View Full Version : tracy how is Lucifer and his brother doing after their neuter?

09-20-2006, 02:24 PM
Sorry my mind went blank on the deaf one's name. Didn't they get neutered?
And how are all the others? Are they feeling better?
Please update.

09-20-2006, 05:16 PM
The Found Cats and I are curious too.
We are praying those Kitties are doing well.

09-20-2006, 08:22 PM
Haven't heard from you in a few days Tracy. I pray all is well.

09-20-2006, 09:14 PM
Yes, I too would like to know and I was also thinking about them the other day. Please update us about them when you can Tracy.:)

09-21-2006, 03:11 PM
Yes, I would like to know how they are all doing as well.


09-21-2006, 11:57 PM
Sorry guys. I went in hiding for a few days. I had to reschedule the apts. They went in today. Lucifer, Sampson, and Honey (my female) went in. They were all neutered, vaccinated, and tested negative for FIV/FELV. They are recovering in their kennels. Coco, the Chi mix was nuetered as well. I have apts. for the next five weeks to get the rest altered, vaccinated, and tested. Money provided of course...have to wait till I can afford it. Icess, the deaf male, has...go figure...RINGWORMS! And so do I! Just dandy! So when he is better, he will go in as well.

I will be posting more things on ebay this weekend. Again, sorry for not updating you guys sooner. I will be around with more updates soon. Thank you everybody sooooooo much for all your help.

09-22-2006, 04:02 AM
Tracy - I'm very glad and relieved that you stopped by to let us know how you are doing since I've been concerned about you. Congratulations on the successful spay/neuters and testing. Commiserations on the additional ringworm case, poor Iccess. And major commiserations on your own case of ringworm which is going to make you afraid to touch your own family :( Your ringworm will go away very quickly, but it's an itchy nuisance for a while. I'm still having to wear heavy rubber gloves while in their room, and typing in them is a royal pain, because I got a serious case of contact dermatitis from some new cleaning stuff I used when ringworm hit my home. I'm holding my breath that Ashley doesn't get it before the other two are healed because that would extend the isolation on and on.

Good luck on the future spay/neuters and testing. Inch by painful inch, you are getting to your goals.

09-22-2006, 10:33 AM
Tracy - I'm very glad and relieved that you stopped by to let us know how you are doing since I've been concerned about you. Congratulations on the successful spay/neuters and testing. Commiserations on the additional ringworm case, poor Iccess. And major commiserations on your own case of ringworm which is going to make you afraid to touch your own family :( Your ringworm will go away very quickly, but it's an itchy nuisance for a while. I'm still having to wear heavy rubber gloves while in their room, and typing in them is a royal pain, because I got a serious case of contact dermatitis from some new cleaning stuff I used when ringworm hit my home. I'm holding my breath that Ashley doesn't get it before the other two are healed because that would extend the isolation on and on.

Good luck on the future spay/neuters and testing. Inch by painful inch, you are getting to your goals.

Thank you Lizzie. This ringworm does itch like crazy. Can I pass it to my kids? I am so worried about that. Shade, the little gray girl that I pulled with Icess, has it as well. I think it is just going to keep going and going...when will it end! I have the ringworm on my thigh, my side, and my arm...three places, but only one circle on each. How I got it there is beyond me! My leg...I wear pants in the room! Figures my luck! Yikes!!

Other then that all is well. The kits seem to be healing nicely. It has only been one day, but they are in better spirits today. Coco is sad. He hates his cone collar! Poor pup. He will be okay though. Well, I will be updating again soon.

09-22-2006, 10:50 AM
Sorry about the ringworm! Yes, it is highly contagious, particularly to kids!

Great job on all the neutering / spaying and vaccinations, hats off to you for your good work!


09-22-2006, 11:19 AM
Sorry about the ringworm! Yes, it is highly contagious, particularly to kids!

Great job on all the neutering / spaying and vaccinations, hats off to you for your good work!

Not good. Do you know what I can do to make sure they don't get it? I am glad I am getting all these cats taken care of, I just need to find them homes now. That is another hard task.

09-22-2006, 11:46 AM
Tracy - all I can think of is that you peel off your clothes right by your washer and wash them separately in warm-hot water, or drop them straight into a plastic bag which you can carry to your washer. My vet told me that the spores are in the air, so you can't protect your children completely.

09-22-2006, 11:51 AM
Tracy - all I can think of is that you peel off your clothes right by your washer and wash them separately in warm-hot water, or drop them straight into a plastic bag which you can carry to your washer. My vet told me that the spores are in the air, so you can't protect your children completely.

This is not good. I am so stressed out about this. I can't have my boys get this.

09-25-2006, 12:28 AM
Four more kits have ringworm....when will this madness end!???