View Full Version : Coco's getting spayed today!*She's HOME**

10-02-2006, 09:47 AM
Well just wanted to let everyone know i dropped coco off at the vet this morning @ about 6:45 to get spayed and we can go pick her up in about 2 hours or so! Ill let everyone know how it goes, im almost 100% sure everything is going well, i just miss her and cant wait to see her! bye everyone!

10-02-2006, 10:16 AM
Good luck Coco! Wow, she's not staying at the vet's long! :eek: All vets in our area require the dog to stay a full day to watch and make sure everything is alright.

10-02-2006, 11:29 AM
Woohoo! Good luck Coco!

Same here, BC, the vets here want to keep neuters all day as well and spays stay overnight (same for in Pendleton, Or.).

10-02-2006, 12:22 PM
Oooh, hope everything goes well and she's home in no time! :) :) :)

10-02-2006, 12:54 PM
i hope the surgery goes well. good luck Coco! :D

10-02-2006, 01:01 PM
coco's home now! all is well, she's crying alot! :( it makes me sad! she was crying when we picked her up and she's starving , she started eating cainans food when she got home but she isnt allowed to eat until tonite so we had to take it away from her! she's mad at me! she seems to be in good spirits but just needs alot of rest!!!

10-02-2006, 01:35 PM
aww..I hope she feels better soon! :) (((CoCo)))

10-02-2006, 02:38 PM
You can hand feed her a few kibbles.. if she keeps it down, you can give her a little bit more. It won't do any harm. :)

10-02-2006, 08:40 PM
I snuck some just cause she was looking so sad! shes feeling much better tonite! i had to go to work so andy(my boyfriend) stayed home from work with her and when i walked threw the door she actually jumped up on me, i was suprised! Now she's playing, i can tell she feels much MUCH better!!!YAY!

10-02-2006, 09:13 PM
You really shouldn't be letting her play with anyone or anything! Especially the day she had her surgery! She can rip her stitches!!

Very low-key excersise for the next 10 days! Use a crate if you need to.

10-02-2006, 09:26 PM
yeah, please keep her activitiy level to a minimum. I know it's hard to with a pup..but BC_Mom is right she could rip out her stitches and that would not be good. :(

10-03-2006, 08:04 AM
i never said she was running laps!! she is much larger than cainan so she lays on the floor and holds the rope and lets him tug at it! it doesnt buge her! you make it sound like im making her fetch the tennis ball! When i say playing most of the time it's coco laying on the ground with cainan snapping at her face and her swinger her head back and forth to avoid him biting her! I know to keep her playing to a minimum especially with the amount of crying she was doing during the day yesterday when her pain killers were wearing off, i just wasnt expecting to get jumped on when i walked into the house from work, dont worry everyone i told her to get down and take it easy!! I was totally shocked to even see her moving, since she didnt budge from where she was laying next to the couch when i left for work!