View Full Version : Please help me!!

09-29-2006, 11:58 AM
Hi Everyone! I have been a member of pettalk for sometime now but I mostly just read everybody's post. Anyway, I really need your help, advice right now.

My husband and I will be away for a month this December and I'm trying to find a place I could temporarily leave my 3 babies. The only place I checked so far was Petsmart Hotel at Whittier and my total would be close to $1,000.
I really don't have that much money so I was wondering if you would know a cheaper place? We're not really comfortable with somebody coming in to our home so we'd rather board the kitties.

If there's any information you can help me with, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks!!!!

09-29-2006, 12:40 PM
Have you asked your vet for recommendations? They often have a list ...

09-29-2006, 06:08 PM
I wish that you were close to the Found Cat Hotel.
They could have the spare bedroom, no charge.
You would just have to pay for thier food and litter.
We hope and pray that you can find a more reasonable place.

K & L
09-30-2006, 08:37 AM
With so many cats there's no way we can board (except the needy ones). We hire a vet tech from our vets office to come in twice a day and look in on things. This really works well since they're already familiar with the cats, they know what to look for as far as illness etc., and they've even sat and trimmed all their claws for us while they visited with them. Plus the fact we can thoroughly trust them being in our home.

09-30-2006, 08:47 AM
Do check with your vet. I had a vet tech come in for my group of kitties when I had to travel. That worked well, just as K&L said.

Also, there will be a list of pet sitters at your vet's. These people are licensed and bonded. Here in RI they also have to be licensed. Keeping multiple cats in your home is less expensive than boarding them. I had a great sitter for 4 years! They will insist on meeting with you and the cats in your home in advance. They will have a list of questions for you - vet's name and number, where you keep the food, litter and litter disposal, carrier. Where you will be and how to reach you. Which food to use, how often are treats OK to give, and so on. there is usually a set price per visit for 3 cats, with an "add on" price for more than 3.

A month is a LONG time. If you decide on this and leave them in their home, set a few clock radios to come on and play music - set them at different times, so it is not a silent house.

Many vets also offer boarding.

Good luck working on these arrangements!

10-02-2006, 12:22 PM
Thanks for the people who responded to my thread. I asked our vet already and he suggested the same boarding places that I checked already.

Anyway, I begged my dad and my sister to lend me their garage(converted to a room) for a month. It's just gonna be a 6 hr trip to Northern Cali but it seems to be the best option for now. I'll be home by thanksgiving so me and hubby are gonna clean up the garage and install a screen door so the air can come in. That way, the room should be ready by December when we bring in the gang. I feel bad that they are just gonna be in one room for a month but my sister has 4 indoor/outdoor kitties already and I couldn't risk any of my cats getting out.

I guess I have to find a good sitter in the future, months before I go on vacation. This one wasn't really planned that's why I wasn't able to cover all my bases. Anyway, thanks for all your help everyone!