View Full Version : Maxine

09-26-2006, 08:45 AM
Hello, everyone... the last time I posted must have been months ago, but I read every day. Pet Talk is addicting.
I'm making this thread to tell you about Maxine, a puppy that lives at the kennel that I work at. A co-worker found her on a busy street and no one is able to take her, or the very few that are willing are not a suitable home. Maxine is very well socialized, she absolutely loves playing with other dogs her size at the daycare/boarding facility. She is an extremely intelligent girl who has NEVER pottied in her kennel (Maxine resides in a "suite"... a small, puppy-sized room with plenty of privacy), or on the way outside... she has always pottied outside. Although she is current on all of her shots, she recently got over kennel cough and is feeling better than before. She will chew on your shoes and if you tell her no, she will bark at you and chew harder. Maxine is still very young, but I'm pretty sure she knows what "no!" means, she just chooses to talk back instead of listening. ;) Maxine has a mini-bed in her suite, with a bed frame that she hasn't even thought about chewing on. When you hold Maxine, she loves to take her arms and touch or "hit" everything you pass, makes me laugh every time. She is not yet spayed, but a co-worker of mine is starting a fund to do so. Maxine LOVES playing with all of the other dogs every day and having a nice warm bed, with fresh food and water.. but what she really needs is a home, with people who can spend time with JUST her. With someone who can take the time to teach her all of the puppy basics. It's very difficult to take time with Maxine, to try and teach her things, when there are so many other dogs that need us at the kennel as well. She loves attention and is very loving, and extremely playful. I do not have any pictures of her at this very moment, but I will be able to post some tomorrow morning. Please send a private message if you are interested in fostering or maybe even adopting Maxine. I live in the south and am willing to travel a good distance for her.
Thank you for reading.

Sorry, I meant to post this in General.

10-02-2006, 03:35 PM
I wish I could help and I hope she finds the home she deserves soon. you might get more hits if you post this in Dog General. :)