View Full Version : Rottie dumped at shelter with deformed jaw & skull.

09-26-2006, 08:10 AM
Another faceless piece of crap strikes again!!
I hope the people that dumped this pup are found and pay the price!!!


Shelter Calls It An Emergency Cruelty Case

POSTED: 7:00 am EDT September 26, 2006

LANCASTER, Ohio -- A dog in Ohio needs major surgery and a new home after being dumped at a humane society last month.

Sugar was left at the Fairfield Area Humane Society. Her face is deformed and her jaw is locked shut. Her tongue hangs out of the only open space in her mouth, and she can only eat liquid food.

Humane agents said they want to send Sugar to The Ohio State University for surgery that would allow her to eat normally, but the procedure costs about $2,500.

"She has to have liquid food, like a milk shake, and she laps it up. When she drinks, she sticks her face under the water and sucks it up," said Bill Huffman, a humane officer. "It's going to be an involved procedure and it's going to be expensive."

The shelter said that Sugar was dumped there after hours and may be the worst abuse case the shelter has ever seen. The Web site said Sugar has suffered severe injuries to her skull, making her head and face deformed. Her jaw is broken and she cannot open it -- not even to eat. It said many of her teeth have been broken out.

The shelter workers believe that whatever happened to Sugar happened several months ago because the bones have fused and healed together. This also means her jaw has been broken for months, which is why her bones are showing through her skin, the shelter said.

A story about Sugar ran in an Ohio newspaper, but everything changed last Monday morning when two women showed up at the humane society claiming to be the dog's owner.

Humane agents said they will talk to prosecutors to determine whether charges can be filed.

Until then, humane agents are trying to raise money for the dog's surgery.

Anyone who would like to help can contact the Fairfield Area Humane Society at 1721 Granville Pike in Lancaster, by phone at 740-687-0627 or by visiting its Web site.

(I changed the title to get the attention of more people)

09-26-2006, 08:23 AM
Thank you for posting!

I cross posted this news article on the Rottweiler forum that I belong to since this poor girl looks to be at least part rottie. Poor thing! Her face is so messed up.

09-26-2006, 08:46 AM
How aweful! :( :mad: Poor Sugar. I do hope the people responsible are found and brought to justice.

09-26-2006, 09:09 AM
Here is another article that I found. It tells a bit more then the previous one.

Supporting Sugar Abuse causes pain that surgery can't fix
The Eagle-Gazette Staff
[email protected]

Sugar, a 6-year-old Rottweiler, is fighting for her life after being dumped off at Fairfield Area Humane Society last week. After being beaten by what veterinarians think was a baseball bat, her jaw is broken and has since fused shut, making it impossible for her to open her mouth. Her surgery is estimated at $2,500. Bill Huffman, a humane officer, has been her primary care giver. E-G photo by Jessica Crossfield

LANCASTER - The worst case of animal abuse Breanne Lambert's ever seen was waiting for her when she got to the Fairfield Area Humane Society about two weeks ago.

Lambert got to work before the shelter opened. The parking lot was empty except for an abandoned rottweiler. The only clue to help the shelter find out where the dog came from was a red collar with the dog's name - Sugar Rae.

Sugar, as the shelter's employees started calling the dog, was abused by a bat or repetitive kicking.
The dog's jaw was broken by the abuse. It's not possible the dog could have been hit by a car because of the angle the jaw was hit, Lambert said. The teeth on the right side of Sugar's mouth were knocked out of alignment, so her tongue will permanently protrude out of her mouth.

The surgery that could save Sugar's life usually costs about $2,500. The shelter would rather spend the money it can't really afford to save Sugar's life rather than put her to sleep, Lambert said. A veterinarian will break her jaw so she can eat more and won't starve to death.

Lambert, director of the shelter, enjoys the part of her job that includes finding animals safe, happy homes. The part of trying to nurse sick, abused or sometimes dying animals back to health is heartbreaking.

"I just can't imagine what she lived through," Lambert said.

The bone supporting Sugar's eye socket was shattered and left to grow back on its own, which caused her right eye to drop lower than the left.

The damage from the dog's eye socket shattering probably took about two or three months, Lambert said. It would have caused excruciating pain because there was never any medical treatment, which is obvious by how the bones around the dog's eye grew back.

It's hard for Lambert to understand how anyone could do this to a pet or any animal.

She thinks Sugar was an indoor pet because her coat was clean and shiny when she was dropped off, unlike an outdoor animal whose coat would be matted or dirty.

The dog also knows how to sit and stay. Someone even took the time to house train her.

"It would have been more humane to put that dog down," Lambert said. "It shocks me the most that they wouldn't even spend the $70 to have her put down."

Abusing someone or something else is a sign that someone is in desperate need of psychological care, said Stephanie Miller, counselor for Charis Counseling and Psychological Services in Lancaster.

"It can start with animals and then to humans or vice verse, or both at the same time," Miller said.

Anger and domestic violence go hand in hand, she said. There is usually another issue or emotion that is underlying the anger. Looking deeper at what is behind the anger is important for preventing violent behaviors in some people.

Sugar can't eat regular food like the other shelter animals that are healthy. Employees at the shelter have to buy a special, liquid food for her. She can slurp it up with her tongue to get it through the small hole where her teeth were knocked sideways.

