View Full Version : Bruiser

Lennie B.
06-01-2002, 11:22 PM
Bruiser, in all my years of observing cats, I've never seen one doing what you're doing in this picture! You must have a very flexible spine, not to mention a wonderful sense of humour to be able to lie in that position. :D How amazing that you were blown up onto your human's doorstep by a hurricane- you are definitely a Miracle Cat, as well as a Contortionist Cat! I know that, now that you have landed at your loving forever home, your days of being outside in the wind and rain are over! :) :) :)

06-02-2002, 12:16 AM
I have to agree with you Lennie B., i have never seen a cat lie in that postion either. That is just so cute.
Oh Bruiser, you stoled my heart today with the position you're lying in. I just can't get over it.
Congratulations on being our wonderful, adorable, sweet, flexible Cat of the Day.
Hope you get lots of special treats on your special day.:D

Gotta go back and take another look at that postion. It's just too much. I love it.

Dan Holder
06-02-2002, 04:35 AM
He's a beautiful kitty, and looks very happy to have found a home. In fact, he's so appreciative, he's apparently bending over backwards to please you. Good luck.

06-02-2002, 06:37 AM
:rolleyes: hey , ho did you do thet Bruiser ???
You can move like a snake ; so a new brand of kitties is born : snake-cats !!!
Congratulations on being COTD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

06-02-2002, 07:09 AM
OMG!!! It's a "gumby kitty!":D That's the most amazing position I've ever seen a kitty get into! Have you ever considered joining Cirque de Soleil sweetie??;) And Bruiser, although hurricaine Floyd brought much devestation and tragedy to many, I'm sure you're adoring family is very grateful for the day the winds of fate blew you onto their doorstep! You are one beautiful, magnificent kitty precious Bruiser; one who conquers many incredible feats, among them, garnering top honors as Pet Talk's Sunday Cat of the Day! Congratulations to you dear, sweet, beautiful Bruiser!

06-02-2002, 07:31 AM
Bruiser if you received today's special honor as Cat of the Day just merely for your ability to get yourself into that hilarious position that would have been good enough for me! But, the fact that you found your people after a hurricane (I wonder if Floyd might be a fitting middle name ;) ) and provide them with so much love and laughter each day is just the icing on the cake. AND of course there is the added fact that you are a fellow New Jersey kitty! YAY! Hats off to Bruiser our super duper Sunday Cat of the Day!

06-02-2002, 09:51 AM
My goodness Bruiser, what a handsome cat you are. I love that picture of you and I think you are quite unusual. It looks like you don't have a care in the world. Congratulations dear, sweet, handsome Bruiser Our Very Best Cat of the Day. I'm sure you will be getting some very special treats on your very special day.
Miss Daisy, Perry and Jackie

06-02-2002, 10:07 AM

AHHHH Sweet baby boy, you are my kind of kitty !!!
One with a lot of character & love for suprising your
folks.:D :D You sure are a Handsome kitty Bruiser, and
I'm very glad that you found a forever home where are
loved & return that affection with your playful antics.
Many congratulations on being chosen for honors today
as our CAT OF THE DAY !!!

06-02-2002, 10:34 AM
wow, that position he's lying in is just too much! what a cutie! i'm a sucker for adorable kitties! :D

06-02-2002, 02:21 PM
Wow! One day we have the dainty kitten with the curled day and the very next, the big Bruiser with the laid-out, almost straight over the back tail. My Little Guy - beloved be his memory - used to do that: sit at the foot of the refrigerator, looking up, and then all of a sudden in one great leap alight atop it.

And Hurricane Floyd - yes, I was there, sort of. Having finished up a little show in Maine I headed off for another down in New Bedford, MA - travel advisories be damned - dodging broken branches scattered about the road. When I reached New Bedford, the whole town was closed down and my little show was canceled. So it is good to know that as I was experiencing this wind and buffeting, as my show that I had traveled all the way from Alaska to deliver was being shut down, not far away a scraggly cat was being blown, tumbled, flung about in the wind until finally a fortuitous gust dropped him on a certain porch, where he found love and home.

Good for you, Bruiser - tough guy. I encourage you to continue surprising your caretakers with new and ever more bizarre behaviour, for, indeed, in so doing you spice up their lives.

06-02-2002, 02:43 PM
Wow! What a talented boy you are!!! Where did you learn to jump so high? Congratulations on landing at your forever home. Congrats on being our Cat of the Day too!:)

06-02-2002, 04:12 PM
I have to add one comment reagarding the statement, "Bruiser isn't like other cats." NO CAT is like other cats. That is what all cats have in common - none of them are like another. All cats are all individuals.

06-02-2002, 05:37 PM

Bruiser's Mom
06-02-2002, 05:51 PM
Bruiser says "mrrrrrow," which I think translates as "thanks for all your kind comments."

I consider myself very fortunate to have Bruiser in my life - as well as his two sisters, Thing One and Thing Two, who were also refugees from Hurricane Floyd. (For a horrible event, I came out very lucky indeed.) I hope Thing One and Thing Two will be Cats of the Day someday too.....all I have to do now is catch their antics on film!

06-02-2002, 10:46 PM

You are a beautiful, talented, fun-loving fur-baby. It is an honor to make your acquaintance. Hope to see more of you here at Pet Talk, you are a real acquistition here.

Congratulations as you reign as our Cat of the Day. Yippie!