View Full Version : Cats travelling with cats...

05-31-2002, 05:07 PM
I have 1 cat, Bo, who is absolutely scared of everything, :( , 1 cat who's a fiesty one, Jesse... 2 cats that absolutely LOVE eachother (Sweetness & L.i.B.B.K.), 1 cat that just doesn't care (Mullay) and one cat who's got an attitude for all the other cats, Hannah. And one more cat, Simon, who's separated from the rest of 'em. As some of you know, I'm moving to Missouri tomorrow... that means driving 10 LONG hours all the way there w/ cats, dogs, guinea pigs, fish and a cold-blooded iguana!!!!!! But the cats... I've got 4 cat carriers, one to fit 3 cats, one to fit 2 cats and 2 carriers to fit only one. Without question, Simon and Jesse are travelling alone. But that leaves Bo, LiBBK,Sweetness , Hannah and Mullay. Hannah&Mullay hate eachother. Mullay doesn't really "like" any other cat, and Hannah doesn't really, either. LiBBK and Sweetness are definitely going together. But who should I put with them... Hannah, Mullay or Bo? Bo won't really care- he'll be too scared to realize who's with him. I'm thinking Sweetness and LiBBK and Mullay. Then Hannah and Bo? Sound good to you? Too confusing??? :confused: :( Well tell me what ya think... 'ppreciate it. :) :) :)

05-31-2002, 05:16 PM
Where is Zippie-Kat when we need her? :D

Sorry, this does sound desperately like one of those puzzles where some things MUST be put together and some definately not ... the ones that give me headaches. Zippie's quite good at these, if she's on these days?

Your proposed solution sounds like it's an excellent one. Good luck on the move. Fingers and paws crossed here that all goes well for ALL of you.

05-31-2002, 07:07 PM
JGuitaristR, please let us know how your move went especially with all of your felines. I am considering moving away from here and going to another state (possibly Kansas) to retire. All of my furkids reasonably get along with each other in the house, but who knows how they will react when placed all together in the back of a pick-up truck with a camper shell, with a 1600 mile trip ahead of them? Of course, I plan to have food, litter box, and plenty of blankets for them to ride on. I hope they will get along with each other as they do in this house. :p


05-31-2002, 10:14 PM
Thanks guys :) :) :) I'll let you all know as soon as I can how the trip went. I'm really scared of how my Iguana is going to react since she seriously doesn't appreciate change. One time when she had change, SHE changed. Used to be the sweetest little girl...(I was away at the time, brother moved cage from shelf to in front of window)... that girl hissed, tail-whipped and bit. Poor baby has a scar on the tip of her face where she ran into her glass cage so hard. Thankfully she's back to her normal-self after much patience and love. But back to the cats, sorry got carried away. ;) I will definitely let you all know how the trip went as soon as I get the chance. Unfortunately, I'm leaving the computer behind (It's not mine) and the only computer I can access is one at someone's job. wayne0214, I hope all goes well on your trip (if you decide to go) with all of your furkids. And thank you, AmberLee. :) :D :) Well guys, I've got a long day ahead of me tomorrow, gotta get some sleep. Until we meet again, be safe&good. Can't wait to hear 'bout all your furkids when I get back. TTYL.

06-01-2002, 06:53 PM
I have to say moving with kitties has to be one of the worst experiences I've ever had..Shadow and Callie cried the whole 8 hrs. from CA here to AZ and Whisper hid underneath the car seat. I'm actually planning on moving back east for grad school in a year and am absolutely dreading the move with my babies. I think I'm going to have to sedate them for the 2/3 days it takes me to drive...what would anyone suggestion?

06-01-2002, 11:51 PM
Suggestions: Separate carriers with food, water, and small litter boxes(aluminin pans work well) for Shadow and Callie. Let Whisper go back under the car seat again and...ear plugs for Sarah. Helps if they are leach trained and you can stop and walk em. Guess you know not to let them loose otherwise. Years ago before we were thirty years into cat and cat traveling behavior, my husband and son let one of ours out on the Alaskan Highway and it took them a day to locate her. She stayed with us after that for 18 years though. Oh, helps if every so often you stop and speak sweetly to them, like you do at home even though every instinct wants to shout otherwise.......;) Or play mellow music on the car radio or stero.

06-03-2002, 07:31 AM
I am wondering if it wouldn't be best to place some kind of item, with the traveling furkids, so they can hide while traveling? Remembering when I took some of my pets to the vet's (25 miles away), that they were the most quiet when they couldn't see what was going on out side. I noticed the same thing when I "captured" Aby Queen's kittens with a blanket, the only time, during the short "rescue", that they didn't squall and fight is when I had them burried in a blanket, so they could't see what was happening.:)
