 AM
Just for an aside,

I'm sitting in the hospital yesterday, talking to LOH, waiting for them to come and take her into surgery. We were chatting about various things, and she comes out with....

"Hon, did I stack the wood right?"

I just broke out laughing. She said "I'm serious, I know you said to stack it like XYZ, did I do it right?"

I told her if she asked any more questions about the damned woodpile I was goign to give her a head start on the anesthesia. :rolleyes:

Killearn Kitties
10-10-2006, 08:07 AM
And DID she stack the wood right? :D She should be taking lessons from Orc! The strangest things come into your mind at these times. I remember my aunt sitting in hospital after an extremely bad car crash (she had taken two weeks just to come round) worrying about what we were going to do because it was a company car and they would need it back!

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 08:23 AM
She stacked the wood right, but evidently I lost count of scoops while I was making coffee this morning,...............Coffee........STRONG stuff.

Warning to anyone who grabs a cup from the bar, that junk is Army strength.

10-10-2006, 09:51 AM
Richard- being at Frankfurt Bookfair (the biggest German bar in October ;)) I missed this thread. Anyway you started it AFTER real Oktoberfest was over.
I would love to have you here next year in lederhosen. At Oktoberfest it's always good if your company scares the heck out of the drunk orcs in the night :D

10-10-2006, 12:07 PM
Warning to anyone who grabs a cup from the bar, that junk is Army strength. It's probably better than the stuff I'm famous for in my office - Nice & Crunchy! :D (It was a one-time accident, but the attorneys won't let me live it down :rolleyes: :p )

10-10-2006, 12:18 PM
Oh so you are starting another new trend eh? Crunchy coffee? Thanks, I think I will pass. It takes forever to get those coffee grounds out of your teeth!

LH - excellent news about LOH - we want EVERYONE on this board in good health for the holidays!

10-10-2006, 03:52 PM
LH - excellent news about LOH - we want EVERYONE on this board in good health for the holidays!
I'll drink to that gini but I'll stick to cider!!!
Can't drink coffee it upsets my stomach. Never did drink it so why did the insurance co I used to work for make me fix it for them every day? I'll confess I made it so strong it could walk on it's own, hoping they would make someone else make it. No such luck!!! :D

10-10-2006, 04:04 PM
"Hon, did I stack the wood right?"

LOL, I need to find a woman with that kind of attention to detail!

Hi everyone...I am back. :eek:

10-10-2006, 04:39 PM
Hey, Richard! You might wanna dilute some of that coffee - or make a new pot. If my brother say's its strong - that means it could probably be used to clean carburators!

And yup - the whole family thinks Jen is a keeper. The only mystery to us is that she married our brother. Like, on purpose!

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 08:00 PM
Well, Jen must be feeling better.......

She just told me to pop in at thursdays and buy a round for the house! :D

10-10-2006, 09:29 PM
LOH, thanks for the drink! I lift it in a special toast to you and LH.

I am so very sorry that you had to go through all of that pain - but hope that the problem is now repaired and you can heal properly.

We need you here to get ready for the Halloween Party and give us some costume ideas!

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 09:33 PM
Gini, She should be home tomorrow. :D :D :D :D :D

Not to sound sappy, but there's been a hole in both the house and me while she's been in the hospital.

Now to get her healthy before I go under the knife..... :rolleyes:

10-10-2006, 09:58 PM
Give me something strong. I need it. perhaps it will help me sleep. i haven't slept in two days and it's really starting to get on my nerves. So I am counting on you all to get me loaded so I just pass out LOL

Lady's Human
10-10-2006, 10:03 PM
One gallon jug of slushies for sparks.....DONE!

10-11-2006, 12:17 AM
Just got home from the long drive back. Glad to hear Jen is better. I'll skip the coffee also the passing out but a hot shower an a cup of cocoa are now on my agenda night all.

10-11-2006, 03:51 AM
Not to sound sappy, but there's been a hole in both the house and me while she's been in the hospital.

Now to get her healthy before I go under the knife..... :rolleyes:


I know who makes the coffee in your house... :D

NASA called and want the recipe! ;)


I think Sparks is asleep......

Go get the Magic Markers.... :eek:


I just took some mental health time off......God It's good to forget how to type......

10-11-2006, 07:34 AM

I know who makes the coffee in your house... :D

NASA called and want the recipe! ;)


I think Sparks is asleep......

Go get the Magic Markers.... :eek:


I just took some mental health time off......God It's good to forget how to type......

LOL I wish I was asleep.

Are you sure there was enough alcohol in that slushie? lol I haven't slept in three days LOL I feel drunk but I don't know if its the lack of sleep or the slushie lol.

I may just have to drink right from the bottle of tequila :D

LOL richard. when I was younger and had sleep overs we used to freeze the underwear ofthe person who fell asleep first :D LOL. they would wake up the next day and their only clean bra and underwear were frozen LOL