View Full Version : Help with timid dog???

06-02-2002, 08:12 AM
Some very good friends of mine have a one-year-old cockapoo. This dog is very well-mannered and trained, but it is extremely timid. I have a one-year-old German Shepard who is very non-aggressive and gentle. When my friends visit,
the cockapoo is terrified of my dog (I can understand the size issue)and either
yelps and screams when the GSD approaches or the cockapoo fear-nips.

I personally feel that my friends coddle and spoil the cockapoo excessively. They let it hide in their lap or run over and pick it up if it so much as looks nervous. When we gradually introduce the dogs, they pick it up or let it hide at the first
sign of fear. My big issue is that whenever they visit my dog ends up outside in the yard, or gated in the kitchen, while the cockapoo gets run of the house, chews on my dogs bones, and gets to be around the humans simply because it is so timid. My question is... do you guys have any suggestions I can give them, or is it really none of my business and I should let it go. I'd appreciate the help.

06-02-2002, 09:46 AM
Babying a dog when it is afraid is the worst thing you can do. Babying just tells the dog that it's good to act like a moron when you're just a little bit afraid.

06-02-2002, 10:51 AM
I agree with Rottie!! Not only that, it is YOUR house. If anyone should be gated or outside it's the cockapoo. Next time gently suggest that they leave the little guy at home (at least that's what I would do...but then I'm pretty pushy). It sounds like he REALLY needs some socialization skills. Has he ever been to obedience school? Even if he has most of the skills necessary for being a good dog, he obviously doesn't know how to act with other people and other poochies, so perhaps a class full of dogs might help...the classes that I've seen are always pretty low key.

Ok, I'm off my soapbox AGAIN! lol

Good luck and keep us posted.

06-02-2002, 02:04 PM
Thx. It doesn't sound like I'm too off-base then. The cockapoo has been to an obediance class and is reported to have done pretty well. The owners also have done a ton of reading (ironically one has a Ph.D. in biology)so they have been exposed to most of the theories about dog training. It had been an apartment dog most of its life so its only exposure to other dogs have been under supervision of the overly protective parents.

Just to give you an idea, I suggested we bring my dog in a bit and let the cockapoo out in the yard (fully fenced). They nixed the idea because the cockapoo had never been outside by itself in the dark. Maybe I should say something but its kind of difficult b/c these are two of my best friends and it could be awkward.

Dixieland Dancer
06-03-2002, 10:57 AM
Originally posted by G-Diddy
Maybe I should say something but its kind of difficult b/c these are two of my best friends and it could be awkward.

I especially think best friends should be able to tell each other things even though it may be awkward. I find in my own relationship to my best friend that those conversations ultimately have brought us closer together.

Best wishes! :)