View Full Version : Peeing outside litter box

06-02-2002, 09:01 AM
:confused: One of my cats has been treated for chrystals and UTI's and is still peeing outside the litter box! I don't know why!

06-02-2002, 09:39 AM
ILUVMYCATS; Welcome to Pet Talk. I hope you find as many good comments and acquaintences as most of us have through this site facility.

There are many reasons for this behavior. To start with, how many cats do you have living with you? Does your UTI cat (you didn't mention a name) often pee in different places in the house or generally in one area? You might try to place another litter tray in the alternate area, where he usually goes. Even a temporary one would do, to check and see if this idea helps. Also, I am assuming that his original litter box is kept clean. If I forget to empty my cat's litter box and wash it out, they will usually begin to litter in other places other than in the designated litter place, especially the older cats. These are some ideas to check on. I hope they help :). Also, on the internet, there are many cat behavioral sites in which to learn about the reasons and rememdies for such behavior.


06-02-2002, 10:51 PM
Hi ILUVMYCATS and welcome to Pet Talk! Yes, what wayne mentioned are all important things to check first. UTI can be a very frustrating thing (for cat AND owner), and having a UTI boy myself, I can relate. Chances are, since your cat has been diagnosed with UTI, it could be that he is associating the litter box with the pain of UTI, so he is eliminating outside of the box hoping that the pain won't be there. The trouble is once that happens...those spots need to be cleaned with an enzymatic cleaner since the amonia of cat urine is so strong that a cat will smell it, and will continue to go there. If the cleaning doesn't curb the smell, try placing little bowls of food where the cat has eliminated...since cats usually don't like to eat where they eliminate.
Also, you may need to reacclimate your cat to its litter box if he has been avoiding it. Like wayne mentioned, keep it spotless! Our UTI boy is very picky (and I mean VERY picky!) about litterbox cleanliness. Maybe even put out an extra box, so he has multiple options.
Was this a recent diagnoses? Is your cat currently on antibiotics??
I sure hope some of the info helps, and do let us know some more background about your cat, so we may be able to give a better assessment. I know this can be a frustrating thing, so hang in there and give your baby some extra luvins!!

Again, welcome to Pet Talk!

06-07-2002, 07:46 PM
It's possible that your cat may not be using the litterbox if its routine changes. Has you or your cat moved? Or maybe you got another cat, and your first cat is marking its territory. Please keep me posted.

06-13-2002, 04:20 PM
There are different reason why cats are not using their litterbox, a medical problem, to be on the safe side and take the cat to the vet and if there is nothing wrong with the cat then their is a behavioural problem and that can be fix. If their are more then one cat in the household then their should be a littlerbox for every cat. Litterboxes should be in a good location, quiet spot where their not alot of traffic. Some cats are fussy about what litter you are using. Make sure the littlerbox is always clean because some cats hate using dirty litterbox. Hope that helps.