View Full Version : Here are pictures of my family

09-22-2006, 05:29 PM
This is my first attempt at including photos in a thread. I have them as attachments; don't know if you will be able to see them.

The first photo is a family portrait from November, 2005. My Dad lives with me, so he is in the picture.

I am holding Ruffles, she is about 15. I am her 3rd owner. Her first owner died after 10 years. Her second owner moved into elder housing and was only permitted one cat; she had two. That is how Ruffles came to me.

Dad is holding Cuddles. Cuddles was a stray, picked up by the city shelter at about 6 months of age, and very pregnant. She was terrified of people. She had 2 lovely kittens, both were adopted. Then she was spayed. Then the shelter did a bad thing: they took in 3 baby raccoons and let people visit and pet them. It developed that one of the kits had rabies. So the shelter was closed and put into quarantine for 6 months. No one wanted to adopt Cuddles, because she was so terrified of people. When they adopt a new pet, they want to interact with it! When she had been at the shelter for 18 months (!) the animal control officer decided it was time to make room for a more adoptable feline. The receptionist phoned me to hurry down. She gave Cuddles to me; no paper work, no adoption fee. Just handed me the cat and her medical records! At 2 years old, she was in a home for perhaps the first time in her life. Cuddles has been living with us for 14 months. She is still making progress. Just being out of the cage and in a room was terrifying for her. It took her 3 weeks to come out of the carrier and be comfortable in a room. A whole house? That took more time. She will come to me in the middle of the night for some petting. We still are not permitted to look at her or talk to her in daylight. She wants to be invisible. Her mad cap scampers to safety under the bed are fewer each week, thank goodness.

Santa is holding Vita (on the left of the photo). She is now 9, a former city shelter cat. She picked ME, no doubt about that. I was the only person - employee OR volunteer - she would come out of her cage to. She is petite, but she is the Alpha female around here, the Queen of this Colony.

Santa is also holding Crystal (on the right, next to me and Ruffles). She is now 16 months old, in the photo she was just 6 mos. My first calico. What a different personality on her! My neighbor's son found her, a wee thing just 2 pounds of jitters, in a grocery store parking lot.

We had to call Mrs. Claus to help, she was in the kitchen baking for Santa and the elves.

Mrs. Claus is holding Sparkle, she is 10 next month. She is also from the city shelter, she is my second cat ever. She is a peach, a true "mommy's girl." Dad has lived with us 5 years and she still ignores him.

On Mrs. Claus' lap is Chestnut, currently the only male. He is now 8. I found him in the parking lot of the apartment complex I was living at. He was under a pound, had anemia from flea infestation, eye and ear infections, ear mites, just one very unhappy little baby. I took him in to work with me for 3 days, to keep an eye on him, give him all his medications. Now look at him! A big man, all grown up.

All are spayed / neutered. Ruffles is front declawed, but that was her first owner's doing, not mine.

Six cats, and Dad and I agreed that was enough. But I worry about the homeless ones. So in June 2006, I signed up to be a foster mom. Within half an hour of my first foster cat's arrival, I had to call and tell them this was a bad idea; take me off the foster mom list; take her off the adoption list.

So in the second picture, you see the newest member of my family, Ebony. She is about a year old. She was found as a pregnant stray. Her pregnancy was terminated and she was spayed. She gets along fine with everyone EXCEPT the calico, Crystal. They are about the same age. Crystal is the only one who has not had to adjust to a new addition before. And she has decided that Ebony is NOT going to stay, even though it has been 8 weeks. The water spray bottle is still getting a work out. But we are making progress.

About being a foster mom: my not being able to do this was news ONLY to me. My aunt laughed so hard she dropped the phone. One friend said, "for a smart lady, you sure don't know much about yourself!" And everyone who knows me was startled that I thought I could really do this. Hats off to all of you who DO foster them; I am not cut out for it. Dad says we got off easy; 3 weeks earlier, I had been asked to foster a litter of 5 whose mom was killed by a car; we were leaving town the next morning and I didn't think the timing was right.

We travel a lot. Dad may have moved in with me 5 years ago, but he won't let go of (his) my mom's house (she died 12 years ago). So we travel back and forth. THE ENTIRE FAMILY. My little Honda Civic with 7 cat carriers on the back seat.

I hope this introduction is not too long!

09-22-2006, 05:48 PM
Its wonderful not only to see photos of your Cats, but your Dad as well.
And your Cats are a lot calmer around Mr and Mrs Santa Claus that the Found Cats would ever be.
Thank You for sharing.

