View Full Version : pregnancy and dreams

09-18-2006, 01:33 PM
I've been dreaming so much since being pregnant. I rarely used to dream (that I can remember anyway). Now every night I wake up at least once because of a dream.

I've had 3 dreams that I had to dive into water to save a calico kitten. The first dream I was diving into a lake to get the kitten, the second 2 dreams were with a pool in place of the lake. It's always a calico kitten though.

My dreams usually have to do with water. I've also had a couple dreams that I was at a water park.

Did anyone else dream a lot more when they were pregnant?

09-18-2006, 01:35 PM
I don't remember having any dreams, unless you count, "get him outta here, now!".

However, I have studied dreams and their interpretive messages alot. Your dreams mean that your water will break in such a manner that even your kitty will be scared. :D

09-18-2006, 01:51 PM
How Well I remember those "pregnancy dreams"

water, water, water!!!! :eek:

Then after wards, I would dream that the baby is in bed with me and that I can't find it among the covers, or, that I have rolled over, on top of the baby!!( I still have baby dreams from time to time) :rolleyes:

My husband and I often laughed about the dreams I told him all about, when I was pregnant!!!

But, I am a firm believer in Dream Analysis!!! I found this site for you to read at your leisure.


09-18-2006, 02:18 PM
However, I have studied dreams and their interpretive messages alot. Your dreams mean that your water will break in such a manner that even your kitty will be scared. :D Oh man, I hope not. :eek:

Thanks for the article Dorothy. It mentioned both the water and baby animals (like the kitten in my dreams). I'd heard before that pregnant women dream a lot, but I had no idea it was about specific things. I really enjoyed that article, it helped me feel less weird about my dreams. I need to show it to my husband, he thinks my dreams are weird too.

09-18-2006, 02:51 PM
Thats funny because I think I dreamt of water also and my sister was in to dream analysis and told me that was peaceful. I loved being pregnant, I guess after trying for 9 years to conceive I was ready.

09-18-2006, 02:54 PM
I interpreted it differently, the dream is telling you that the little one floating around in your tummy is a girl since almost all calicos are girls! :D

Ally Cat's Mommy
09-18-2006, 03:00 PM
I loved being pregnant, I guess after trying for 9 years to conceive I was ready.

Caseysmom - we have something in common - I LOVE being pregnant whereas most people I talk to can't wait to "have their bodies back to themselves"..... I'd fall pregnant tomorrow if not for the issues raised by my RA meds! :(

I DO like Kim's (catnapper) interpretation though - maybe another PT Princess on the way!!!!

(BTW a couple of nights ago a pregnant friend of mine dreamed that she was cleaning the kitchen floor with CREAM and I was riding on her back!! LOL)

09-18-2006, 03:13 PM
YES! my dreams have been so vivid, and oftentimes, downright SCARY. :eek: Very real nightmares, and I wake up and can't figure out if it was real and happened yesterday, or if it was just a dream. :eek:

09-18-2006, 03:18 PM
[QUOTE=(BTM a couple of nights ago a pregnant friend of mine dreamed that she was cleaning the kitchen floor with CREAM and I was riding on her back!! LOL)[/QUOTE]

Oh my god I needed a good laugh today thank you so much, I just about spit out my coffee :eek:

09-18-2006, 04:23 PM
Thats funny because I think I dreamt of water also and my sister was in to dream analysis and told me that was peaceful. I loved being pregnant, I guess after trying for 9 years to conceive I was ready. I hope water is peaceful. My water park dreams are really nice, I'm just floating in the lazy river with my husband next to me. My dreams of having the kitten isn't quite as peaceful, but I do always save the kitten, so it's not really a bad dream.

I interpreted it differently, the dream is telling you that the little one floating around in your tummy is a girl since almost all calicos are girls! :D
I like that. My husband and sister both want it to be a girl, everyone else wants a boy.

YES! my dreams have been so vivid, and oftentimes, downright SCARY. :eek: Very real nightmares, and I wake up and can't figure out if it was real and happened yesterday, or if it was just a dream. :eek: I've woken up scared once or twice, but I can't remember those dreams.

BTW a couple of nights ago a pregnant friend of mine dreamed that she was cleaning the kitchen floor with CREAM and I was riding on her back!! LOL That had me laughing pretty good too.

09-18-2006, 05:43 PM
On a sidenote, how have you been feeling??? Also, are you planning on finding out what you are going to have?

We are planning on finding out, but the Doc. has pushed our big ultrasound date to the first week in November (I will be ~26 weeks). :p

09-18-2006, 06:38 PM
On a sidenote, how have you been feeling??? Also, are you planning on finding out what you are going to have?

We are planning on finding out, but the Doc. has pushed our big ultrasound date to the first week in November (I will be ~26 weeks). :p

I've felt pretty good for the most part.
We definitely want to know what we're having. We meet with our midwife tomorrow for the first time. We've talked to her on the phone and we really like her. I'm both excited and nervous. We hope to have a home birth, we definitely feel it's what's right for us. For the most part I don't think our family is too keen on the idea, though they won't say anything to us about it (thankfully).

09-18-2006, 06:45 PM
I've obviously never been pregnant, but I already have vivid and weird dreams now. I can't imagine what they'll be like when I am pregnant. :rolleyes: :D :eek:

09-18-2006, 08:18 PM
I've felt pretty good for the most part.
We definitely want to know what we're having. We meet with our midwife tomorrow for the first time. We've talked to her on the phone and we really like her. I'm both excited and nervous. We hope to have a home birth, we definitely feel it's what's right for us. For the most part I don't think our family is too keen on the idea, though they won't say anything to us about it (thankfully).

I think its awesome that you are considering homebirth. I just watched a video the other night that my sister-in-law lent to me, (unfortunately I can't remember the name of it). But the emphasis was definitely on natural birth (no meds, no c-sections) and an emphasis on waterbirth. I would consider doing a homebirth, but I really like my Dr. and so for my first, I am planning on having a hospital birth, but with waterbirth therapy (they don't let you actually give birth in the water, but they let you labor in it).

09-19-2006, 09:53 AM
I had more dreams also - no water dreams though. I recall giving birth to kittens ;) The funny part is that it felt quite normal and I was not surprised and was quite proud of my kittens!!

Interestly enough - as my children are now having babies - I have recently started having some similar dreams....giving birth myself and baby related dreams.

I love reading that some of you are considering home and'or natural childbirth. My three were born in this way at a time when it was not common or encouraged. DIL Chris (chrangharris) will soon deliver in a home-like setting with the big water tub there for labor. I believe this way will be so much more comfortable for mom and on baby. too :)