It was one of the only ways to feed Sugar that worked, said Bill Huffman, Fairfield County humane officer. Employees tried a turkey baster and a feeding tube, but more food got on them than in Sugar's mouth.

The form of her ribs can be seen through her black fur. What once could have been a healthy family dog is starving to death, Lambert said. The dog has gained about a pound since she was dumped at the humane society, but her frame still makes it obvious she's malnourished.

The shelter is searching for a veterinarian to perform a surgery on Sugar so the dog can open her mouth enough to eat more wet food. Otherwise, Lambert is afraid the dog will starve to death.

"You know she's hungry because whenever there's an empty cat food can thrown in the garbage, she starts sniffing at it," Lambert said.

The surgery won't solve all of the problems the abuse caused Sugar, but it will help save her life, Lambert said.

"She'll never be a beauty queen, but that's OK with us," she said. "The dog's too sweet to give up on."

09-26-2006, 09:19 AM
That poor sweet girl! That poor girl suffered all these months with no care for her injuries! I will definitely make a donation for her!
:mad: :mad: :mad: This really angers me!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: I hope they find out who did this to her. The laws will prevent this scum from getting what they deserve, but I'm sure they'll get the maximum punishment anyway. I just pray this masochist doesn't have any other pets. :eek: OMG, I hope they don't have children in their house, either. :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-26-2006, 02:49 PM
I don't even know what to say. I am sick to my stomach. I'm sitting here at work, tears streaming down my face, wishing I could run home and hug Roscoe right now. I looked through all of the pictures of Sugar, and she looks so very sweet. I would take her in a second. That poor dog, I just want to hug her.

Whoever did this needs serious psychological help. The image if someone using a baseball bat on her won't get out of my head. I am so :mad: right now..... :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

09-26-2006, 03:12 PM
poor dog

Queen of Poop
09-26-2006, 03:49 PM
Take a deep breath, no crying at work. I cannot believe that any one could do this kind of damage to another living thing. Give me 10 minutes with them in a locked room, we'll see how brave they are then!!! I'm so mad and upset it's not funny. That poor, sweet dog. :mad:

09-26-2006, 03:52 PM
OMG, that is absolutley disturbing. I feel so incredibally bad for her. She's in my thoughts & prayers. She looks like such a sweetie. It's such a shame.

09-26-2006, 04:08 PM
That is completely heartbreaking. I really don't understand people sometimes. How bad can someone's life be to beat a helpless and sweet dog senseless, then let her suffer with the injuries like that??? :mad:

It still amazes me, how an animal like Sugar, can endure such horrible/painful episodes in their life and still be loving. I sure hope the shelter can help her and find the sickos that are responsible for this poor/lovely dog's suffering!


09-26-2006, 04:43 PM
There was an article on an Indy news site also. :( How this dog must
have suffered, it's horrible. I did read another update that said two women
had come forward to claim the dog. I can't find the link right now or I'd
show it here. I'll keep looking for updates & hope this poor dog can be
helped to have a somewhat normal life.

09-26-2006, 06:01 PM

09-26-2006, 06:25 PM
Humane agents said they will talk to prosecutors to determine whether charges can be filed

To determine WHETHER charges can be filed??? Excuse me but since when did animal abuse not become against the law? I think the proper statement should be WHEN...WHEN charges can be filed.

UGH!! I get SOOOO pissed off when I read stuff like this. That poor dog!

09-26-2006, 06:33 PM
Thanks for posting!
That poor guy!!

09-26-2006, 08:46 PM
That is terrible. So sad.

09-26-2006, 11:14 PM
Nightmares for me. Tsk. Tsk. Poor baby.

09-27-2006, 12:09 AM
I have a friend that is local to the shelter who is looking into helping her out and said something about seeing about adopting her. He has no kids and a ton of rottweiler experience. He would be great for her.

Keep your fingers crossed.

09-27-2006, 07:09 AM
I have a friend that is local to the shelter who is looking into helping her out and said something about seeing about adopting her. He has no kids and a ton of rottweiler experience. He would be great for her.

Keep your fingers crossed.

OMG!! You're Kidding?!?!?!
I hope he gets her and she get the surgery she needs to live a normal life!
PLEASE keep us posted!!!!

09-27-2006, 07:17 AM
OMG!! You're Kidding?!?!?!
I hope he gets her and she get the surgery she needs to live a normal life!
PLEASE keep us posted!!!!

I certainly wouldn't kid about a thing like this.

I promise to keep you posted.

09-27-2006, 02:42 PM
Oh that is so sad.

I actually emailed the Ellen Degeneres show and told them about this dog and provided them with links. I asked if they could help raise money for this poor dog.

I hope she will help.

I know that seems silly but I don't know what else I can do to help.

09-27-2006, 04:18 PM
I have a friend that is local to the shelter who is looking into helping her out and said something about seeing about adopting her. He has no kids and a ton of rottweiler experience. He would be great for her.

Keep your fingers crossed.

OMG! That's awesome! :D Please do let us know what happens with your friend! :D

10-02-2006, 05:47 PM
My fingers are crossed. Yes. Do keep us posted! :D