View Full Version : The drawer is OK, I guess...

10-02-2006, 04:32 PM
but next time leave some room for me to settle down.

Missy checks out a bureau drawer.

10-02-2006, 04:39 PM
I have the impression that Missy would like the drawer would be a bit deeper and maybe fur lined.
That would be a nice little place to sleep.

10-02-2006, 09:42 PM
What's the matter, Missy, not enough room for you to be comfortable in your neat new hidey place? You're right, that's just not fair! It's time for you to have a talk with your Meowmie about moving her stuff to some other place so that you can bring your toys in there, find a soft & snuggly blanket for naps, and we both know there has to be a spot where you can hide your nip. Good luck, sweetie!