Prairie Purrs
09-22-2006, 05:51 PM
Welcome to PT! :D

What a wonderful family portrait! You have a beautiful assortment of kitties. I've got a few "failed fosters" myself--rescued strays and ferals who somehow ended up staying. ;)

Please post more pictures of (and tell more stories about) your girls and boy! :D

09-22-2006, 06:02 PM
Welcome to PT.You have lovely kittys.

09-22-2006, 06:04 PM
What a beautiful family portrait! It's so nice to have you and your family here with us on PT! What wonderful stories of how your babies came to you. Don't feel alone, there are plenty of us here who are "foster failures" just like yourself! ;) :D


Don Juan's mom
09-22-2006, 06:30 PM
Oh, those black beauties do have a way of bewitching us, don't they. I just happened to walk into the Petsmart adoption center.... a strange force drew me to the cage in the top right corner.... and I just had to give her an ear scratch.... and ask if she'd like to be called "Zerlina".... ;)

My Zerlina has white "bikini" markings on her tummy. Does your former foster have any markings, or is she nose-to-tail-tip black?


09-22-2006, 07:25 PM
Mostly, Ebony is a sleek shiny black. She has 5 or 6 white hairs under each front leg, up in the arm pit area, and about 12 white hairs on her lower tummy. I guess they ARE bikini markings, I never thought of it like that! I keep thinking it is more of Ruffles' white hair, which seems to be on Ebony every moment. So I try to brush them off, ha ha. They are just so few that it is hard to be sure they belong there.

Ebony is a chatterbox. Has been since the moment she was carried into my home. She just NEVER stops. Meows, mews, trills, any sound a cat can make, she makes it. And when she is REALLY unhappy - hungry, or riding in the car - she makes this awful metallic twang sound, like a saw in a country band. It goes RIGHT through my head.

K & L
09-22-2006, 08:08 PM
I love the Christmas photos and your story. Bless you for taking Cuddles in!

09-22-2006, 08:56 PM
Welcome to PT!!!:) It's nice to meet you and your furfamily and hear about their stories.:)

09-23-2006, 03:25 AM
What a great story and pictures thank you so much for sharing! I love the family photograph, and all the cats posing so well and being so well behaved.
If only santa brought cats every year, just maybe I'd believe in him again!! hehe

09-23-2006, 02:49 PM
This is an annual fund raiser we do for our volunteer animal rescue. It brings in about $1500 per year. We run a TNR program for feral colonies, and a low cost spay/neuter clinic, among other things.

A local credit union donates their office space for a Saturday and Sunday. A professional pet photographer donates her time. She comes early Sat. AM and sets up her lights and camera. She does a different background scene each year. Santa & Mrs. Claus - a real husband and wife couple - donate their time to pet fundraisers from Oct 15th to Dec 21st each year. We have had this photographer, and this Santa & Mrs. Claus for 18 years!

We set appointments, every 15 minutes. You can do just the pets, or pets and people. With or without Mrs. Claus. When you are inside for your "sitting," only you, your pets, and the volunteers are in there. Everyone else is waiting outside in their cars. So you don't have to worry about dogs being around your cats. After the shoot, (the photographer takes 3 or 4 and SHE picks which poses is best), you order: 8x10, 5x7, wallets, Christmas cards, etc. There are 3 or four packages. You do not see any proofs, the photographer picks the best one.

We have a lot of repeat customers.

I have volunteered for 5 years now, the 2 days, to help pose the animals. Great fun, a lot of work. Most of us wear shorts and T's as we are working under the hot lights with the furry ones. I love working with all of them!

My group of 6 cats last year was the largest cat group we have ever done. We have a family of 9 shelties who come every other year. That is the largest dog group. Many families are mixes, with dogs and cats. We also have birds, ferrets, guinea pigs. One family who comes annually brings their 2 dogs, one cat, and a house-trained rooster! The rooster uses the cat's litter box! His hens are outdoors, none of them has figured out how to use that yet, so they don't come to the photos either.

Time for your shoot, you and your entourage enter the front doors of the credit union. The photographer always has a wide variety of bandannas, necklaces, bows and ribbons. Many people bring their own ornaments, as well. In my picture, I made the jester - style collars that my 6 cats are wearing.

After your pictures are taken, you move further into the credit union to the back offices, where you place your order. Then you leave by the rear door and walk around the building back to the parking lot and your car. Ideally, we never have any group encountering any other group.

It takes a minimum of 7 volunteers to coordinate it all. Plus the photographer brings at least 2 people with her.

About 2 weeks later, a group of 5 gets together one evening to put all the orders together. The next morning, everyone picks up their orders.

It is hard work, lots of fun. The pets are wonderful. The owners, well, there are those you want to strangle!!!!